Chinese English Sentence:
  • 描述其他规怎样使用的规(如汇编语言)。
    a rule that describes how other rules should be used (as in AI).
  • 我们坚持反对帝国主义、霸权主义、殖民主义和种族主义,维护世界和平,在和平共处五项原的基础上,积极发展同世界各国的关系和经济文化往来。
    We have gone on opposing imperialism, hegemonism, colonialism and racism, working to safeguard world peace, and actively developing relations, including economic and cultural exchanges, with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
  • 把船开到河中心去,否我们就要搁浅了。
    Keep us out into the centre of the stream or we'll run us aground.
  • 给你的散热器充水,否引擎会过热。
    Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.
  • 至于远距离的分兵,要在好一点的环境和在比较健全的领导机关两个条件之下才有可能。
    As to dividing our forces over a wide radius, it is possible only on the two conditions that circumstances are comparatively favourable and the leading bodies fairly strong.
  • 所有这些放射性材料都放出有害的射线,小致癌,大能致死。
    All the radioactive materials give off the harmful radioactive which can be deadly at high levels.
  • 工作原理传统的放射治疗是从几个方向用大量的放射性光束来攻击肿瘤,而“孔雀’是用计算机和ct扫描仪计算出肿瘤的精确角度和辐射吸收剂量。
    How it works: Instead of hilling a tumor with large beams of radiation from only a few directions, as is done with conventional radiotherapy, PEACOCK calculates precise angles and dosed using a computer and CT scan.
  • 打倒帝国主义的口号和整个中国资产阶级民主革命的彻底的纲领,是中国共产党提出的;而土地革命的实行,是中国共产党单独进行的。
    It was the Chinese Communist Party that put forward the slogan "Down with imperialism" and the thoroughgoing programme for the whole bourgeois-democratic revolution, and it was the Chinese Communist Party alone that carried out the Agrarian Revolution.
  • 全是一些令人感到沮丧的负面报道。所幸还有一有如黑暗中指引明灯,令人感到鼓舞的正面新闻。莱佛士女子中学以学生的福利为重,为了让一名患上计算障碍症的学生,和其他同学一起参加“o”水准考试,导致学校无法保持往年100%的骄人及格率。
    Against such depressing backdrop, the news report of the prestigious Raffles Girls' School placing the welfare of a student with learning disability above its academic excellence shone as a beacon worthy of emulation by others.By allowing this student to sit the O-level examination, the school failed to repeat its proud record of 100% passes.
  • 共产主义的全部民主革命政纲中有彻底实现人民权力、八小时工作制和彻底的土地革命纲领,三民主义没有这些部分。
    The communist programme for the whole course of the democratic revolution includes full rights for the people, the eight-hour working day and a thorough agrarian revolution, whereas the Three People's Principles do not.
  • 冬季,这里是个滑雪胜地;夏季是远足、漂流、垂钓以及乘船旅行的绝佳去处。
    In winter it's a ski resort, in summer an enchanting place from which to plan walks, river rafting, fishing and boat trips.
  • 土地革命是彻底的民生主义。
    the Agrarian Revolution is the thoroughgoing application of the Principle of People's Livelihood.
  • 在排版技术中,指行的一边竖直地排齐而另一边参差不齐的情况
    In printing, lines of type that line up vertically on one side but are ragged on the other.
  • “hawa”意为传统的家园,“-ii”表示小而愤怒。
    “Hawa” means a traditional homeland, and “-ii” means both small and raging.
  • 法律的改变由那些无原的政客们施加不正当的压力,在国会上强行通过了。
    Changes in the law were railroaded through Parliament by unprincipled politicians.
  • 在英国,时事评论员和政策制定者都对美国的新国际关系原感到兴奋,那是美国总统乔治·w·布什在西点军校的毕业典礼讲话中披露的。
    In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U.S.doctrine,unveiled by President George W.Bush in a commencement address at West Point.
  • 他的妈妈在著一件风雨衣,拎着一个饰着世界地图的手包。
    she wore a raincoat and carried a handbag illustrated with a map of the world.
  • 在设计和装饰爱巢这方面,雪球是个苛求的领导,而阳光满脸兴奋地按雪球的指挥竭尽全力地把东西放好。
    Snowball was a very exacting supervisor in designing and decorating their nest just so, while Sunshine, his face aglow with love, bent over backward to put everything just where she ordered.
