  • ,对极少数坏人也要打击一下。
    Of course, it is necessary to crack down on the handful of bad elements.
  • internet是一个巨大的互联系统,但它仅使用一点简单办法就将数据传来传去。
    The Internet is a huge interconnected system, but it uses just a handful of method to move data around.
  • 我们的国家还有极少数的反革命分子,当不能对他们丧失警惕。
    But of course we must not let down our guard against the handful of counter-revolutionaries who still exist in our country.
  • 直到现在他才真正过上了舒适的生活,有了他叔叔留给他的那笔可观的遗产,一切突都变得称心如意了。
    He has never really lived a comfortable life until now, but with the handful legacy his uncle has left him, suddenly everything's coming up roses.
  • "'小淘气'最棒的是,"一个邻居说"它没有意识到自己身体上有障碍,要不就是它不介意有障碍。
    " The best thing about Scampy," a neighbor said," is that he doesn't know he's got a handicap.
  • "他虽身体不好,还是坚持这项课题的研究。"
    "Though handicapped by poor health, he persisted in working at the research project."
  • "一个残疾姑娘居自食其力,独自生活,简直难以想象。"
    It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
  • 在散漫的手工业基础上,全部的精密计划当不可能。
    With a scattered handicraft industry, detailed and comprehensive planning is of course impossible.
  • 外国资本主义对于中国的社会经济起了很大的分解作用,一方面,破坏了中国自给自足的自经济的基础,破坏了城市的手工业和农民的家庭手工业;又一方面,则促进了中国城乡商品经济的发展。
    Foreign capitalism played an important part in the disintegration of China's social economy; on the one hand, it undermined the foundations of her self-sufficient natural economy and wrecked the handicraft industries both in the cities and in the peasants' homes, and on the other, it hastened the growth of a commodity economy in town and country.
  • 这小女孩在石块上铺了块手帕,后坐在上面。
    The little girl spread the ground- stone with her handkerchief and then sat on.
  • 甚至在失去工作後,他仍很骄傲,不愿接受施舍。
    Even after lose his job, he is too proud to accept handout.
  • 甚至在失去工作後,他仍很骄傲,不愿接受施舍
    Even after losing his job, he was too proud to accept handout
  • 有逾10项示威活动进行,但总体而言,示威者的表现是和平和合作的。
    More than 10 demonstrations took place during the Handover Ceremony and, on the whole, the demonstrators were peaceful and co-operative.
  • 无用却很漂亮的小饰物
    It is a handsome if useless trinket.
  • 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的出路.而不幸的是我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
    Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men.
  • 汤姆并没有在这场窃案中被人拿获,他仍显示出灰溜溜的样子。
    Tom had a hangdog air about him even though he didn't get caught in the theft.
  • 乞丐头朝着站在厨房最里面的几个男人作了一个粗鲁的手势,后转向格兰瓜尔说:“我不明白你为什么不该被绞死。”
    The King of the Beggars made a rude sign to some men at the end of the kichen, and then turned to Gringoire:"I don't see why you shouldn't be hanged."
  • 他认为英国革命在望,之后突发现你会坏他的事。你可能会将他驱逐出境,甚至可能吊死他。
    He thought the English revolution was just around the corner. Then suddenly he found you were the nigger in the woodpile. You could have got him run out of this country. Maybe even got him hanged.
  • 至关重要的是食品专家们还发现如果在食品中加人硫化物,防止焦化、硬化现象发生则会使食物看起来依非常新鲜。
    Crucially, food chemists also discovered that adding sulfites prevents browning and hardening and keeps food and beverages looking fresh.
  • 床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。
    Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly.
  • 床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了
    Despite the hardness of his bed, he was soon sleeping soundly
  • 矿物一种自生成的同类无机固体,具有确定的化学成分和独特的晶体结构、颜色和硬度
    A naturally occurring, homogeneous inorganic solid substance having a definite chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness.
  • 坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰自若。
    A Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
  • 这么用功的学生考试及格是很自的事。
    It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.
  • 当我们深入山林的时候,它突挥手叫我们停下来听一种奇怪的声音。
    When we went deep into the wooded hills, all of a sudden he waved us to stop and told us to hark to a queer sound.
  • 当克林顿不外出旅行时(约有一半时间),他通常呆在查帕阔,坐专车去哈勒姆的办公室上班,后,总是在晚上回到住处。
    When he's not traveling (about half the time), Clinton stays in Chappaqua and rides 45 minutes to his Harlem office in a SUV driven by the Secret Service, always returning at night.
  • 这看上去虽有点傻,但倒也无碍。
    That seems a bit silly, but harmless.
  • 无害的电流通过你身体时,你会感到毛骨悚
    You can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.
  • 一方或另一方采取的行动,在其他时候看来似乎并无恶意,但现在则可能是截不同的另一码事。
    An action by one side or the other which at another time would seem harmless might seem to be something else entirely.
  • 后他们请小杨吹口琴。
    Then they called on Xiao Yang to play the harmonica.
  • 尽管香港经历了艰难的经济调整,但劳资关系仍和谐。
    Despite the difficult economic adjustment experienced by Hong Kong, labour relations remained harmonious.
  • 她雕刻作品的结构是树枝树干的自伸展,与森林的自景观浑一体。
    The forms of her sculptures are natural extensions of the trunks and the branches of the trees,and are harmoniously re-inserted in the natural framework of the forest.