  • 過去拉文中兩個否定總是相當於肯定。
    In latin, two negative in the same sentence always amount to an affirmation.
  • 如今,每年5月,我們自傢的院子都會散發出濃烈的紫香的芬芳。
    Now, every May, our own yard is redolent with lilacs.
  • 一天,作為對簡一點兒孩子氣任性的懲罰,裏德太太把她關進了裏德先生病故的那個房間。
    One day, as punishment for a bit of childish willfulness, she puts Jane into the room in which Mr. Reed died.
  • 書裏滿是法語和拉語。
    The book reeks with scraps of French and Latin.
  • 梅蘭希頓,菲利普1497-1560德國神學家及德國宗教改革的領導人。他是馬·路德的朋友,著有奧格斯堡信綱(1521年),這是有關新教教義的第一本詳細著述
    German theologian and a leader of the German Reformation. A friend of Martin Luther, he wrote Loci Communes(1521), the first extensive treatise on Protestant doctrine.
  • 烷兩種氣態碳氫化合物的同分異構體中的一種,c4h10,從石油中合成製得,用作家庭燃料、冷卻劑和噴霧推進劑,也可用作合成橡膠的製造
    Either of two isomers of a gaseous hydrocarbon, C4H10, produced synthetically from petroleum and used as a household fuel, refrigerant, and aerosol propellant and in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
  • 維吉爾講述的拉文的史詩;講述特洛伊戰爭中的勇士們在特洛伊戰爭後的冒險經歷;為羅馬帝國提供了傑出的歷史背景。
    an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire.
  • 莉薩·史密斯·莫爾是沃爾瑪希拉姆分店的客戶服務經理。她於2001年10月嚮法庭提出訴訟,認為沃爾瑪公司的有關健康保障方面的規章是不合法的,並要求公司嚮她和其他員工償付未參保的處方性避孕藥費用。
    Lisa Smith Mauldin, a customer-service manager at a Wal-Mart store in Hiram, filed the lawsuit in October asking the court to declare the company's health plan illegal and to order Wal-Mart to reimburse her and other employees for uninsured prescription contraceptives.
  • 昨天,勤時市長在一次記者招待會中,對幾位商界領袖們說:“曼哈頓南部是推動本市經濟的發動機,”並宣佈研究改善此一地區的計劃,設法使其復蘇,並研擬本地的長期發展。
    "Lower Manhattan is the economic engine which drives our city," Mayor David N.Dinkins said yesterday during a news conference with several corporate executives where he announced plans to study changes in the area, find ways to reinvigorate it and map out its long-term development.
  • 頓,阿瑟·斯坦利1882-1944英國數學家、天文學家和物理學家,相對論的早期擁護者,在星體演化、結構和運動方面有很深研究
    British mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was an early exponent of the theory of relativity and conducted research on the evolution, structure, and motion of stars.
  • ・路德・金在以非暴力手段尋求平等的過程中樹立了許多敵人。
    Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
  • 由於焦慮和悔恨,憔悴得不像個樣子。
    Martin was worn by anxiety and remorse almost to a shadow.
  • 酮一種無色、可燃性酮,ch3coch2ch3,用於油漆、去漆劑、結合劑和粘合劑、清潔液及賽璐珞
    A colorless, flammable ketone, CH3COCH2CH3, used in lacquers, paint removers, cements and adhesives, cleaning fluids, and celluloid.
  • 文藝復興以後的拉語;用做科學術語。
    Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature.
  • 攻擊馬路德的神學的荷蘭文藝復興人士和羅馬天主教的神學者。
    Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who attacked the theology of Martin Luther (1466-1536).
  • 快瞧,劉易斯用刺拳連續有效地擊中馬
    Look Lewis effectively jabs Martin repeatedly.
  • 把被連根拔起的灌木叢種回原處。
    The gardener replanted the disrooted shrubbery.
  • 在拳擊比賽圈內,女子尚無法與男子奬金相提並論。剋裏斯迪.馬,頭號女拳擊手每場比賽的酬金為10-15萬美金,而許多女拳擊新手每輪比賽大約在200美金左右。
    Money-wise, women haven't come close to earning what men get in the ring, Christy Martin, the top female boxer, reportedly earns $100,000 to $150,000 per bout while many novice female boxers pull in an estimated $200 per round.
  • 姆人古代拉姆的本地人或居民
    A native or resident of ancient Latium.
  • 美籍西班牙人具有拉美洲或西班牙血統的美國公民或居民
    A U.S. citizen or resident of Latin-American or Spanish descent.
  • 烯酸脂係樹脂從異烯酸中提煉的一種樹脂
    A resin derived from methacrylic acid.
  • 愛瑪勸她與馬一傢人斷絶來往。馬傢是正派的農夫,雖有一定財産,但不屬上流社會。
    She encouraged her to give up her acquaintance with the Martin family, respectable farmers of some substance though of no fashion.
  • 采用武裝鬥爭的配合,偽裝八路軍劫回民夫、壯和被敵偽掠奪的金錢資材等方法,過去收效很大。
    In the past we achieved notable results in co-ordinating armed struggle with the work of lightening these burdens. In one such example, people disguised as Eighth Route Army troops extricated labourers and able-bodied men who had been press-ganged, and retrieved money and materials that had been taken by the enemy and puppet troops.
  • 瓦倫和奧森,這對被分離的雙胞胎後來相遇、戰鬥,最終認出對方並重新團聚。
    Valentine and Orson, the parted twins, meet, fight, recognise each other, and are reunited.
  • “dismal”這個詞原來是名詞,源於拉文,字面上的意思是“邪惡日”,而後逐漸變成了形容詞,意為“情緒低落的”、“無生氣的”或“單調乏味的”。
    The word"dismal", originally a noun, comes from Latin. Literally it means"evil days," though gradually it became used as an adjective meaning "gloomy", "depressing." or"drab".
  • 動形詞拉語中動形詞,在主格中表示適合性和必要性,並在其它格中作將來被動分詞
    A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle.
  • 恰恰舞一種源自拉美洲的節奏明快的交際舞
    A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.
  • 放縱派吟遊詩人在中世紀的歐洲追崇享受和不受拘束的生活,作一些通俗或諷刺的拉歌謠的流浪學者
    A wandering student in medieval Europe disposed to conviviality, license, and the making of ribald and satirical Latin songs.
  • 你願意嘗點大米布糕嗎?
    Will you like some rice pudding?
  • 尼古無色有毒生物鹼,c10h14n2,從煙草中提取被用作殺蟲劑,它是煙草中致使吸煙者上癮的物質
    A colorless, poisonous alkaloid, C10H14N2, derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted.
  • 吸煙的人容易對尼古上癮。
    Smoker who inhale is likely to become addicted to nicotine.
  • 吸煙的人容易對尼古上癮。
    Smokers who inhale are likely to become addicted to nicotine.