  • 直立的、部分是攀爬的一种香草,有大的绿色或色的树叶。
    erect or partially climbing herb having large green or variegated leaves.
  • 曼斯菲尔德美国俄亥俄州中北部一城市,位于阿克伦的西南偏南方,于1808年首次被查勘。该城出产种产品。人口50,627
    A city of north-central Ohio west-southwest of Akron. First surveyed in1808, it manufactures a wide variety of products. Population,50, 627.
  • 火棘属的任何一种刺的灌木,开白色的小花,果实坚硬、红色至桔红色。
    any of various thorny shrubs of the genus Pyracantha bearing small white flowers followed by hard red or orange-red berries.
  • 要想弄清楚大金字塔究竟有大相当困难。
    It is very hard to realize just how big the Great Pyramid is.
  • 年生灌木,具有大的星状黄花,组成狭窄的金字塔状聚伞花序。
    perennial shrub having large star-shaped yellow flowers in narrowly pyramidal cymes.
  • 由于放射性元素的发现,物理学家们第一次发现自己面临许陌生的物质——许具有巨大的浓缩能量的、能够发生辐射的细微物质,如射线,即带正电荷的氦原子小射线,即带负电荷的电子。它们具有一种人力不能赋予的动能。还有,射线,它与具有极强穿透力的x射线类似。
    With the discovery of the radio-elements, physicists found themselves for the first time confronted with strange substances, minute generators of radiation endowed with an enormous concentration of energy; alpha rays, positively charged helium atoms, beta rays, negatively charged electrons, both possessed of a kinetic energy which it would be impossible to communicate to them by human agency, and finally, gamma rays, akin to very penetrating X-rays.
  • 中国年生有巨大的总状花序,开有玫瑰色脉络的白花,根辛辣,药用或作调味品。
    Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose-veined white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring.
  • 对照这些地区的经验,提倡创意,建议为学生“松绑”,改变年来以考试为主导的方式,并且鼓励学生研读跨领域的学科,似乎是大家共朝的方向。
    The orientation of Hong Kong's reform, however, is akin to those of other places. Here, too, creativity is being emphasised, schoolwork burdens cut down, teaching made less exam-oriented, and students encouraged to take courses in various fields.This seems to be the general trend nowadays.
  •  9月17日,(美国)国家地理频道现场直播了位于开罗郊外的"大金字塔"内部的探秘过程。这一举动引起了很人对考古的兴趣。
    The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid, outside Cairo, on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology.
  • 有许学者似乎生活于不同的时代里,相距年,然而他们思想的方法和他们的情感却那么相似,使人在一本书里读到他们的文字时,好象看见自己的肖像一样。
    Scholars seem to have lived in different ages, separated by centuries, and yet their modes of thinking and feeling were so akin that their coming together across the pages of a book was like a person finding his own image.
  • 金字塔是由许大石块建成的。
    The pyramids are made of blocks of stone.
  • 我觉得在过去的3000年当中,古埃及人试图让我们由这些塔顶构成的画面想象出他们是如何修建金字塔的。"
    "I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for 3000 years that this is how they built the pyramids."
  • 加龙河位于法国西南部的一条河,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,与波尔湾北部的涅河汇集形成吉伦特海湾
    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.
  • 吖?,连氮由六种元素构成的杂环化合物,如氮苯(吡啶),它由一个或更的氮原子构成,呈环状结构,类似苯的结构
    A six-membered heterocyclic compound, such as pyridine, that contains one or more atoms of nitrogen with a ring structure resembling that of benzene.
  • 有毒的非金属元素,有种同素异形体,稳定且有金属特性的灰色同素异形体用于光电池,其在亮处的导电性比在暗处好,见于硫化物矿石中。
    a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable gray metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite).
  • 巨蟒一种巨蟒类无毒蛇,主要分布在亚洲,非洲和澳大利亚地区捕食方式是缠住猎物并使其窒息而死巨蟒通常体长达6米或更(20英尺)
    Any of various nonvenomous snakes of the family Pythonidae, found chiefly in Asia, Africa, and Australia, that coil around and suffocate their prey. Pythons often attain lengths of6 meters(20 feet) or more.