  • 虽然十月的总雨量只有112.8毫米,比正常少32.0毫米,但自本年一月一日起的累积雨量达3329.4毫米,比正常高55%,也超过了一九八二年录得3247.5毫米的最高年雨量纪录。
    Rainfall in October amounted to only 112.8 millimetres or 32 millimetres below average. However, the accumulated rainfall since January 1 of 3 329.4 millimetres was 55 per cent above the normal figure, surpassing the previous record maximum annual rainfall of 3247.5 millimetres set in 1982.
  • 本港各区的每年平均雨量差别颇大,横澜岛约为1300毫米,而大帽山附近超过3000毫米。
    The mean annual rainfall ranges from around 1 300 millimetresat Waglan Island to more than 3 000 millimetres around TaiMo Shan.
  • 天文台在七月一日发出了黑色暴雨警告;而红色暴雨警告在七月首三天均有发出。
    A Rainstorm Black Warning was issued on July 1 and Rainstorm Red Warnings were required on the first three days of the month.
  • 坏女人会埋怨好多男人,而好女人只埋怨一个男人。
    A bad woman raises hell with a good many men while a good woman raises hell with only one.
  • 而如何防止颜色的退变和老化,是又一门很深的独立学问。
    But we have another profound and independent branch of learning to deal with--how to prevent color from fading and aging.
  • 以一种散漫的或不规的方式进行,出现,或扩展。
    go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way.
  • 交谈不同,它是一种漫淡,内容有重复的,陈述有时不清晰,思路时而中断。
    Conversation is different. It rambles, material overlaps, statements aren’t always clear, the thread gets lost.
  • 性病没有被查出,其后果轻身体长期不适,重不孕甚至死亡。
    The physical ramifications of an undetected STD range from chronic discomfort to sterilization or death.
  • 龟在陆地上行动笨拙,在水里很灵活。
    On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it is very agile.
  • 一个富翁经营农场或牧场经常赔钱,但经营工厂或从商赚钱。
    A rich man who has a farm or ranch often runs it in the red, but makes his money with his factory or business.
  • 正是因为中国共产党根据马克思主义的原,一贯地坚持了并发展了第一次国共统一战线的共同纲领即革命的三民主义,所以共产党能于强寇压境民族危急之际,及时地提出民族民主的统一战线这种唯一能够挽救危亡的政策,并且不疲倦地实行之。
    It is precisely because the Chinese Communist Party, basing itself on Marxist principles, has constantly adhered to and developed the revolutionary Three People's Principles -- the common programme of the first Kuomintang-Communist united front -- that, in this hour of national crisis when our country is invaded by a powerful aggressor, the Party has been able to put forward the timely proposal for a national and democratic united front, which is the only policy capable of saving the nation, and to apply this policy with unremitting effort.
  • 英法始终不赞成平等互惠原,只要求苏联保证它们的安全,它们却不肯保证苏联的安全,不肯保证波罗的海诸小国的安全,以便开一个缺口让德国进兵,并且不让苏联军队通过波兰去反对侵略者。
    But, from start to finish, Britain and France rejected the principle of equality and reciprocity; they demanded that the Soviet Union provide safeguards for their security, but refused to do likewise for the Soviet Union and the small Baltic states, so as to leave a gap through which Germany could attack, and they also refused to allow the passage of Soviet troops through Poland to fight the aggressor.
  • 我第一次遇上我未来的女婿兰迪是在男式晚礼服出租店,当时我正在挑我的晚礼服与婚礼上穿的鞋子,仍然想不出来为什么我妻子要花800美元来买一套衣服,而我被迫试穿很多人都已穿过的晚礼服和鞋子。这时有3个年轻人走进来与柜台后面的店员说话,他们说他们要挑一些"男式晚礼服"来出席教堂婚礼。
    I first met Randy, my son-in-law to be, at the tuxedo rental shop. I was picking up my tux and shoes for the wedding, still unable to figure out why my wife spent over eight hundred dollars on her dress when I'd be forced to wear a tux and shoes that numerous bodies had been inside, when three young men came in and spoke to the clerk behind the counter. They stated they were there to pick up their " monkey suits" for the Webster wedding.
  • 第三,坚持全方位对外开放的原
    The third principle is to persist in wide-ranging opening up.