  • 联邦检察官本尼迪克特说,一位施贵宝药厂环保专员建议药厂遵守防止水源污染法案,厂方不理,无奈辞职,[政府]对该厂的调查于1988年开始。州与联邦调查人员曾与该专员面谈,他们昨天不肯透露该专员姓名。本尼迪克特说他们发现“她所说得非常正确。”
    The investigation of Bristol-Myers Squibb began in 1988, after an environmental specialist who worked for the company quit in frustration because her recommendations for complying with the Clean Water Act were not heeded, said a Federal prosecutor, Craig A.Benedict. State and Federal investigators interviewed the specialist, whom they would not identify yesterday, and discovered that "she was right, in spades," Mr.Benedict said.
  • 健康无价之宝(健康是千金难买的财富)。
    Good health is beyond price.
  • 因为日本帝国主义在占领武汉后,知道单用武力不能屈服中国,着手于政治进攻和经济引诱。
    Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments.
  • 华盛顿的话题是关于膨胀的赤字,更高的税以及预算削减。偏偏在这时候,最近所提[为国会议员及其他联邦政府高级关官员]加薪一事,引起很多美国人的激烈反对。
    At a time when the rest of the talk form Washington is about bloated deficits, higher taxes and budget cuts, the latest proposal for a pay raise [for congressmen and other federal government highranking officials] has many Americans up in arms.
  • 究竟孰是孰非,人神的错误之一,抑或神人的错误之一?
    Which is it is man one o0f god's blunder or is god one of man's blunder?
  • 中国的统一,不仅有利於中国本身的稳定和发展,也有利於中国同各国进一步加强友好合作关系,有利於亚太地区至全世界的和平与发展。
    Reunification of China will not only bolster the stability and development of the country itself, but also contribute to the further enhancement of the friendly relations and cooperation between China and other countries as well as to peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole.
  • 得一知己人生一大乐事
    Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life
  • 封建时代独裁专断的恶习惯深中于群众至一般党员的头脑中,一时扫除不净,遇事贪图便利,不喜欢麻烦的民主制度。
    The evil feudal practice of arbitrary dictation is so deeply rooted in the minds of the people and even of the ordinary Party members that it cannot be swept away at once; When anything crops up, they choose the easy way and have no liking for the bothersome democratic system.
  • 我从眼角瞥见了那由玫瑰和康馨组成的情人节花束。那是我丈夫戴维送给我的。
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Valentine's Day bouquet of roses and carnations my husband,David,had given me.
  • 教堂者,从未去过天堂的君子对着永无希望登上天堂的凡夫俗子大吹其法螺的地方也。
    A church is a place in which gentlemen who have never been to heaven brag about it to persons who will never get there.
  • 连那些把维也纳称作自己家乡的伟大作曲家,如贝多芬、舒伯特至勃拉姆斯和马勒,都要到回荡着施特劳斯乐曲声的咖啡馆和露天花园享用咖啡、啤酒和香肠。
    Even the great composers who called Vienna their home from Beethoven and Schubert to Brahms and Mahler took their coffee, beer, and sausages at cafes or outdoor gardens where the Strauss rnusic held sway.
  • 古典传统风格设计要素有:用红木、樱桃木或核桃木做的古式家具,配以锦缎、丝绸和提花毯,要求把不同种鲜花搭配在一起(如玫瑰、唐菖蒲、康馨、百合等等)。
    Classic Traditional Design elements include classic furnishings and antiques made out of mahogany, cherry or walnut with elegant fabrics of brocade, silk and tapestry. And call for a mixture of flowers (roses, gladiola, carnations, and lilies to name a few).
  • 潘趣乐,丑角意大利木偶剧中演滑稽戏的又矮又胖的人或小丑
    The short, fat buffoon or clown in an Italian puppet show.
  • “帝国主义及其在中国的全部财政军事的势力,是一种支持、鼓舞、栽培、保存封建残余及其全部官僚军阀上层建筑的力量。”
    "Imperialism, with all its financial and military might, is the force in China that supports, inspires, fosters and preserves the feudal survivals, together with their entire bureaucratic-militarist superstructure.
  • 于是雪片一样地制造所谓“共产党捣乱”,“八路军、新四军游而不击,不听指挥”,“陕甘宁边区实行割据,向外扩展”,“共产党阴谋推翻政府”,至“苏联阴谋侵略中国”等等的假消息、假报告、假文件、假决议,用以蒙蔽事实的真相,企图造成舆论,达其主和即投降之目的。
    For example, it has fabricated and released a spate of false news, false reports, false documents and false resolutions, such as: "the Communist Party engages in disruptive activities", "the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army are merely moving about without fighting and refuse to obey orders", "a separatist regime has been formed in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and is expanding beyond its confines", "the Communist Party is plotting to overthrow the government", and even, "the Soviet Union is plotting aggression against China". Its purpose is to make peace, or in other words to capitulate, by covering up the real facts and confusing public opinion.
