  • 别把时间在搜集古玩上面。
    Don't trifle away your time on corio hunting.
  • 欧洲产的一种矮生金雀,叶具有三小叶,带黄白色。
    low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers.
  • 美国热带豆科的一个主要的属,长有大和三叶的叶子。
    a genus of chiefly tropical American vines of the family Leguminosae having trifoliate leaves and large flowers.
  • 旧大陆苜蓿属草本植物,开小,三叶复叶。
    any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves.
  • 北美西部或北部的一种白菜属植物;有时作为一种观赏植物。
    plant of western North America having trifoliate leaves and white or pink spider-shaped flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental.
  • 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色
    A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers.
  • 长有三叶和微黄的或紫的的藤本或直立草本属;属于温带或热带地区的。
    genus of vines or erect herbs having trifoliate leaves and yellowish or purplish flowers; of warm or tropical regions; most species often placed in genus Phaseolus.
  • 刺桐属各种灌木或灌木状乔木的任意一种,三叶叶片,猩红色至珊瑚红色的成总状序,结黑色种子,;是一种观赏植物。
    any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 欧洲草,黄绿色类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。
    European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums; reputed to be poisonous.
  • 中国种每年落叶灌木或小型树种,三裂片树叶,粉红到白色冠。
    deciduous Chinese shrub or small tree with often trilobed leaves grown for its pink-white flowers.
  • 让园丁把这些圃修剪一下。
    Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds.
  • 金银丝边用螺旋状的金银丝线做成的较重的边饰物
    A heavy lace trimming made of twisted gold or silver threads.
  • 装饰的项饰装饰性边或衣服领后的下垂物
    An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.
  • 他乐意在这里上一两个钟头,修枝,除草,这儿那儿,在土里搠一些窟窿,摆下种子。
    He liked to pass an hour or two there, trimming, hoeing, and making holes here and there in the earth, into which he dropped seeds.
  • 小玩意哨的小玩意儿;小玩具
    A small, showy ornament of little value; a trinket.
  • 她轻快地沿园小径跑过来。
    She came tripping down the garden path.
  • 我们了一个多小时打扫游客扔下的所有废纸和其他东西。
    We spent over an hour clearing up all the waste paper and that which the trippers has left behind.
  • 他补充说:"从艾伦·谢菲尔的经历来看,这个仅15分钟的旅行需费至少10万美元,而对于其他即将经历这些的人来说,他们可以有机会体验失重的感觉,可以从高处俯瞰这个地球。"
    He added, "We are saying these trips will cost a minimum of $100,000 for a 15-minute trip, which was the amount of time the first American in space, Alan Shepard, had and for that you get to feel space weightlessness and see the world from up there."
  • 他们把踩进地里去。
    They trod the flowers into the ground.
  • 牛把田里的野踩坏了。
    The cattle trod down the wild flowers in the field.
  • 这些热带卉颜色很艳丽。
    These tropical flowers have bright colors.
  • 园里沿边的或走道两边的坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
    The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop.
  • 园园丁使用的泥铲。
    a trowel used by gardeners.
  • 园里沿边的或走道两边的坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
    The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop.
  • 园里沿边的或走道两边的坛需用泥铲小心地除草,但迪克却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,像瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
    The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but Dick attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop.
  • 园里沿边的或走道两边的坛需用泥铲小心地除草,但迪克却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,像瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
    The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but Dick attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop.
  • 这张照片没有真实地反映出园的丰富色彩.
    The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.
  • 无将的一手牌没有指定任何色为王牌的一手牌
    A hand played without a trump suit.
  • j在纸牌中的某种变化中的梅王子和最高王牌
    The jack of clubs and highest trump in certain variations of loo.
  • 叫无将牌桥牌和其它牌戏的叫牌,不提任何色当王
    A declaration to play a hand without a trump suit in bridge and other card games.
  • 垫出另一色牌张出不同于先前牌的一张合适牌(除了王牌的其他一张牌)
    To play(a card other than a trump) from a suit different from that of the card led.
  • 百合一种百合属植物,开各色,通常为喇叭状
    Any of various plants of the genus Lilium, having variously colored, often trumpet-shaped flowers.