  • 什么是爱情?它不在明天;欢笑游戏莫放过了眼前;来的事有谁能预料?不要蹉跎了大好年华;来吻我吧,你双十娇娃,转眼青春早化成衰老。
    What is love?' tis not hereafter; Present mirth hath present laughter; What's to come is still unsure: In delay there lies no plenty; Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty, youth's a stuff will not endure.
  • 伐木树木砍倒、修整、并拖走
    To cut down, trim, and haul timber.
  • (电线或电缆)拖到船上作检查或修理
    To haul(a line or cable) onto a boat for inspection or repair.
  • 伐木(一块土地上的)树木砍倒、修整、并拖走
    To cut down, trim, and haul the timber of(a piece of land).
  • 你们的建议在公司高层会议上得到考虑。
    Your suggestion will have attention at the company top meeting.
  • "把首都迁往内地的主意,对巴西的未来产生巨大的影响。"
    The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil.
  • 患歇斯底里或可能有歇斯底里的
    Having or prone to having hysterics.
  • 大风摧毁我的花园。
    The wind will wreak havoc on my garden.
  • 居民大部分为日本人和中国人,另外有近3万夏威夷土著和同样数量的葡萄牙人。
    The bulk of the inhabitants are Japanese and Chinese, with nearly 30,000 Hawaiian aborigines and almost as many Portuguese.
  • 该协议不会使执行强硬政策的内阁成员感到满意
    The agreement will not satisfy the more hawkish members of the cabinet
  • 最后“鹰派”可能被“鸽派”所取代。
    At last there is a chance that the hawks of war will be replaced by doves of peace.
  •  (四)危险废物混入非危险废物中贮存的;
    mixing hazardous waste with unhazardous waste for storage;
  •  (六)危险废物和旅客在同一运输工具上载运的;
    carrying hazardous waste and passengers in the same transport vehicle;
  •  禁止危险废物混入非危险废物中贮存。
    It is forbidden to store hazardous waste mixed with unhazardous waste.
  •  禁止危险废物与旅客在同一运输工具上载运。
    It is forbidden to carry hazardous waste and passengers in the same transport vehicle.
  • 军澳南面会辟拓一幅约104公顷的土地,供深水海旁工业及潜在危险设施之用。
    About 104 hectares of land south of Tseung Kwan O will be developed for deep waterfront industries and potentially hazardous installations.
  •  (二)危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位收集、贮存、处置的;
    supplying or entrusing hazardous waste to a unit that does not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment;
  •  禁止危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位从事收集、贮存、处置的经营活动。
    It is forbidden to supply or entrust hazardous waste to units that do not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment.
  • 尽管对脏雾的研究还需要更多的科学数据,但是科学家们认为这片亚洲脏雾对亚洲地区乃至全球的恶劣影响会在今后的30年内逐渐恶化。
    While scientists say they still need more scientific data, they suggest the regional and global impact of the haze will intensify over the next 30 years.
  • 若全盘考虑,这项办法可能害多利少。内中条款诸多含混不清,使律师们忙碌若干年。
    On balance, the measure probably will do more harm than good. Ii is riddled with hazy provisions that will keep lawyers busy for years.
  • 我将头迅速低下。
    I ducked my head.
  • 这药减轻你的头痛。
    This medicine will relieve your headache.
  • 这药对你的头痛有效。
    These pills will act on your headache.
  • 操作入口站点(operatorsite)拒绝所有带有soapactor属性的请求。
    Operator Sites will reject any request that arrives with a SOAP Actor attribute in the SOAP Header element with an error code of E_unsupported.
  • 公园占地约1215公顷,其中包括760公顷的森林绿地、50公顷的中华民族博物馆以及405公顷的国际展览体育中心,赛后成为全市最高品位的文化、休闲、健身区域。
    Covering a total area of 1,215 hectares, the Olympic Green consists of 760 hectares of woods and grassland, a 50-hectare Chinese Nationalities Museum and a 405-hectare International Exhibition and Sports Center. The Olympic Green will become a state-of-the-art center of cultural, creational and sports activities in Beijing.
  • 这篱笆能羊群挡在田地外面吗?
    Will the hedge keep the sheep out of the field?
  • 除非有人愿意以足够证据,证明他的建议具有一定的可靠性,否则别接受任何人的建议,你会因谨慎而避免被误导,或被当成傻瓜。
    Refuse to heed anyone's advice-unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the soundness of his or her counsel.You will save yourself from hucksters,the misguided,and fools.
  • 浪涛线外一艘领港船正乘风前进,船身倾斜,甲板上的一切都清晰可辨。背景是一个风暴至的薄暮的天空。
    and, outside the line of surf, a pilot-schooner, close-hauled, heeled over till every detail of her deck was visible, was surging along against a stormy sunset sky.
  • 目前的燃料电池的体积和重量是它们实际运用于汽车的主要障碍。
    The size and heft of current fuel cells has been a major obstacle to making them practical for use in automobiles.
  • 他实在不想情人交给自己的老婆;但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?
    He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer?
  • 我们在8万米高空飞行。
    We'll fly at height of 80000 meter.
  • 为了保持这个农场的完整,他它移交给一个继承人
    To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir