| - 一个制造和维修犁子的工匠。
a workman who makes and repairs plows. - 补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做出的纠正或补救;补偿
Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong; expiation. - 这个条约的主要内容是:中国向八国赔偿银四亿五千万两,承认帝国主义国家有在北京和北京至天津、山海关一带地区驻兵的特权。
its main provisions were that China had to pay those countries the huge sum of 450 million taels of silver as war reparations and grant them the special privilege of stationing troops in Peking and in the area from Peking to Tientsin and Shanhaikuan. - 在找房子期间,我和丈夫、孩子们一直住在堂兄家里。
In the weeks that my husband, kids and I had been staying with my cousin while house-hunting, I had come to enjoy Ben's jovial repartee. - 欣赏一场精彩的辩论会,不单是一种听觉上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知识水平和分析能力。
A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear. The contestants' brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one's intellect as well. - 清淡的一顿饭或一餐。
a light meal or repast. - 一个研究学问的学术机构。
a learned institution for the advancement of knowledge. - 其他合格投资者汇入本金满一年后,可以委托托管人持规定的文件向国家外汇局申请分期、分批购汇汇出本金。
Other types of QFII can mandate their custodians, with the submission of required documents, to apply to SAFE to repatriate the principals by stages and by batches one years after their remittance of the principals. - 第二十九条 合格投资者需购汇汇出上一会计年度经中国注册会计师审计的已实现税后收益,应当委托托管人提前十五个工作日持下列文件向国家外汇局提出申请:
Article 29. If QFII needs to purchase foreign exchange to repatriate their post-tax profits of the previous accounting year which have been audited by Chinese CPA, the QFII should mandate its custodian to apply to SAFE fifteen days prior to repatriation, together with the following documents: - (一)本金已全部汇出;
1. Having repatriated all its principals; - 年内,共有19584名非法入境者被逮捕和遣返原居地,而一九九六年则有24408名。
In 1997, 19584 illegal immigrants were apprehended and repatriated, compared with 24408 in 1996. - 一九九七年,根据自愿遣返计划返回越南的船民有3368人,使到自一九八九年该计划实施以来,透过该计划返回越南的船民总数达57344人。
In 1997, 3368 persons returned to Vietnam under Volrep - bringing the total number of Vietnamese migrants repatriated under this programme to 57344 since its inception in 1989. - 一九九七年,根据有秩序遣返计划遣返越南的船民人数有1144人,使到自一九九一年该计划实施以来,透过该计划遣返的越南船民总数达9702人。
In 1997, 1144 Vietnamese migrants were repatriated under the programme, bringing to 9702 the total number returned to Vietnam under the ORP since its introduction in 1991. - 广义货币(港元货币供应m3)的按年增长率,在一九九九年上半年大幅上升,但升势在下半年放缓,原因大概是用作比较的基数偏高所致,这是因为在一九九八年六月推出香港存款的利息收入可获豁免利得税的措施后,一九九八年下半年有大量海外存款调回香港。
Broad money (HK$M3) rose significantly in the first half of 1999 on a year-on-year basis but the growth slowed in the second half of the year, probably due to the effect of high base comparison, as a notable amount in offshore deposits was repatriated to Hong Kong in the second half of 1998, following the introduction of the exemption of interest income derived from deposits placed in Hong Kong from profit tax in June 1998. - 每次汇出本金的金额不得超过本金总额的百分之二十,相邻两次汇出的时间间隔不得少于一个月。
The amount of each batch of principal repatriation should not exceed 20% of the total principals, and the interval between two repatriations should not be shorter than one month. - 准备提升一名雇员
Groom an employee for advancement. - 就存款回流作出调整后,港元货币供应m3的增长温和,一九九九年十二月的按年计增长率为4.5%。
Adjusted for the repatriation of deposits, the growth of HK$M3 was rather moderate, at 4.5 per cent year-on-year in December. - 据点提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置
A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement. - 就存款回流的影响作出调整后,港元存款增长更为轻微,一九九九年十二月的按年计增长率为3.6%。
Adjusted for the effect of deposit repatriation, the growth of Hong Kong dollar deposits was more moderate, 3.6 per cent year-on-year in December. - 这项计划于一九九六年二月开始实施,为参加旅行团外游时意外伤亡的人士,提供经济援助,包括在有关国家支付的医疗及殓葬费用,或把罹难外游人士的遗体/骨灰运返香港的费用,也包括协助伤亡外游人士的最多两名亲属前往探问或处理身后事所引致的费用。
Introduced in February 1996, this scheme provides financial relief to outbound travellers injured or killed in accidents while touring abroad. It covers medical expenses and funeral expenses incurred in the relevant country, or repatriation of the body/ashes of the victim, as well as expenses incurred in compassionate visits for up to two relatives of the victim. - 借一下十块钱,明天还给你。
Just lend me 10 dollars, and I'll repay you tomorrow. - 你能借给我一块钱吗?我明天还你。
Could I borrow a dollar from you? I'll repay you tomorrow. - 他答应,任何时候一经要求即归还贷款。
He has promised to repay the loan at any time on demand. - 我觉得一定要尽快回报他们给予的殷勤款待。
I feel under an obligation to repay their hospitality as soon as possible. - 我一定会加倍报答您对我的恩惠
I will take care that my obligation to you shall be amply repay - 他们开了一门高级英语课。
They offered an advanced English course. - 我工资的相当一部分要还抵押借款。
But a lot of my salary go in mortgage repayment. - 使一个国家在技术上发展。
make a country technologically advanced. - 他提出一个新计划。
He advanced a new plan. - 一般来讲,如果公司利润下降或经济状况恶化,外部资金来源将不复存在,因此依靠外部资金来源归还贷款是不合适的。
In general, it is inappropriate to rely on the external sources for repayment because they will disappear if the firm's profitability declines or economic conditions deteriorate. - 继续理顺基础设施产品、服务价格,实施并不断完善政府对一些经营性基础设施项目的回报补偿机制;
Continued efforts shall be made to regulate the prices for infrastructure products and services and to put into practice the governmental compensation and repayment mechanisms for some commercial infrastructure projects. - 债券吸引人的一大特点是它让投资者有一笔固定收入,到期时能领回借出的金额(除非是碰上发行机构违约)。
A major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investors with a steady stream of income and barring defaults, guarantees the repayment of the loan in full at maturity.