  • 《千金翼方》
    Supplement to Invaluable Prescriptions for Ready Reference
  • 革命的政治家们,懂得革命的政治科学或政治艺术的政治专门家们,他们只是万万的群众政治家的领袖,他们的任务在于把群众政治家的意见集中起来,加以提炼,再使之回到群众中去,为群众所接受,所实践,而不是闭门造车,自作聪明,只此一家,别无分店的那种贵族式的所谓“政治家”,——这是无产阶级政治家同腐朽了的资产阶级政治家的原则区别。
    Revolutionary statesmen, the political specialists who know the science or art of revolutionary politics, are simply the leaders of millions upon millions of statesmen -- the masses. Their task is to collect the opinions of these mass statesmen, sift and refine them, and return them to the masses, who then take them and put them into practice. They are therefore not the kind of aristocratic "statesmen" who work behind closed doors and fancy they have a monopoly of wisdom. Herein lies the difference in principle between proletarian statesmen and decadent bourgeois statesmen.
  • 单单钢的精炼设备就可能值两万英镑。
    The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty million pound.
  • 我们业经规定红军每营用四连制,每连步枪七十五枝,加上特务连,机关枪连,迫击炮连,团部和三个营部,每团有步枪一零七十五枝。
    We have laid it down that each battalion of the Red Army should consist of four companies, each with 75 rifles, and, counting the rifles of the special task company, machine-gun company, trench-mortar company, regimental headquarters and the three battalion headquarters, each regiment will have 1,075 rifles.
  • 对已形成品牌的标志性体育活动-春季环城跑、卢沟桥醒狮杯国际长跑日、万人自行车环城赛、万人武术活动、健身操大赛、少儿趣味运动会、三大球振兴中华杯系列赛、中小学生足球队赛等,要在发展中创新,逐步扩展,成为具有较大国际影响和良好社会效益的体育活动。
    The Spring Round-the-City Running, the Lion International Long-Distance Day at Lugou Bridge, the Round-the-City Cycling Race with 10,000 participants, the wushu (martial arts) exhibition with 10,000 participants, the aerobics contests, the children's interesting games, the "Rejuvenate China Cup" series of basketball, football and volleyball matches, and 1,000-team football tournament for primary and secondary school students, which have already become brand symbolic sports activities, will have new innovations and be gradually developed into sports activities with fairly large international influence and good social benefit.
  • 一九九九年十一月中,财政司司长办公室、财经事务局、金融监管机构、交易所和结算所等机构进行了一次大型的联合演习,以测试有关过渡公元二年的紧急应变机制。
    A full-scale rehearsal of the Year 2000 emergency response mechanism was conducted in mid-November, involving the Financial Secretary's Office, the Financial Services Bureau (FSB), the financial regulators, the exchanges and clearing houses.
  • 早在过渡公元二年之前,香港所有受相关的金融监管机构监管的银行、保险公司、证券及期货交易所的会员,以及其他金融中介机构,均报称已完成所有重要系统修正及内部测试的工作。
    In the run-up to the transition, all banks, insurance companies, members of the stock and futures exchanges and other financial intermediaries under the supervision of the respective financial regulators reported that they had completed modification and internal testing of all their mission-critical systems.
  • 鉴于过渡公元二年对金融服务业和社会整体经济的影响深远,政府在一九九八年三月成立督导委员会,协调政府、金融监管机构和业界解决电脑公元二年数位问题的工作,尽量确保整体金融服务业能做好准备,迈向公元二年。
    Given the importance of the Year 2000 issue and the significant impact it might have on the financial services sector and the economy as a whole, the Government set up a steering committee in March 1998 to co-ordinate the efforts of the Government, financial regulators and the industry in ensuring as far as possible that the financial services sector as a whole was ready in time for the millennium date change.
  • 禧年说宣称耶稣统治地球一年的教义
    The doctrine stating that Jesus will reign on earth for1, 000 years.
  • 这些森林生长繁茂已有万年之久。
    These forests have reigned supreme for countless millennia.
  • 江河堤防加固工程开工3.5万公里,完成了长达3500多公里的长江干堤和近公里的黄河堤防加固工程,防洪能力大大增强。
    Work on reinforcing 35,000 km of river embankments was started. Over 3,500 km of main dikes of the Yangtze River and nearly 1,000 km of dikes of the Yellow River have been reinforced, and their capacity to withstand floods has been greatly increased.
  • 佩特于1873年出版的论列奥纳多的文章描写《蒙娜·丽莎》时用了壮丽散文中的庄重语调,在开头部分,他说:“如此神奇地在水边出现的仪态表达了百年来男人所追求的东西。”《蒙娜·丽莎》被重新塑造成了浪漫主义中引诱男人堕落的“妖冶女人。”
    Pater's great essay on Leonardo, published in 1873, describes the Mona Lisa in grand tones of magnificent prose beginning: The presence that rose thus so strangely beside the waters is expressive of what, in the ways of a thousand years, men had come to desire, Mona Lisa is reinvented as the femme fatale of Romanticism.
  • 一磅铀所含的释放能量要比一五百吨的煤还多。
    One pound of uranium carries more releasable energy than 1, 500 tons of coal.
