  • 他们象是亲兄弟
    They are as like as two siblings.
  • 弟姐妹们为继承权而争吵
    The siblings fell out over their inheritance.
  • 同胞弟之间的血族关系。
    the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings.
  • 佩特森说:“问题是它们从小一起长大,就像妹一样。
    " The problem was they were raised together and had become siblings," says Patterson.
  • 要是他们在印度有弟姐妹,照顾父母亲的责任就要由这些人来承担。
    If they have siblings in India, the responsibility of caring for the parents is borne by them.
  • 在兴趣和能力上迥然相异的弟(姐妹);与黑色背影形成鲜明对比的颜色
    Siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background.
  • 对恩雅事业影响最大的要算她的弟姐妹们,1976年他们和自己的几个叔伯组成了克兰纳德乐队。
    Most important to Enya's career were her siblings,who formed Clannad in 1976 with several of their uncles.
  • 我吃吃地的笑道:"每逢我和我的弟姐妹们回家过节的时候,我们都要替爸爸为妈妈的汽车加油。
    Chuckling, I said, " When my siblings and I come home for the holidays, we help my dad get gas for my mom.
  • 在接下来的几周里,福林特变得越来越抑郁,不管他的弟姐妹如何设法要带他一起走,他还是脱离了群落,并且拒绝进食。
    Over the next few weeks, Flint grows increasingly listless,withdrawing from the troop -- despite his siblings' efforts to bring him back -- and refusing food.
  • 你若问一个普通的英语源流新加坡华人,他的曾祖父母和他们弟姐妹的姓名是什么,相信他会答不上来。
    If one asks the average English-educated Chinese Singaporean to name his great-grandparents and their siblings, it is probable that he would be unable to do so.
  • 我的两个小弟在屋里睡觉,我的另外3个长和姐姐在拐角与小伙伴们玩,而我是不允许去那里的。
    While my two baby brothers slept inside the house, my three older siblings played with friends around the corner, where I was not allowed to go.
  • 在学校里,我和弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明白。
    My siblings and I pulled through school with good English grades, partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn’t understand much.
  • 我和弟姐妹,在自我认同的成长过程中,没有因为我们的父母受的是华文教育,而感到不自在。相对于那些因为一种语言,而排斥另外一种语言的人,我有一种满足感。
    Because my siblings and I have gone through our self-defining years comfortable with who our parents are, I now feel a sense of achievement over those who reject one language for another.
  • 从来没有听说过为了争夺父母藏书的继承权而弟姐妹反目成仇、对簿公堂的。
    I have yet to come across a case of siblings falling out with each other over some collections of books handed down to them by their parents and taking the dispute to court.
  • 1906年沃纳太太6岁时,和她的四位弟姐妹与母亲一起离开家乡弗拉基米尔到曼哈顿下东区与他们的父亲团聚,那时她只会说俄语。
    Mrs. Werner was 6 years old and spoke only Russian in 1906 when she, her four siblings and her mother left their hometown of Vladimir to join their father on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
  • 史蒂文斯最近拍摄的一部获奖影片反映了他设法寻找生身父亲和大约200名同父异母弟姐妹的经历。他正参与游说加拿大政府让人工授精孩子了解关于捐精者更多情况的活动。
    Stevens, who recently made an award-winning film about trying to track down his biological father -- and perhaps 200 half-siblings -- is part of a lobby pushing the Canadian government to give DI offspring more details about donors.
  • 人们可能会听到一个做了变性手术的男人坦白说,这样他就可以完完全全地像个女同性恋者那样生活。人们可能还会听到一个妻子说她与她的姐夫生了个孩子,而且还想再要一个,这样她的孩子就可以有弟姐妹了。
    One may hear the testimony of a man who had a sex-change operation so he could live a fulfilled life as a lesbian, or a wife who had a baby by her sister's husband and wants another so the child will have siblings (her own husband doesn't know about the situation, but presumably will soon if he's at home watching television).
  • 举国上下都感到激动、震惊、并表示同情。爱德华是否会放弃王位而支持他的弟成了当前的热门话题。
    The nation was thrilled, shocked and sympathetic. Whether Edward would abdicate in favour of his brother became the question of the hour.
  • 哦,足印!也许另一位弟
    Footprints that perhaps another.
  • 弟上本地的学校。
    My brother go to the local school.
  • 同父异母弟(或同母异父弟);同父异母姐妹(或同母异父姐妹)。
    a half brother; half sister.
  • 你们是兄妹吗?
    Are you brother and sister?
  • 兄妹两人都死了。
    Both brother and sister are dead.
  • 兄妹俩都是大学生。
    Both brother and sister are students.
  • 我一直都对你说,‘我只把你看作我的哥哥,别向我要求超出妹之爱的感情,因为我的心早已属于另外一个人了。’
    I have always said to you, 'I love you as a brother; but do not ask from me more than sisterly affection, for my heart is another's.'
  • 他能滑雪,他弟也能。
    He can ski, and so can his brother.
  • 嘿, 老兄!
    Hi there, buddy!
  • 亚伯《旧约》中亚当和夏娃的儿子,后被其该隐杀害
    In the Old Testament, the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother, Cain.
  • (挪威神话)最初的巨人被奥丁神和他的弟所杀其身体创造了世界;血变成海;肉变成大地;骨骼变成山脉;头颅变成天空。
    (Norse mythology) the primeval giant slain by Odin and his brothers and from whose body they created the world: the sea from his blood; the earth from his flesh; the mountains from his bones; the sky from his skull.
  • 亲兄弟,明算账。
    Even reckoning makes long friends.
  • 说毕就挥剑刺死一个同他一起从土中长出来的弟。但他却中了另一个武士射出的箭,倒地死去。
    With that he who had spoken smote one of his earth born brothers with a sword, and he himself fell pierced with an arrow from another.
  • 国际奥委会主席夏克·罗吉向五万五千名观众说:“我们为你们的公平竞争精神和弟情谊而感动。让这火焰长久不灭。在你们的国家宣传奥运梦想。你们才是传播运会价值的是真正使者。”
    "We were thrilled by your spirit of fair play and brotherhood," International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge told the crowd of 55,000. "Keep this flame alight. Promote the Olympic dream in your countries You are the true ambassadors of the Olympic values"