  • 那种时是三十年代的遗风。
    That fashion is a survival from the 1930s.
  • 悬挂拖拉或控制物品的弯曲置。
    a device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something.
  • 此外,工农武割据的存在和发展,还需要具备下列的条件:(1)有很好的群众;(2)有很好的党;(3)有相当力量的红军;(4)有便利于作战的地势;(5)有足够给养的经济力。
    In addition, its survival and growth require the following conditions: (1) a sound mass base, (2) a sound Party organization, (3) a fairly strong Red Army, (4) terrain favourable to military operations, and (5) economic resources sufficient for sustenance.
  • 吞火魔术师假吞火的表演者
    A performer who pretends to swallow fire.
  • 他穿白色服到处炫耀。
    He swanked around in white suits.
  • 由于失重,宇航员在太空不能进行真正意义上的站立,而只能靠在脚部固定置里移动脚来四处"游走"。
    In weightlessness, she never actually stands, but does sway about with her feet in foot restraints.
  • 毛料服;(尤指)套头毛衣
    Woollen garment, esp a sweater
  • 我们着一船纸从瑞典启航。
    We sailed from Sweden with a cargo of paper.
  • [口]要把那部机器配成原样是很费工夫的。
    You will have sweet time putting that machine together again.
  • 我买的这些糖果是散的,不是盒的。
    I bought these sweets loose, not in a box.
  • 在游泳者嘴上通向水面的弯管;能够让游泳者在水下呼吸。
    a bent tube fitting into a swimmer's mouth and extending above the surface; allows swimmer to breathe while face down in the water.
  • 我到哪里去买件泳
    Where shall I but a swimsuit.
  • 我到哪里去买件泳
    Where shall I buy a swimsuit?
  • 两件套的服,例如游泳衣
    A garment, such as a swimsuit, consisting of two parts.
  • 女士泳一种腿部暴露很高的衣裤连在一起的女式游泳衣
    A woman's one-piece swimsuit usually cut high on the leg.
  • 我想我的泳太保守了一点。
    I think that my swimsuit is just a little too conservative.
  • 也要抽出点时间来游览一个附近的国家公园,了解一下澳大利亚灌木。如果天气热的话,您还可以带上游泳去蹦迪海滩。
    Also try to take time out to visit one of the nearby national parks for a taste of the Australian bush, and if it's hot take your swimsuit and towel to Bondi Beach.
  • 吊架有摆动臂杆的多种置的统称。如将锅架在火炉上的吊架
    Any of various devices with a swinging arm, as in a fireplace for suspending a pot.
  • 罗恩老病逃避份内工作,把很多苦活留给我们干。
    Ron is always swinging the lead and leaving us to do most of the hard work.
  • 佳骨肌泡沫浴置一种用于涡流式沐浴或用于在浴池中产生漩涡的置的商标
    A trademark used for a whirlpool bath or a device that swirls water in a bath.
  • 所有这些都是瑞士产的,而那些是用瑞士部件组而成的。
    All of these are Swiss watches and those are made of Swiss parts.
  • 因特网的网络控制置(可以是一个分开的路由器或交换机),一般都用于七号信令网络和多个网络接入交换机之间。
    An Internet network control device, which could be a separate router or switch, is typically used between the SS7 network and multiple net access switches.
  • 点火开关用来启动发火置的开关
    A switch that activates this system.
  • 信号器,示号器宣告物,尤指饭店或办公室中使用的一种电子信号置,用来指示交换台上的呼叫信号来源
    One that announces, especially an electrical signaling device used in hotels or offices to indicate the sources of calls on a switchboard.
  • 妇女们都穿着时髦的短
    The women were in short, switched-on dresses.
  • 闪光置如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的
    A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign.
  • 断流器,保险置(用以切断电路)
    Device that switches off or breaks an electric circuit
  • 配电盘,控电板有控制电动置的开关或按钮的板
    A board having switches or buttons to control an electric device.
  • 1992年8月,云南省政府组织历时83天的武扫毒行动,一举捣毁了在云南省文山州平远镇形成的具有黑社会性质的特大贩毒贩枪集团。
    In August 1992, the Yunnan provincial government organized an 83-day armed drug elimination operation, in which a massive drug- and weapon-smuggling ring which had been operating in the town of Pingyuan, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with the characteristics of a criminal syndicate was smashed at one fell swoop.
  • 那艘船只得在悉尼停靠,载补给品。
    The boat had to put into Sydney for supplies.
  • 新古典主义18、19世纪建筑和艺术复兴,尤其在饰艺术方面,以风格的式样、匀称和质朴为特征
    A revival in the18th and19th centuries in architecture and art, especially in the decorative arts, characterized by order, symmetry, and simplicity of style.
  • 虽然他作同情,但我知道他心里暗暗地高兴。
    Although he pretended to sympathise, I knew he was laughing up his sleeve.