  • 另一方面,社会上有极少数人正在散布怀疑或反对这四项基本原则的思潮,而党内也有个别同志不但不承认这种思潮的危险,甚至直接接地加以某种程度的支持。
    It is necessary to continue emphasizing the Four Cardinal Principles also because a handful of people in society at large are spreading ideas which are against them or at least cast doubt on them, and because individual Party comrades, instead of recognizing the danger of such ideas, have given them a certain degree of direct or indirect support.
  • 他强调严守时的重要性。
    He was emphatic about the importance of being punctual.
  • 重点开展微小卫星设计研制及应用;奥运新闻中心数字新闻信息系统开发;高速信息示范网关键技术研究;北京空信息工程关键技术研究;多语言智能信息服务系统研究;数字奥运基础信息服务软件研究;高速数据传输技术;城域接入网示范工程;高亮度彩色显示材料及显示设备开发及应用;数字有线电视系统(传输、接收)的开发应用;高清晰度数字电视(hdtv)开发与应用等。大力发展第三代移动通信技术。
    This project includes as follows: emphatic development and application of mini-satellite design, and the development of digital news information system at the Olympic press centers, and the research on key technology of High speed information demonstration network, and Beijing space information project and multiple languages intelligent information service system, and digital Olympics-based information service software and high speed data transmission technology and demonstration project of city access network as well as the development and application of high light color display material and device, the development and application of digital cable TV system (transmission and reception ), and high definition digital television (HDTV) etc. we shall energetically develop the mobile communication technology of the third generation.
  • 她善于利用时间。
    She employs her time wisely.
  • 她把闲暇时花在缝纫上。
    She employs her free time in sewing.
  • 你怎样利用你的余闲时
    How do you employ your spare time?
  • 我利用空闲时看书。
    I employ my spare time in reading.
  • 下班后她常常把时花在看书上。
    She used to employ herself in reading after work.
  • 你雇用她多长时间了?
    How long has she been in your employ (ie employed by you)?
  • 没有从事某事、没有被雇用或者没有被某事占着时
    not engaged or employed or occupied.
  • 她把馀暇时用在编织上。
    She employed her spare time in knitting.
  • 在罢工期阻止工人工作。
    prevent employees from working during a strike.
  • 一份雇员工作时的记录。
    a record of the hours worked by employees.
  • 雇主与工人代表之就工资和工作条件进行的谈判
    negotiation between employer and worker' representative over wages and condition
  • 雇佣雇佣或聘请,尤指为特定时的雇佣
    Employment, especially for a specified time.
  • 这房很快就腾空了。
    The room was emptied very quickly.
  • 空杯子;空房;满是空位子;空闲的时
    an empty glass; an empty room; full of empty seats; empty hours.
  • 真空空间;真空
    An empty space; a vacuum.
  • 理想的情况是,企业需要的vpn是低成本的、能模拟他所熟悉的各种连接,其中包括预分配的带宽、透明的点对点连接、端至端的安全以及最大的不停机工作时等。
    Ideally, enterprises need their VPNs to be cost-effective and to emulate the kinds of connections they've become accustomed to, including support for pre-allocated bandwidth, transparent point-to-point connections, end-to-end security, and maximum up time.
  • 在胶片感光乳剂中,不是直接经过透镜的某种方法曝光的区域,例如透镜组成部分各表面的内部反射。
    In film emulsion, an area exposed in some way other than directly through the lens, such as internal reflections between the various surfaces of the lens component.
  • 饭店有25带浴室的客房。
    The hotel has 25 bedrooms, all en suite.
  • 该旅馆每卧室都有一洗澡自成一套.
    Each bedroom in the hotel has a bathroom en suite.
  • 该旅馆每卧室都有一洗澡自成一套
    Each bedroom in the hotel have a bathroom en suite.
  • 露营通常在露天地区的短时的野营
    A temporary encampment often in an unsheltered area.
  • 一种方法是将血红蛋白包裹在直径大约为0.2微米(百万分之一米)的油脂泡囊中,这项技术还能提高循环时
    One method is to encapsulate hemoglobin inside lipid vesicles about 0.2 microns (millionths of a meter) in diameter. This technique also increases the circulation time.
  • 门关了以后,我什么声音都没听见,好长一段时,我像着了魔一般,站在房子中
    I heard no sound after the door closed, and for some time I stood as one enchanted in the middle of the room.
  • 他们谈论起那小岛,仿佛就要去人天堂度假一般。我想,这是远观胜过近赏。
    They’re talking of the small island as if they were going to spend their holiday in a paradise on earth. Distance lends enchantment to the view, I suppose.
  • 第五节敌我之的几种包围
  • 这些问题是:几种根据地,游击区和根据地,建立根据地的条件,根据地的巩固和发展,敌我之的几种包围。
    These problems are the types of base areas, the guerrilla zones and the base areas, the conditions for establishing base areas, their consolidation and expansion, and the forms in which we and the enemy encircle one another.
  • 育雏暖房饲养家禽的温暖封闭空
    A heated enclosure in which fowls are raised.
  • 底舱水泵在船舱内装有水泵的小房
    An enclosure in a ship's hold for the pumps.
  • 用于在载波的四个不同相位作变换的一种调制方法,用四种可能的相位来表示二位的编码。
    A type of modulation designed for the carrier to shift between four distinct phases, the four possible phases serve to encode two bits.