  • 虽然抵押并不保证贷款必将得到偿还,但它能够减少风险,这是因为对以担保品形式抵押给银行的任何资产,银行可优先于般的债权人得到清偿,成为清偿中的优先债权人。
    Although Security does not assure that the loan will repaid, it does reduce the risk, because the bank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation, and takes procedure over general creditors in the liquidation of any assets pledged to the bank as collateral.
  • 种类型的风险称为购买能力风险,这是由意外的高通货膨胀率所引起的风险,即最后还贷时的本金和利息的购买力比惜出者当初放款时所期望的购买力要低。
    Another type of risk, called purchasing-power risk, is the risk that, due to an unexpectedly high inflation rate, the future interest payments, and the principal of the loan when finally repaid, will have less purchasing power than the lender anticipated at the time the loan was made.
  • 他们雇用个小公司重新油漆饭厅。
    They hired a small company to repaint the dining room.
  • 步所需要的是个铁般的承诺:在各共和国实行贯的市场改革以后,给予实际的援助。援助须充分,但不必过多以免以为[受援国的]重负。大部分可用长期贷款方式,旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
    What's needed next is an ironclad commitment of substantial aid to be delivered after the republics coherent market reforms. The aid, while large, won't be onerous. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet.
  • 我知道你要挂些照片,不过要紧的是,我们必须先重新粉刷墙壁。
    I know you want to put up some pictures, but first things first we must repaint the wall.
  • 飞石铲去了我汽车上的二处油漆。我必须重新油漆下,免得生锈——及时处理,事半功倍。
    There are one or two places where flying gravel has chipped a small flake of paint off my car. I must repaint them before they go rusty-a stitch in time save nine.
  • 我们把大客车的外部重新油漆了遍。
    We repainted the bodywork of the bus.
  • 而且前几天我们又重刷了遍油漆。
    And we had it repainted some days ago.
  • 解决财务纠纷,尤指用建议项向债权人还债方案来解决财务纠纷
    Settling of a financial dispute, especially by proposing a plan for repaying creditors
  • 对他的亲近表示冷淡;个性冷淡的女人。
    was cold to his advances; a frigid woman.
  • 厨房看上去好象重新漆过样。
    The kitchen looks as though it's been repainted.
  • 每年还贷款时,他必须付定百分比的利息,大约8%。
    Every year until he repays the loan, he must pay acertain percentage of it as interest--perhaps 8%.
  • 旦天气合适,我将着手重新粉刷房子。
    I'd like to get at repainting the house as soon as the weather is suitable.
  • 《圣母怜子像》是他那些重要作品中最精细最完美的件,值得全心投入地去细致观察。
    The Pieta is the most detailed and finished of his important carvings, a work that repays the closest inspection.
  • 到深秋,白天越来越陆短了。
    As autumn advances the days close in.
  • 我休息了个星期,但我没有出去度假,我粉刷了屋子的外墙,不管怎么说,换种活儿干就等于休息。
    I took a week off work but instead of going on holiday I repainted the outside of my house. Still, a change is as good as a rest.
  • 维修工人修完我的房子后敲了我笔。
    The repair men soaked me for the repairs they did to my house.
  • 您能为我修一下吗?
    Can you repair it for me?
  • 个制造、修理和卖马具的人。
    a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses.
  • 作为该镇里唯的技术熟练的电视修理工,他业务兴隆。
    As the only skilled TV repairman in the town he drove a roaring trade.
  • 洗衣机又坏了,所以她请修理工检查下,看他能否修理好。
    The washing machine broke down again, so she called the repairman to see if he could put it right.
  • 他是个多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是个理发师,也是个好裁缝。
    He is a man of parts; he is either a repairman, or a carpenter, either a barber or a good tailor.
  • 他的个朋友,个了解这辆汽车情况的修理工,劝他把那辆旧车作价再补些钱买辆新型的。
    A friend of his, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, kept urging him to trade his old car for a new model.
  • 我想找个能给我带来提升机会的工作。
    I want to do a job that can offer me the opportunity for advancement.
  • 大部分家用电子设备将通过远程诊断得到维修,但也有些修理工作仍需要通过可视电话寻求上门服务。
    Remote diagnostics will take care of most of your home electronics, but a few repairmen will still make house calls via video phone.
  • 现实政治常指种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯的原则性进展
    A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest.
  • 促进工业节能,通过结构调整、技术进步等措施进步降低能耗。
    Further energy consumption reduction in industries will be realized through restructuring and technological advancement.
  • 个制造或修理枪的人。
    someone who makes or repairs guns.
  • 个制造或者修理锁的。
    someone who makes or repairs locks.
  • 个制造或修理洋铁的人。
    someone who makes or repairs tinware.
  • 她丢尽了面子,目的却点也没有达到。
    She had fallen into disgrace without the least advancement of her purpose.
  • 个专管维修和保持东西的商店。
    a shop specializing in repairs and maintenance.