  • 人类在第二次世界大战的废墟上重建和平,近百个国家摆脱了殖民主义枷锁,获得了民族独立,可以毫不张地说,这是世界人权事业取得的最大的成果。
    Mankind reestablished peace on the ruins of World War II, and nearly 100 nations attained national independence by breaking free of colonial shackles, which can be said without exaggeration to be the greatest achievement of the world human rights cause.
  • 大的或受到影响的虔诚。
    exaggerated or affected piety.
  • 假虔诚虚伪或张的虔诚
    Affected or exaggerated piety.
  • 尊重;夸奖
    To regard with respect; prize.
  • 大广告耸人听闻的或大肆宣传的广告
    Sensational or clamorous advertising.
  • 张的广告为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题
    An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.
  • 奉承者表示赞扬或不加思索地大别人的人;谄媚的人
    One who expresses or promotes thoughtless praise; an adulator.
  • 张地说,投机商多得很,他们买下土地,然后放它个一两年,再以几倍于以前的价格卖出去。
    Speculators are thick on the ground-literally speaking. They buy up land, sit on it for a year of two and resell for several times what they paid.
  • 自吹自擂,自讲话中炫耀自己;以自我欣赏的方式说话
    To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way.
  • 如果你认为很晚才融入欧洲历史的芬兰不像其他国家那样有那么多值得耀的古迹和艺术作品,那你就会更加敬佩芬兰人对过去及传统的珍视。
    This attention to things of the past and to tradition is even more admirable if you think that Finland,which entered late into European history,does not have the enormous number of monuments and works of art,which other countries can boast about.
  • 约翰聪明有礼,又知分寸,总之,他值得奖。
    John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is admirable.
  • 决议草案是这样说的:在中国“革命胜利后,党内一部分干部滋长着一种极端危险的骄傲情绪,他们因为工作中的若干成绩就冲昏了头脑,忘记了共产党员所必须具有的谦逊态度和自我批评精神,大个人的作用,强调个人的威信,自以为天下第一,只能听人奉承赞扬,不能受人批评监督,对批评者实行压制和报复,甚至把自己所领导的地区和部门有意地或无意地看作个人的资本和独立王国”。
    The draft resolution puts it this way, "After victory in the revolution, a number of Party cadres have developed extremely dangerous conceit and complacency. They have let the achievements in their work go to their heads, forgetting about the modest attitude and the spirit of self-criticism that all Communists should possess. They consider themselves number on in the world, being ready to accept flattery and praise but not criticism and supervision. They suppress criticism and retaliate against those who criticize them and even go so far as to intentionally or unintentionally regard the areas and departments under their leadership as their personal property and independent kingdom."
  • 我们要的不是附和奖的人,而是能帮我们改进机构的人
    We want someone not just to cheerlead but to help us revamp our organization.
  • ☆鼓励孩子为自己的成功欢呼雀跃--告诉他们庆贺自己的成就能够激励他人,做法可以既不耀自己也不贬低他人。
    Encourage them to revel in their successes -- teach them that celebrating achievements can inspire others and that it can be done in a way that doesn't sound like bragging and doesn't make other people feel small.
  • 有些人如此嗜张成瘾,致使他们不撒谎就说不出真话来。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can not tell the truth without lying.
  • 有些人如此嗜张成瘾,至使他们不撒谎就说不出真话来。
    There are people so addicted to exaggeration that they can't tell the truth without lying.
  • 在膜拜中对仪式或典礼重要性的大。
    exaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship.
  • 演得过火过于张地演某角色;演得过火
    To exaggerate a role; overplay.
  • 爱绘声绘色地张事实
    Given to colourful romancing
  • 大的、言过其实的谎言。
    tell romantic or exaggerated lies.
  • 其谈了--说实际的吧。
    Don't romanticize stick to the facts.
  • 实话实说,不要大其辞!
    Keep to the facts and stop romanticizing!
  • 张表演的笨拙的演员。
    an unskilled actor who overacts.
  • 能够损害他人的虚假耀;特别是(以前可以提起法律诉讼的)与某人结婚的虚假说法。
    a false boast that can harm others; especially a false claim to be married to someone (formerly actionable at law).
  • 毫不张地说,我对他的话感到吃惊。
    I am surprised at what he said, to say the least.
  • 毫不张地说,我对他的话感到吃惊。
    I was surprised at what he said, to say the least.
  • 卖主皆夸已货好。
    Every salesman boast of his own ware.
  • 医生以他惯用的正确而不张的语气说:“到礼拜四你就会感觉好一些”。
    ' You will feel better by Thursday, ' says the doctor with his accustom literalness.
  • 据17世纪荷兰海员记述,在印度尼西亚,绿海龟多得可以踩着它们的后背从一个岛走到另一个岛,科学家们认为这并不张。
    Scientists believe that 17th?century Dutch seafarers were barely exaggerating w hen they wrote of being able to walk from one Indonesian island to another acros s the back of green turtles.
  • 但是,切不可过分张自己的成就,切不可把我们的事情说得太美满了。
    However, under no circumstances should we exaggerate our achievements or regard our accomplishments as superb.
  • 虚荣心,虚对某人的外观或成就的过分骄傲;自大
    Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments; conceit.
  • 毫不张的说,我在文秘方面受过严密的训练,越是难度大的工作越能激起我的工作热情。
    I have so trained myself in secretarial work that only exacting problems are interesting to me.