  • 當現存的法律不能作令人滿意的判决時衡平法就生效。
    When the existing laws fail to render a satisfactory judgment, equity apply.
  • 股票跌價由於新股票發行未充分考慮收入而現的公司股票跌價
    A decrease in the equity position of a share of stock because of the issuance of additional shares.
  • 在實體內部各成分之間或者在不同實體之間表現同等性或者相應性。
    exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities.
  • 模棱兩可的聲明;投票選舉對可能獲選的女性候選人具有復雜而又含糊的意義;政府官員曖昧的行為增加了受害人的不安;流行是一個有歧義的桂冠;對尷尬的問題做的模糊反應。
    an equivocal statement; the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates; the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness; popularity is an equivocal crown; an equivocal response to an embarrassing question.
  • 超現實主義者繪畫的模棱兩可的(模糊的)東西。
    the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists.
  • 本來是一度現在經濟教科書裏的一句意義含混的用語“創造就業機會”,在此選舉年開始在美國政治辭匯裏大行其道。其所以如此,杜卡基斯與布什都有責任。
    Job creation, an equivocal phrase once found mostly in economic textbooks, has entered the nation's political vernacular with a vengeance this election year, and both Michael S.Dukakis and George Bush are responsible.
  • 眼下我們還算確切的數目。不過,大概,每人1,100英鎊。
    Um, we have not get the exact figures the moment, but er something like, er, 1, 100 pound per person.
  • 眼下我們還算確切的數目。不過,大概,每人1,100英鎊。
    Um, we have not got the exact figures the moment, but er something like, er, 1, 100 pounds per person.
  • 一個新的時代開始現了。
    A new era is dawning.
  • “他是現代傑的男高音”
    He is the preeminent tenor of the modern era.
  • 我們的時代英雄輩
    Our era produces a host of heroes and heroines.
  • 在我們這個時代先進人物正在大量地涌現來。
    Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
  • 衹看到小枝小節,就對和平做空洞訴求,不但流於感情用事,也削弱了對付恐怖活動的力量。
    We must also not lose sight of the big picture and start appealing for peace. Being sentimental will not help and will weaken the resolve to eradicate terrorism.
  • 因此,必須堅决肅清由“四人幫”帶到黨內來的無政府主義思潮以及在黨內新現的形形色色的資産階級自由主義思潮。
    Therefore, we must resolutely eradicate the trend towards anarchism that was introduced into the Party by the Gang of Four as well as the trend towards various kinds of bourgeois liberalism that is emerging within the Party.
  • 我們要徹底清除“四人幫”的流毒,把盡快地培養一批具有世界第一流水平的科學技術專傢,作為我們科學、教育戰綫的重要任務。
    We must eradicate for good the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four and take up the major task of producing -- as quickly as possible -- experts in science and technology who are up to the highest international standards.
  • 中國發展糧食生産所取得的巨大成就,不僅使人民的溫飽問題基本解决,生活水平逐步提高,而且為在全球範圍內消除饑餓與貧睏作了重大貢獻。
    China's significant achievements in developing grain production have not only basically eradicated the problem of people not having enough to eat and wear and gradually raised the living standards of the Chinese people, but also made great contributions to the worldwide efforts to eliminate starvation and poverty.
  • 比如說文藝界的宗派主義吧,這也是原則問題,但是要去掉宗派主義,也衹有把為工農,為八路軍、新四軍,到群衆中去的口號提來,並加以切實的實行,才能達到目的,否則宗派主義問題是斷然不能解决的。
    Take, for instance, the sectarianism in literary and art circles. This too is a question of principle, but sectarianism can only be eradicated by putting forward and faithfully applying the slogans, "For the workers and peasants!", "For the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies!" and "Go among the masses!" Otherwise the problem of sectarianism can never be solved.
  • 不許把參考書拿閱覽室。
    Reference book is not al low to is take out of the read room.
  • 一個笨重的、兇惡的腦袋緊挨着艾爾的臉露來了。
    A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al's face.
