  • 带颤音发出(声音)
    To articulate(a sound) with a trill.
  • 运舌法发音通过铜管乐器或簧乐器发音阶
    To articulate notes on a brass or wind instrument.
  • 运舌法通过运动舌头阻断空气在乐器中的运行,从而发声音
    Interruption of the wind stream through an instrument by movement of the tongue in order to articulate notes.
  • 用运舌法吹用舌头阻住空气的流通从而分开或发(铜管乐器或簧乐器演奏的音阶)
    To separate or articulate(notes played on a brass or wind instrument) by shutting off the stream of air with the tongue.
  • 让我们说我们的希望、意见、价值观和期待,不要等政府为我们一一列明。
    Let us articulate our hopes, our missions, our values and our vision instead of waiting for the government to state it for us.
  • 实际上他们从不权衡利弊,也从未作他们现在能说理由来明智的决定。
    They never actually weighed up the pros and cons and arrived at a conscious decision for which they can now articulate their reasons.
  • 流音的无摩擦清晰发并可象元音一样延长的
    Articulated without friction and capable of being prolonged like a vowel.
  • 声道压缩(但不关闭)发的辅音。
    consonant articulated by constricting (but not closing) the vocal tract.
  • 在嘴或喉的后部发的辅音。
    a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat.
  • 舌尖靠近齿龈脊发的辅音。
    a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge.
  • 属于或关于用双唇发的语音的。
    of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips.
  • 流音能够清晰发没有摩擦并能象元音一样延长的辅音,例如英语中的l和r
    A consonant articulated without friction and capable of being prolonged like a vowel, such as English l and r.
  • 在同一点上发的包含爆破音和擦音混合音。
    a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy').
  • 新加坡华文作家有此想法并不是没有原因,过去20年来,因着各种说得与说不的历史因素,作为华族母语的华语,在教学上是属于第二语文,其水平的日渐低落,也已经是无以否认的事实,这些年来,这个问题也一直困扰着华文教育界及华文文化界。
    These writers have reasons to feel this way. In the last 20 years, for historical factors which have not been fully articulated, there is no denying that the standard of our Chinese language - as the mother tongue of the Chinese and a second language in school - has been on the decline.For years, the problem has plagued Chinese educational and literary circles.
  • 像对诗划明显的每个音节的发音。
    utter with distinct articulation of each syllable, as of verse.
  • 破裂阻塞空气的突然释放,现在某些闭塞性辅音的特征性发音中
    The sudden release of occluded air characteristically occurring in the articulation of certain stop consonants.
  • 因此,在本地也同时现两把声音,一种埋怨当局对华文的要求太高了,学生应付不来,也耗费了太多的心思能力;
    This has led to the articulation of two contrasting opinions. One blames the authorities for setting unattainable standards and sapping the energy of students who cannot cope.
  • 调动发音器官发语音。
    bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech.
  • 大量已经生产的人工物品。
    the amount of an artifact that has been produced by someone or some process.
  • 经由研究人工制品可以探查古代的惯例。
    One can trace ancient practices through the study of artifacts.
  • 这里展的都是平常的物品,使你能感受到那种典型的往日乡间氛围。
    You are able to get a feel of the typical rural atmosphere of times past from the everyday artifacts displayed here.
  • 第二、实施有效的行动,起回被掠夺但还留在伊拉克境内的文物,防止它们口到其他地方。
    Secondly, it will take efficacious actions to recover the looted artifacts that are still within that county and to prevent their export.
  • 第三、采取必要的措施,禁止被抢的文物在美国进口或口,并要求其他国家作同样的行动。
    Thirdly, it will take necessary steps to ensure that these stolen artifacts are banned from importation and exportation in US and request other countries to do the same.
  • 他在布置新房子中表现富有技巧。
    He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
  • 直到一八八四年,第一个人造纤维才制造来。
    It was not until 1884 that the first artificial fiber was made.
  • 一个通过人工受孕而生的婴儿。
    a baby conceived by artificial insemination.
  • 被赋予生命的假人犹太民间传说中被超自然地赋予了生命而造来的人
    In Jewish folklore, an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life.
  • 我在这里想指,政府所作的行动,并非意图托市,而是针对目前的市场炒卖活动而做的。
    I have to point out that the Government has no intention to artificially support the stock market. The measures we have taken today directed specifically against the speculative activities under the present economic situation.
  • 艺术家应创作美好的事物。
    An artist should create beautiful things.
  • 今晚为我们演的有。
    Among the artiste appear on our show tonight we have.
  • 玛丽身于艺术家庭。
    Mary comes from an artistic family.
  • 她的插花技巧显示她的艺术鉴赏力。
    Her flower arrangements argue her artistic taste.