  • 这是一个惊人的故事——这个1962年始创于阿肯色州乡村地区的沃尔玛百货公司在今年一跃登上了《财富》500强的榜首。公司创始人萨姆·沃尔顿一面方百计提高销售额,一面以先进的信息技术降低成本。他以严格的“10英尺规则”(向在这距离之内的顾客致意)鼓励员工提高销售质量。换句话说,他是当今经济戒律——服务规则——的第一位传道者。事实上,沃尔玛百货公司是第一个跃居《财富》500强榜首的服务业公司。1955年,当《财富》杂志第一次公布美国最大公司的排名时,沃尔玛甚至尚未问世。那一年,通用汽车公司是美国最大的公司,此后不是通用汽车公司就是另一个大公司——埃克森公司独占鳌头。
    It’s a stunning tale -- one that propelled Wal-Mart from rural Arkansas,where it was founded in 1962,to the top of the Fortune 500 this year.Sam Walton,Wal-Mart’s founder,pushed sales growth relentlessly while squeezing costs with sophisticated information technology.He exhorted employees to sell better with the“ten-foot rule”(greet customers if they are that close).He was,in other words,an early evangelist for the first commandment of today’s economy:Service rules.Wal-Mart,in fact,is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500.When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995,Wal-Mart didn’t even exist.That year General Motors was America’s biggest company,and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial,Exxon,was NO.1.
  • 我们在做广告方面已经花了六美元。
    We had already expended six thousand dollars in advertisement.
  • 非洲西南干旱地区的巨大神奇植物,芜菁状树干、深邃的主根和木质带状硬树叶;已长期绝迹的物种的活化石;有些品种的寿命已经有七百至五年。
    curious plant of arid regions of southwestern Africa having a yard-high and yard-wide turniplike trunk with a deep taproot and two large persistent woody straplike leaves growing from the base; living relic of a flora long disappeared; some may be 700-5000 years old.
  • 大减价的广告登出后,上的人涌入商店。
    When the sale was advertised, hundreds of customers flocked into the department store.
  • 万不要照牌价购买汽车,总得讲讲价才是.
    Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain.
  • 股民对这家公司的信心一落丈。
    The stockholders’ confidence in this company has fallen off remarkably.
  • 年来人们就认识到植物对疾病的疗效,由于越来越多的人选择到很远的地方去做更具冒险性的度假方式,所以本地的药物正在世界范围内受到更加广泛的注意。
    The healing power of plants has been recognized for thousands of years and as greater numbers of us embrace more adventurous holidays to far-flung parts,local remedies are receiving more global attention.
  • 很少有科学家会怀疑,位于墨西哥海峡水下那个数百米宽的陨石坑就是那次撞击的遗迹。
    Few scientists will argue that the remnants of an ancient crater, dubbed the impact basin and hundreds of kilometers, wide, exist below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 据说房子改建费将达数美元。
    They say that the cost of remodeling the building will run into thousands of dollars.
  • 像这样一些世界上公认有水平的人,中国有一个就了不得。
    It would be advantageous for China to have one thousand such talented people whose authority is generally recognized by the world.
  • 她这房子年租金是二四百元。
    The yearly rental of her house is 2400 yuan.
  • 这个条约的主要内容是:中国向八国赔偿银四亿五万两,承认帝国主义国家有在北京和北京至天津、山海关一带地区驻兵的特权。
    its main provisions were that China had to pay those countries the huge sum of 450 million taels of silver as war reparations and grant them the special privilege of stationing troops in Peking and in the area from Peking to Tientsin and Shanhaikuan.
  • 在变化万的年代,学校并不足以让我们掌握成长以后所需的所有知识和技能。
    In an era of breathtaking changes, it is no longer possible to acquire in school all the skills and knowledge that adulthood will require.
  • (市场)将出现五类硬件产品,为向兆位过渡服务,它们是兆位以太网卡(nic)、连接100兆和1兆位/秒以太网段的混合交换机、全兆位以太网交换机、全兆位以太网中继器和兆位使能的路由器。
    Five types of hardware will appear to serve the gigabit migration: Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards (NIC), aggregating switches that connect 100M and 1G bit/sec Ethernet segments, all-gigabit Ethernet switches, all-gigabit Ethernet repeaters and gigabit-enabled routers.
  • 斤顶将车子的后部抬起,以便更换轮胎
    Jacked the rear of the car to replace the tire.
  • 斯佩尔曼介绍说,在生日宴会当天,数名游客共同分享了一块巨型蛋糕,蛋糕上面不仅有竹子点缀,还有栩栩如生的熊猫造型呢。梅香喜滋滋地舔食着一块中间放有水果的冰块。
    As thousands of guests ate slices of a cake decorated with bamboo and replicas of the pandas, Mei Xiang lapped at a block of ice with fruit in the middle.
  • 李先生千古!
    Eternal repose to Mr. Li!
  • 大型水库北京密云、抚顺大伙房、吉林松花湖、天津于桥、湖北丹江口、合肥董铺、青岛崂山、烟台门楼、汉口石门和杭州岛湖10座大型水库中,岛湖和丹江口水库为ⅰ类水质,于桥水库和松花湖为ⅲ类水质,其余6座水库为ⅱ类水质,大型水库水质总体良好。
    Large Reservoirs In the ten large-sized reservoirs – Miyun in Beijing, Dahuofang in Fushun, Songhua Lake in Jilin, Yuqiao in Tianjin, Danjiangkou in Hubei, Dongpu in Hefei, Laoshan in Qingdao, Menlou in Yantai, Shimen in Hankou and Qiandao Lake Hangzhou, the water quality of the Qiandao Lake and Danjiangkou Reservoir is at Grade I; Yuqiao Reservoir and Songhua Lake are at Grade III; and the other six ones are at Grade II. The overall water quality of the large reservoirs is good.
  • 另一方面,围绕冰冠周围残余冰块的裂缝和环形痕迹也说明了在过去的几年里火星上失去了大量的水。
    on the other hand, the fissures and ring of residual ice around the perimeter of the cap suggest it has lost a great deal of water over the millennia.