  • 他是击球能手.
    He bats well.
  • 即使这样,我们也听到一些蝙蝠发出的回声定位声,比如斑纹蝙蝠。
    Even so, we can hear echolocation clicks from some bats, such as the spotted bats.
  • 一些马蹄铁形蝙蝠探测到细微至0.0001千赫的差别。
    Some Horseshoe bats can detect differences as slight as 0. 0001 KHz.
  • 她说的话你一句也不相信,因为她神经失常了。
    You can't believe a word she say because she is bats in the belfry.
  • 歪球,坏球未投给击球员的一个球,在板球中算是攻队跑动得1分
    A ball bowled outside of the batsman's reach, counting as a run for the batting team in cricket.
  • 在战地上,一营的部队可分散的很开,排长同本连的其他军官一起用膳。
    In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company.
  • 如今他还靠榨取雇员的血汗来养肥自己吗?
    Can he still batten upon the blood of the employees nowadays?
  • 这些邮件通常需要一个月才送到,经过一路的颠沛流离,它们早已经"衣衫褴褛"。
    The mail arrives as much as a month late and often battered and ripped from the arduous trip.
  • 这部车以太阳电池为源。
    This car feeds on solar batteries.
  • 纸张电池可以用于所谓的智卡,那些带有微处理器芯片的塑料卡。
    Power Paper batteries can be used in so-called smart cards -- plastic cards that contain microprocessor chips.
  • 当今的电池除了不安全地提速外,价格也不便宜。
    None of our present batteries would be satisfactory enough to drive it fast and at a reasonable cost;
  • 如果所有的应用程序从网络上得到,为什么还要到处移动1千兆字节的硬盘和额外的电池呢?
    If all the applications are available on your network, why lug around a 1G-byte hard disk and extra batteries?
  • 用于各种电子设备的电池体积变得越来越小,量却越来越大,轻便电池的最新研究进展堪称又一个新的转折。
    While batteries that power electronic devices are getting smaller and more powerful, the latest development in portable power is literally a new twist.
  • 因特网像大浪淘沙一样,冲击着网络的海岸线,侵蚀着脆弱的网络操作系统的功
    Like a mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, the Internet is battering the network coastline and eroding the functionality of the venerable network operating system.
  • 和平是一个更美好的产物,而美好的世界要由素质较高的人来维护。顾拜旦坚信,只有通过在激烈竞赛中的给予和索取,缓冲和冲击、紧张和压力,才造就一代较高素质的人。
    Peace is the product of a better world; a better world is brought about by better individuals; and better individuals, Coubertin was convinced, are developed only in the give-and-take, the buffering and battering, the stress and strain of fierce competition.
  • 清洗一下挡风玻璃?
    Can you check my battery?
  • 检查一下我的蓄电池?
    Could you check my battery?
  • 一颗电池能用多久?
    How long will a battery last?
  • 第四棒球队击球顺序的第四个位置,通常留给特别奔跑的强壮的击球手
    The fourth position on a team's batting order, usually reserved for a strong hitter who can drive in extra runs.
  • 这将使军官够“看”到——即使敌人未看到——整个战场上他们的士兵。
    That would allow officers to "see" their men all over a battlefield, even when the enemy cannot.
  • 再过七年八年,都七十岁出头了,你还在战场上见分晓啊?
    Seven or eight years from now, you'll be past 70. How could you see things through on the battlefield?
  • 然而,如果确实对战场情况了如指掌,那么也许你就不需要一支预备队。
    But if you really have a much better understanding of what is occurring on the battlefield, then perhaps you don't need a reserve force.
  • 这方面的一个很好的例子就是海湾战争。在这场战争中,我们首次使用了隐形技术,并首次将现代侦察技术用于战场,这些技术具有很强的力,我们不得不研究如何运用这些技术的战术。
    An excellent example of this is Desert Storm,where for the first time,we used stealth technology and for the first time,we took modern intelligence techniques to the battlefield.
  • 已经做好准备将在战场上使用的武器,包括一种微波炸弹(或称电磁炸弹)。它可以产生强有力的量脉冲,从而摧毁敌军的电子设备,让通信失灵,甚至使车辆无法打火,但旁边的人却不会受到伤害。
    Weapons ready for battlefield deployment include a microwave bomb that emits powerful pulses of energy to destroy enemy electronics, disable communications and even block vehicle ignitions, without hurting bystanders.
  • 弱军要战胜强军,是不不讲求阵地这个条件的。
    In order to defeat a strong army, a weak army must carefully choose favourable terrain as a battleground.
  • 你不必这样大声喊叫,大家都听见你。
    You don’t have to bawl out like that. Eeverybody can hear you.
  • 人或可为自己建树一个刺刀的宝座,但不于其上坐稳。
    A man may build himself a throne of bayonet, but he cannot sit on it.
  • 但是不总是停留在练射击、刺杀、投手榴弹的水平上,现在单练这些就不够了。
    But the training has to go beyond marksmanship, bayonet practice and grenade-throwing. Because that's no longer enough.
  • 他们似乎不知道刺刀的力量不产生艺术,正如你不向娼妓买得真爱情一样。
    They don't seem to realize that you cannot produce art by the force of the bayonet any more than you can buy real love from a prostitute.
  • 他术后几天内只蹒跚而行。
    A few bays after her operation, she could only dodder along.
  • 真的吗?谢谢,贝斯先生。很高兴您来。
    Why, thank you, Mr. Bays. I'm so glad you came.
  • 可到达的;可达到的;及的;够得著的
    Breachablebadjithat can be reached