Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我是秋,空空地不载着雨水,但在成熟的稻田中,可以看见我的充实。
    I am the autumn cloud, empty of rain, see my fulness in the field of ripened rice.
  • 闪电划破乌密布的夜空。
    Lighting ripped the cloudy night sky.
  • 在比较高的高度上悬挂的,由一系列小朵规则排列成波纹状。
    a cloud at a high altitude consisting of a series of regularly arranged small clouds resembling ripples.
  • 卷积一种高空,由一系列规则排列的形如波纹或颗粒的小块形成
    A high-altitude cloud composed of a series of small, regularly arranged cloudlets in the form of ripples or grains.
  • 平步青的年轻政治家
    A rising young politician
  • 云蒸霞蔚。
    The rosy clouds are slowly rising.
  • 当她从霄飞车上下来时,脸色发青。
    She turn green when she come off the roller coaster.
  • 云层正在翻卷而去。
    The clouds are rolling away.
  • 他看着云儿飘散。
    He saw the clouds rolling away.
  • 落基山和英属哥伦比亚的一种高大的杉,蓝绿色针叶,尖的圆锥形树冠;木质坚硬,可作木材和用于箱盒制造。
    tall spruce of Rocky Mountains and British Columbia with blue-green needles and acutely conic crown; wood used for rough lumber and boxes.
  • 我看见一个孩子在草地上跳跃着,另一个孩子用雏菊在编造一只小花圈,他们的母亲手中拿着一块夹肉面包,叔父在咬一只多汁的红苹果,父亲仰卧在地上眺望着天上的浮,祖父口中含着烟斗。
    I see a child romping about on the grass plot, another child making daisy chains, their mother holding a piece of sandwich, the uncle of the family biting a juicy, red apple, the father sprawling on the ground looking at the sailing clouds, and the grandfather holding a pipe in his mouth.
  • 暴风雨的乌可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。——同上
    Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide,but I love you,until the end of time. ——《Moulin Rouge》
  • 1992年初至1994年底,中国军队在南省和广西壮族自治区边境地区,组织实施了第一次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物100多万枚,销毁废旧弹药及爆炸物品近200吨,完成扫雷面积108平方公里,打通边贸通道、口岸170多个;恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林3万多公顷。
    From the beginning of 1992 to the end of 1994, the PLA conducted its first large-scale demining operation in the border areas of Yunnan Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, cleared a total of over one million landmines and explosive devices and destroyed nearly 200 tons of disused or de-activated ammunitions and explosive devices, covering an area of 108 square kilometers with over 170 border trade passes and ports re-opened, and over 30,000 hectares of farmland, pasture and mountain forests restored.
  • 但除南省外,其他地区区域性枢纽尚未完全形成,支线机场数量较少,航线结构还是以城市对飞为主,尚未形成轮辐式航空网络。
    However, apart from Yunnan province, communication hubs have not formed yet in all the other regions. There are few regional airports, and air routes are mainly city-to-city routes. Spoke-and-wheel-like air route network has not been formed yet.
  • 朵飞快地掠过天空。
    Clouds scudded across the sky.
  • 覆盖着卷积或高积的天空。
    a sky filled with rows of cirrocumulus or small altocumulus clouds.
  • 但是,她沉思了一会,把拳头放在膝上,她那红红的脸上罩着一层冥想的雾,突然失声叹道:
    However, having studied for an interval, with a fist on either knee, and a cloud of meditation over her ruddy countenance, she ejaculated:
  • 错金云纹铁尺
    Iron Ruler Inlaid with Cloud Pattern in Gold
  • 不祥的黑;有威胁的不满之声
    Ominous black clouds; ominous rumblings of discontent.
  • 恶毒的眼神;可怕的雷雨;他的声音变得恶毒了;不吉祥的怨言;不祥的暴风;险恶的微笑;他那危险的行为;不祥的乌;局势变得危险了。
    a baleful look; forbidding thunderclouds; his tone became menacing; ominous rumblings of discontent; sinister storm clouds; a sinister smile; his threatening behavior; ugly black clouds; the situation became ugly.
  • 他们把干冰撒向彩。
    They salted clouds with dry ice.
  • 或者,如果卫星图有关沿海海域的图像和取样显示了和霍乱的发生相关的海藻在开花的话,官员们也能够警告大家将污水过滤,以及建议多安排一些额外的医护人员、床位和治疗供应品等医疗设施。
    Or if sateffite images and sampling of coastal waters indicate that algal blooms related to cholera outbreaks are beginning, officials could warn people to filter contaminated water and could advise medical facilities to arrange for additional staff, beds and treatment supplies.
  • :‘千夫所指,无疾而死。’
    The old saying runs, "A thousand pointing fingers accuse, and a man dies even without a sickness."
  • 零售12元5角的入场券昨天售价高达50元一张。可是黄牛说周末价钱更高,假期票价将会高入霄。
    The tickets, which retail for $12.50, were fetching as much as $50 apiece yesterday. But scalpers said that weekend prices are higher and holiday-time prices will go through the roof.
  • 和降水粒子的微波散射
    microwave scattering by clouds and precipitation particles
  • 白云舒卷。
    The white clouds mass and scatter.
  • 然而,当一个黑洞穿过一片星,或者靠近另一个正常恒星时,黑洞将会使它自身的物质增加。
    However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another “normal” star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.
  • 云飞越天空。
    Clouds were scudding across the sky.
  • 他们用探照灯照射
    They played searchlights on the clouds.
  • 江千里龙海水纹螺钿漆盒
    Lacquer Box Inlaid With a Scene of Dragons Striking through Clouds and Seawater in Mother-of-pearl Made by Jiang Qianli
  • 一种碘化物,用于摄影、催化雨和医药。
    an iodide that is used in photography, in seeding clouds to make rain, and in medicine.
  • 那些的形状像一个巨大的人头。
    Those clouds have the semblance of a large head.