  • 非洲熱帶和部非常大的蟒蛇。
    very large python of tropical and southern Africa.
  • 船尾座位於大犬星座和羅盤星座附近的半球星座
    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Canis Major and Pyxis.
  • 船(星座)從前的一個半球星座,位於大犬座與十字座之間,現分四個較小星座,船底座,船尾座,羅盤座及船帆座
    Formerly, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, lying between Canis Major and the Southern Cross, now divided into four smaller constellations, Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela.
  • 阿拉伯半島亞洲西部的一個半島,位於紅海與波斯灣之間。政治上它包括沙特阿拉伯、也門、阿曼、阿聯酋、卡塔爾、巴林及科威特。據估計,阿拉伯半島擁有世界儲油量的三分之一
    A peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Politically, it includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Arabia has an estimated one third of the world's oil reserves.
  • 在2001-2002年期間,三次世界會議討論了這些問題:第四次世界貿易組織部長級會議(卡塔爾多哈)、發展籌資問題國際會議(墨西哥蒙特雷)和可持續發展問題世界首腦會議(非約翰內斯堡)。
    During 2001-2002, these issues were addressed at three world conferences: the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (Doha, Qatar); the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey, Mexico); and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa).
  • 最後,遠處東邊是樊尚林苑及其七座四角塔樓;邊是比塞特及其尖頂小塔;
    Finally, far away to the east, Vincennes, and its seven quadrangular towers to the south, Bic阾re and its pointed turrets;
  • 兩棲類四足食草恐竜,頸長而細,鞭形尾;白堊紀主要生活在半球。
    amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere.
  • 白氏斑馬一種(非野驢馬屬)似斑馬的哺乳動物,原産於非,自19世紀後期以來就絶種了
    A zebralike mammal(Equus quagga) of southern Africa, extinct since the late19th century.
  • 歐亞大陸部和非洲北部象鵪鶉的陸地生小鳥,無後腳趾;被歸為涉水鳥類但經常在大草原上棲息。
    small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and North Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains.
  • 一種像鵪鶉的中美洲有冠的山鶉;有時被放入不同的一個亞科或與之有聯繫。
    genus of Central and South American crested partridges resembling quails; sometimes placed in a distinct subfamily or isolated in a distinct family.
  • 下次地震可能會引起同樣大的海嘯,但同時還讓人擔心的是,亞卡塔加角離阿拉斯加輸油管端距離還不到100英裏。
    The next quake is likely to do the same, and another worry is that cape Yakataga is less than 100 miles from the southern end of the Alaska pipeline.
  • 阿萊恩斯美國俄亥俄州東北部一城市,位於揚斯敦西部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  • 非隊和巴拉圭隊在得分和淨剩球上都是相同的,但是由於非隊僅有5個進球,比巴拉圭少了一球,因而未能進入第二輪比賽。
    South Africa and Paraguay finished tied on points for the qualifying second place and were also level on goal difference. But Paraguay went through by dint of scoring six goals to South Africa's five.
  • 20世紀80年代中期到晚期,在美洲砍伐森林的速率突然迅猛下降,主要是由於巴西經濟和稅收政策的變化。但是在非洲和東亞,儘管數量很少,砍伐的速度依然很高。
    In the middle- to-late 1980s, the rates of deforestation in South America slowed dramatically, largely due to economic and tax policy changes in Brazil, but the pace of cuffing in Africa and Southeast Asia, though poorly quantified, remains high.
  • 那架飛機正往南飛。
    The airplane was flying south.
  • 飛機嚮東南方向飛去
    The airplane flew toward southeast.
  • 你好,這是方航空公司,需要幫忙嗎?
    Hello. This is South Airlines Company. May I help you?
  • 拉特蘭美國佛蒙特州中部一城市,位於蒙彼利埃西部。此區有大理石露天礦場。人口18,230
    A city of central Vermont south-southwest of Montpelier. There are marble quarries in the area. Population,18, 230.
  • 阿爾馬加拿大魁北剋中部城市,在薩格內河一側,在此地有大理石采石場。人口26,322
    A city of south-central Quebec, Canada, on the Saguenay River. There are granite quarries in the area. Population,26, 322.
  • 香港的港竜航空有限公司和中國6間航空公司,即中國方航空公司、中國國際航空公司、東方航空公司、中國西航空公司、北方航空公司和西北航空公司,經營來往香港與內地的定期及不定期班機服務。現時,每周共有逾700班航機往返香港與內地40個目的地。
    One of Hong Kong's carriers, Hong Kong Dragon Airlines, and six Chinese airlines - China Southern Airlines, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southwest Airlines, China Northern Airlines and China Northwest Airlines - operate more than 700 flight movements a week in scheduled and non-scheduled services between Hong Kong and 40 destinations in China.
  • 航訂票處,我可以幫你嗎?
    South Airlines Flight Reservation. May I help you?
  • 方航空公司班機有票,9點20分起飛。
    The flight of South Airlines leaves at 9:20.
  • 傑夫:警方在法國西小城帕米爾斯對駐紮在當地的荷蘭車隊tvm進行突然檢查。
    Jeff: The police undertook a sudden search to the Dutch TVM team, which was quartered at Pamils, a small town in southwest France.
  • 魁北剋省部的一城市,位於聖勞倫斯河畔;魁北剋省最大城市,加拿大第二大城市;世界上說法語人數第二的城市。
    a city in southern Quebec province on the Saint Lawrence River; the largest city in Quebec and 2nd largest in Canada; the 2nd largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • 安茹加拿大魁北剋部的一個城鎮,蒙特利爾的郊區,人口37,346
    A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Montreal. Population,37, 346.
  • 加拿大首都,位於跨越發源於魁北剋省的渥太華河的安大略湖的東
    the capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec).
  • 凡爾登加拿大魁北剋省部的一個城市,它是蒙特利爾的一個住宅郊區,位於蒙特利爾島上。人口61,287
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on Montreal Island. Population,61, 287.
  • 格蘭貝加拿大魁北剋省部城市,位於蒙特利爾以東,製造業中心。人口38,069
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, east of Montreal. It is a manufacturing center. Population,38, 069.
  • 赫爾加拿大魁北剋省西城市,和安大略省的渥太華市相對。有一個水力發電站和一些紙漿廠、造紙廠以及木材廠。人口56,225
    A city of southwest Quebec, Canada, opposite Ottawa, Ontario. It has a hydroelectric station and pulp, paper, and lumber mills. Population,56, 225.
  • 希爾布魯剋加拿大魁北剋省部的一個城市,位於聖弗朗索瓦河畔,蒙特利爾東部。它是一個貿易與製造中心。人口74,075
    A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. Fran鏾is River east of Montreal. It is a trade and manufacturing center. Population,74, 075.
  • 加蒂諾加拿大魁北剋西部一鎮,赫爾的東北部,靠近加蒂諾河的河口,大約長386公裏(240英裏),發源於勞倫琴高原,大致以西流嚮註入渥太華河。此城市是一工業中心。人口74,988
    A town of southwest Quebec, Canada, northeast of Hull near the mouth of the Gatineau River, about386 km(240 mi) long. The river rises in the Laurentian Plateau and flows generally southwest to the Ottawa River. The city is an industrial center. Population,74, 988.
  • 破斧樹兩種美喬木中的任意一種,白堅木,其樹皮用於製藥或紅破斧木,其木材是製造丹寧的最豐富的原料之一
    Either of two South American trees, Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco whose bark is used in medicine, or Schinopsis lorentzii whose wood is one of the richest sources of tannin.