  • 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康馨。
    He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole.
  • 花边香石竹浅色花瓣由深色边围绕的康
    A carnation having pale petals bordered by a darker color.
  • 有康馨一样的颜色。
    having the color of a carnation.
  • 离瓣的具有分离花瓣的,如玫瑰或康馨花冠上的花瓣
    Having separate petals, as on the corolla of a rose or carnation.
  • 石竹一种石竹属植物,如康馨和美国石竹等,常因其艳丽、芳香的花朵种植
    Any of various plants of the genus Dianthus, such as the carnation and sweet William, often cultivated for their showy, fragrant flowers.
  • 政府所扮演的是“催化者”的角色,在不损坏多元文化的大前提下,政府的倡导及适当的支援,必能为“人民体系”制造一个合宜的生长环境。
    The Government acts as a catalyst, giving guidance and suitable assistance to community groups and, in the process,creating an environment for the growth of the "People Sector."
  • 政府所扮演的是“催化者”的角色,政府的倡导及适当的支援,在此过程中,必能为“人民体系”制造一个合宜的生长环境。
    The Government acts as a catalyst, giving guidance and suitable assistance to community groups and, in the process, creating an environment for the growth of the "People Sector."
  • 主厨师为沙拉准备了独特的美滋佐料。
    The chef had prepared his special mayonnaise sauce for the salad.
  • 当时章器主张“少号召,多建议”。
    Chang Nai-chi was then advocating "issuing fewer calls and offering more suggestions".
  • 上海爱国领袖,指当时在上海领导抗日爱国运动的全国救国会负责人沈钧儒、章器、邹韬奋、李公朴、王造时、沙千里、史良等。
    They were Shen Chun-ju, Chang Nai-chi, Tsou Tao-fen, Li Kung-pu, Sha Chien-li, Shih Liang and Wang Tsao-shih.
  • 否则,就不可能坚持抗日,也不可能抵抗国民党的反动。所以,章器这个主张是错误的。后来,他已逐步地认识了这个错误。
    Otherwise, it would have been impossible to keep up the war against Japan or to resist Kuomintang reaction Chang Nai-chi was wrong on this point, and gradually be realized his mistake.
  • 在上海,对“少号召,多建议”的章器主义给了批评,开始纠正了救亡工作中的迁就倾向。
    In Shanghai we have criticized Chang Nai-chi's line of "issuing fewer calls and offering more suggestions" and begun to correct the tendency towards excessive accommodation in the work of the national salvation movement.
  • 事实证明,即使在同一族群内,信奉同一宗教、属于同一宗教机构、同姓同宗、一家之内,都可能由于意见分歧而导致言语冲突、争权夺位至大打出手。
    It is a reality that differences in opinions have led to quarrels, leadership struggles and even fights within a race, a religion, a religious institution, a clan or a family.
  • 近查边区境内,竟有不顾大局之徒,利用各种方式,或强迫农民交还已经分得的土地房屋,或强迫欠户交还已经废除的债务⑵,或强迫人民改变已经建立的民主制度,或破坏已经建立的军事、经济、文化和民众团体的组织。
    However, recent investigations in the Border Region have disclosed that, disregarding the public interest, some persons are using various means to force the peasants to return land and houses that have been distributed to them, to compel debtors to pay back old cancelled loans,[2] to coerce the people into changing the democratic system that has been built up, or to disrupt the military, economic, cultural and mass organizations that have been established.
  • 这时,那位神通广大的无名氏,正如我们那个亲爱的老高依①所言,化狂风暴雨为风平浪静的人物,也谦逊地早已退回到那根柱子的阴影里去;假如不是前排观众中有两位姑娘注意到他刚才同朱庇特米歇尔·吉博纳对话,硬把他从沉默中拉出来,兴许他还像原先那样无人看得见,一动也不动,无声无息。
    Meanwhile the unknown personage who had so magically transformed the storm into a calm, had modestly re-entered the penumbra of his pillar, where doubtless he would have remained, unseen, unheard, and motionless as before, had he not been lured out of it by two young women who, seated in the first row of spectators, had witnessed his colloquy with Michel Giborne—Jupiter.
  • 基督教传教士禁止中国信徒去参加祖先崇拜的礼仪和宴乐,其唯一的理由是因为崇拜者必须在祖宗的木主之前拜跪,这种行为是违犯“十戒”的第一戒的。
    The only objection which led Christian missionaries to forbid Chinese converts to participate in the ceremonies and communal feasting and merrymaking of ancestor worship is that the worshipers are required to kneel down before the ancestral tablets, thus infringing upon the first of the Ten Commandments.
  • 是在广告竞争中无法立足的平庸之作。
    A too ordinary advertisement which would not stand out in competitive advertising.