  • 他送給她一盒她最喜歡吃的巧剋力,這是想吃小占大便宜,現在他正迫切地等待着她的反應。
    He sent her a box of her favourite chocolates. It was a sprat to catch a mackerel, and he waited eagerly for her reply.
  • 現代科學提供了十八般武器,偏光顯微法,發射光譜法,電子探針法,x射綫熒光光譜法,紫外紅外光譜法,質譜法,x綫衍射分析法,高效液相色譜法,祖先們千百年間使用的繪畫配方至此全被一覽無餘了。
    Thanks to the state-of-the-art technologies provided by scientists, the whole prescription for painting used by our ancestors through the ages can be taken in at a glance. At our disposal are such scientific means as polarized light microscopy, emission spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA),, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), UV and IR spectrometry, mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction analysis, and high-efficiency liquid chromatography (HELC).
  • 而為了達到這個目的,就要特別提倡謙虛,反對驕傲自大,就要要求每一個青年團員努力去幫助別人,而不要怕自己吃
    To attain this goal, it is definitely necessary to encourage modesty and combat conceit and complacency; every Youth League member must try to help others by all possible means, without worrying about his own loss.
  • 做了心事,惶惶心不安。
    A guilty conscience feel continual fear.
  • 凡事心不,落枕就能睡。
    A clear conscience is a soft pillow.
  • 1997年,在這傢公司損達到10億美元的時候,喬伯斯加入了apple公司,之後他為公司賺取了1.06億美元的利潤--有38%以上的産品銷往美國華爾街。
    Coming in after a $1 billion loss in fiscal 1997, Jobs turned a $106 million profit--38 percent above Wall Street's consensus target.
  • 他聊以自慰的是幸事情沒有更糟。
    He consoled himself with the thought that it might have been worse.
  • 他聊以自慰的是幸事情沒有更糟
    He console himself with the think that it may have be worse
  • 他聊以自慰的是幸事情沒有更糟。
    He console himself with the think that it may have is worse.
  •  礦務局和其他具有獨立法人資格的煤礦企業、煤炭經營企業依法實行自主經營、自負盈、自我約束、自我發展。
    The coal mining administrations and other coal mining and trading enterprises with the status of independent legal entities shall, according to law, make their own decisions regarding their operations, be responsible for their own losses and profits and be capable of expanding or contracting themselves.
  • 在農歷月初月亮由轉盈時呈現出的月牙的樣子。
    the time at which the moon appears as a narrow waxing crescent.
  • 這傢企業因損而陷入睏境.
    The business has been crippled by losses.
  • 你想得出來!實際上爸爸已洗過餐具了!
    Imagine that! Dad actually did the washing up!
  • 男性激素睾丸素導致男子的身體比較弱,更糟的是,男子往往比女子塊頭大,所以在體格上也吃了
    They are debilitated by the male sex hormone testosterone and, to make matters worse, men, who tend to be larger than women, are encumbered by their size.
  • (月):缺從滿月到新月期間表現出逐漸減小的明亮區
    To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon.
  • 肺腎陰虧
    Deficiency of Yin of both Lung and Kidney
  • 公司空了五千美元。
    The company had a deficit of 5000 dollars.
  • 我們今年有很大損。
    We have a great deficit this year.
  • 廠長個人不覺得應對工廠損負責。
    The director of the factory feel no individual responsibility for the deficit.
  • 他們每逢年終結賬一次,就吃驚一次,說:“咳,又了1
    When they come to settle their accounts at the end of each year, they are shocked, exclaiming, "What? Another deficit!"
  • 那傢公司的今年年度預算出現損。因為公司時常出現赤字,不久將會關閉。
    The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
  • 的是德國和美國工商業者,他們兜心受到了一拳——這一拳原是應當由英國人自己受的——他們完蛋了。
    The German and American manufacturers receive the blows which were deserved by the English -- they are ruined.
  • 幹這一行必須心狠, 誰顧別人誰吃.
    In this business you have to be tough, and the devil take the hindmost.
  • 沒有獲得足夠的教育使傑剋吃了
    Lack of sufficient education loaded the dice against Jack.
  • 有個人來替他解圍,把責任包攬下來。
    Mercifully some one arrived upon the scene to extricate him from the dilemma and assume the responsibility.
  • 對某人不利,使某人吃
    To the disadvantage of sb.
  • 他把貨虧本賣出去。
    He sell his goods at a disadvantage.
  • 他不會說法語,這使他很吃
    His inability to speak french put him at a disadvantage.
  • 你在這項工程上投資,可能要吃
    It will be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.
  • 你在這項工程上投資,可能要吃
    It would be to your disadvantage to invest in the project.
  • 損或不一致的地方作出解釋或進行說明
    To account for a loss or a discrepancy
  • 這些人吃在於不老實。
    It is their dishonesty that causes them to come to grief.