  • 又一方面,积极发展全国党政军民学各方面的统一战线,力争国民党中的大多数,力争中间阶层,力争抗战军队中的同情者,力争民众运动的深入,力争知识分子,力争抗日根据地的巩固和抗日武、抗日政权的发展,力争党的巩固和进步。
    On the other hand, it must actively develop the united front of the political parties, the government organs, the armed forces, the civilian population and the intellectuals;it must do its utmost to win over the majority of the Kuomintang, the intermediate classes and sympathizers in the armies fighting against Japan, to deepen the mass movement, to win over the intellectuals, to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas, expand the anti-Japanese armed forces and the organs of anti-Japanese political power, and consolidate our Party and ensure its progress.
  • 用于地毯和室内潢的柔软的混合纤维。
    a thick velvety synthetic fabric used for carpets and soft upholstery.
  • 用标签或垂饰安装
    To supply with a tab or tabs.
  • 设备或置的最大速度或最大数据速率,其中不考虑必要的延迟作用,如校验、加标记等。
    Maximum speed or data rate of a device or facility which makes no allowance for necessary delaying functions, such as checking or tabbing.
  • 台布价格可接受订货条件是五月底运请电复
  • 台布价格可接受将订货条件是5月底运请电复。
    Tablecloth price acceptable wilder provided shipment end of May pls reply by cable.
  • 打字机上的定位装置
    A tabulator on a typewriter.
  • 去年十二月,由于遭遇暴风雨,这家运动产品生产大户在从加利福尼亚长滩到华盛顿塔科马的运货途中丢了一只有22878双,也就是45756只运动鞋的集箱。
    The maker of athletic gear lost 45,756 shoes -- or 22,878 pair-- that fell off a storm-tossed container ship in December on the way from Long Beach, California, to Tacoma, Washington.
  • 中国继续向一些发展中国家提供人员培训、备器材、后勤物资、医疗卫生等方面的援助,并积极拓展新的交往领域。
    China continues to provide a number of devel-oping countries with aid in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of con-tacts in the future.
  • 师军队的行政和作战单位,比军小,但设备齐全且配有长期战斗的
    An administrative and tactical military unit that is smaller than a corps but is self-contained and equipped for prolonged combat activity.
  • 这本书由一些已印好的论文组成,只是随便订在一起而已。
    This book consists of essays already printed, just tagged together.
  • 他穿了一套定做的漂亮西
    He wears a beautifully tailored suit.
  • 这位裁缝以做高级西而出名。
    This tailor is famous for making good suit.
  • 人靠衣装佛靠金装。
    The tailor makes the man.
  • 我正在街上徘徊,忽然看见了一家服店。
    I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailor's shop.
  • 她的衣服是由一位著名的时女设计师制作的。
    Her clothing is tailored by a famous couturiere.
  • 香奈尔,加布里埃勒·博纳尔1883-1971法国服设计师,以其设计的紧身套服、紧身女及她开办的香水厂尤其是香奈尔5号香水而闻名
    French fashion designer famous for her tailored suits and dresses and for her line of perfumes, particularly Chanel No.5.
  • 切割者切割的人,尤指服裁剪师
    One that cuts, especially in tailoring.
  • 我们通常的工价是125元,包括上与裤子。
    Our usual price for tailoring is 125 yuan, including coat and trousers.
  • 你要装成外带吗?
    Will you make it for takeout?
  • 天才的艺术家把这块树根雕成一件有趣的饰品。
    The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
  • 葛:你也许记得我曾经提醒你们考虑桶兽脂。
    You may recall that we once drew your attention to drummed tallow.
  • 葛:然而已有相当长的一段时间里曾脂市场坚挺,澳大利亚市场散曾脂一吨的时价在303美元左右。
    However, the tallow market has been quite strong for sometime and the prevailing price in the Australian Market is around US $ 303/mt for bulk tallow.
  • 赵:对桶兽脂我们不感兴趣,原因很简单,价格比散的更高。
    We are not interested in drummed tallow for the simple reason that its price is higher.
  • 葛:根据目前形势,我们只能按昨天的报价供应一千吨散兽脂。
    As the situation stands now, we can offer only 1 000 tons bulk tallow at the price quoted yesterday.
  • 葛:如果你能说服你们用户接受桶兽脂的话,我们可以尽力多供一些,比如说三千吨吧,桶和桶费,每吨加收45美元。
    If you can get your end users interested in drummed tallow, we'll do our best to offer more, say 3 000 tons, with an additional charge for the drums and the drumming cost at US $ 45 per ton.
  • 把水槽装满水。
    Fill the tank with water.
  • 这个油槽可以满十六加仑
    The tank carries16 gallons when full.
  • 这个水箱能多少水?
    How much water will this tank hold?
  • 带有热水的罐的加热器。
    a heater and storage tank for the heated water.
  • 几天后,当我们把餐桌的条板箱拆开时,我注意到有黄色的东西贴在它的底部,就是这件衬衫!
    Days later, when we uncrated the kitchen table, I noticed something yellow taped to its bottom. The shirt!
  • 把一种塞子在管子的顶部,石油就会通过龙头缓缓流出。
    A kind of lid is fixed to the top of the pipe, and the oil is allowed to flow out gently through taps.