  • 他一定是你最喜歡的球星,別急,我們來看一下他失敗的原因吧,首先我覺得貝剋爾打落地球時動作不連貫,又缺乏信心。他截擊空中球時漏洞百,他13次發球得分的機會卻有10次雙誤,貝剋爾第十一局接連兩次失誤使得弗裏拉獲得反敗為勝的機會。
    He must be your favorite star. Don't worry, let's see the reasons his failure. Firstly, I think that Backer's ground strokes lacked consistency and confidence, his volleys were erratic and his 13 aces were nearly erased by 10 double-faults. Two straight double-faults by Becker gave Ferreira a key break in the 11 th game.
  • 阿諾德·施瓦辛格在片中的表演確定了他後來的戲路。從20世紀80年代中、後期直到90年代,施瓦辛格飾演了更多這類令人驚嘆的、極具票房號召力的角色:《魔鬼司令》(又譯《獨闖竜潭》)(1985)、《邊緣戰士》(1986)、《終極戰士》(1987)、《跑動者》(1987)、《衝生死綫》(1988)、《全面回憶》(1990)、《終結者ii》(1991)、《真實的謊言》(1994)和《蒸發密令》(1996)。
    Arnold Schwarzenegger performs in a career-shaping role that would soon lead to many more such formidable,box-office appealing characterizations in the mid to late 1980s and into the 1990s: Commando(1985),Raw Deal(1986),Predator(1987),The Running Man(1987),Red Heat(1988),Total Recall(1990),Terminator 2(1991),True Lies(1994)and Eraser(1996).
  • 因為他是智謀,而不是用巫術,所以,雖然他身於最破舊的雪屋,卻登上了首領的位子,在以後的歲月裏,他的臣民過着幸福的生活,沒有人因為饑餓而在夜裏暗暗哭泣。
    Because he used head craft instead of withcraft, he rose from the poorest igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed his people w ere happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.
  • 我們衹售最佳狀態的商品。
    We sale only goods in al condition.
  • 不一會兒,煙就(從睡袋口冒來,)在艾爾的臉龐四周繚繞着。
    Soon smoke curled around Al's face.
  • 曼斯菲爾德美國俄亥俄州中北部一城市,位於阿剋倫的西南偏南方,於1808年首次被查勘。該城産多種産品。人口50,627
    A city of north-central Ohio west-southwest of Akron. First surveyed in1808, it manufactures a wide variety of products. Population,50, 627.
  • 啦啦隊長伸手臂做成t形;雜技演員們形成一座金字塔
    Holding out his arms, the cheerleader formed a T. The acrobats formed a pyramid.
  • 我們於佛曉發去參觀金字塔,所以你得很早起床。
    We set off for the pyramid at dawn, so you'll have to get up very early.
  • 再說說我們的人文教育,其所以不很成功,固然跟學生少學歷史、地理、文藝(廣義的文藝是包括各種藝術)有關,但根本原因是我們構建了一座巨大的“教育金字塔”,按照既定的標準,通過層層篩選、淘汰,選拔符合既定標準的精英。
    One reason we have not been very successful with the humanities is that our students are not keen on subjects such as history, geography and the arts in various forms. The root cause, however, is that we have built a gigantic “education pyramid” to eliminate and select students at different levels, based on criteria already agreed upon, to pick the cream of the crop.
  • 不過作為一名業餘埃及學家,毛瑞恩-剋萊蒙斯提了一個新的看法,在她看來,古埃及人藉助了風箏的力量造了金字塔。
    But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids.
  • 兩旁有塔形建築的門道以一對平頭金字塔形式現的紀念性的通口,用來作通往古埃及廟宇的入口
    A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian temple.
  • 我覺得在過去的3000多年當中,古埃及人試圖讓我們由這些塔頂構成的畫面想象他們是如何修建金字塔的。"
    "I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for 3000 years that this is how they built the pyramids."
  • 我祖父生前是一百萬富翁,他把自己的全部資財遺贈來,用以考證埃及金字塔是天外來客建造的這一臆斷是否成立。
    My millionaire grandfather left all his money to research into proving that the pyramids in Egypt were built by visitors from outer space. That beats the band!