  • 哈卡塔尔首都,临波斯湾。在1949年生产石油以前系小村庄。城市人口190,000
    The capital of Qatar, on the Persian Gulf. It was a tiny village before oil production began in1949. Population,190, 000.
  • 中国对外经济贸易合作部副部长龙永图表示在卡塔尔哈举行的会议上入世已不成问题。
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation Long Yongtu revealed that accession would be approved at the meeting in Doha,Qatar.
  • 在11月9~13日于哈召开的第四次部长会议上,中国代表团将在11月11日签署入世所需的全部文件。
    China's head delegate signed all the related WTO documents on Nov.11 during the organization's fourth Ministerial Conference in Qatar from Nov.9 to 13."
  • 二零零一年十一月,世贸组织于卡塔尔哈举行第四次部长级会议。会上通过开展新一轮边贸易谈判。对此,香港特区表示欢迎。
    The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha, Qatar in November.
  • 在2001-2002年期间,三次世界会议讨论了这些问题:第四次世界贸易组织部长级会议(卡塔尔哈)、发展筹资问题国际会议(墨西哥蒙特雷)和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议(南非约翰内斯堡)。
    During 2001-2002, these issues were addressed at three world conferences: the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (Doha, Qatar); the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey, Mexico); and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa).
  • 经历次失望之后,他对江湖医生失去了信心。
    After so many disappointments, he finds it hard to have faith in quack doctors.
  • 双桅横帆船有两根桅杆的帆船,每个桅杆上都有横帆,载有两个或更的前帆和一个四边形的斜桁帆或在后桅的尾部装有后樯纵帆
    A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast.
  • des支持72万亿种可能的钥匙,我们这个星球上每个男人、女人和孩子都可以分到100万种可能的钥匙。
    DES supports 7.2 quadrillion possible keys more than a million possible keys for every man, woman and child on the planet.
  • 农业翻番不能只靠粮食,主要靠种经营。
    Nevertheless, we cannot rely solely on increases in grain production to quadruple agricultural production as a whole; We must rely primarily on diversification.
  • 到目前为止,聪格斯先生[争取选民支持]相当成功——这些选民半与他背景相同——因为他的沉重,不上镜头的相貌,以及淳朴的言词投合很选民的心意。他们觉得在里根与布什当政数年的浪费与浮夸之后,应该卧薪尝胆。
    So far, Mr.Tsongas has succeeded—mostly with voters whose background is similar to his own—because his dour, untelegenic visage and unvarnished rhetoric suits the mood of many voters who feel they have to take their medicine, after the airy excesses and inflated promises of the Reagan-Bush years.
  • 在过去的十年中,在中国的外国投资翻了两番还
    The foreign investment in China has more than quadrupled in the past decade.
  • 1995年与1949年相比,粮食总产量增长了3倍,年均递增3.1%。
    Total grain output in 1995 more than quadrupled the 1949 figure, or an average increase of 3.1 percent a year.
  • 如果于四胞胎,新生儿将不能正常成长或可能死亡。
    If you make more then quadruplets the newborns will not grow properly and probably die.
  • 从理论上讲,同样的方法可产生三胞胎、四胞胎或更
    In theory it is possible to make triplets,quadruplets and more by the same way.
  • 我看,到本世纪末我们肯定会超过翻两番的目标,到那个时候我们经济力量强了,就可以拿出比较的钱来更新装备。
    I am certain that by the end of the century we can surpass the goal of quadrupling the GNP. At that time, when we are strong economically, we shall be able to spend more money on updating equipment.
  • 有同志反映:在同林彪、“四人帮”的斗争中,政治干部上当受骗甚至陷进去的,从数量上说,比其他干部
    Some comrades say that in the struggle against Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, more political cadres were duped -- or even "trapped in the quagmire" -- than others.