  • 科顿,约翰1584-1652国裔的美国牧师,是圣包托尔夫斯教堂的教区牧师,直到他后来追随清教主义。他逃到马萨诸塞州的波士顿,在那里成为民间的宗教领袖
    English poet and translator known for his poems on country life as well as his translation(1685) of Montaigne's essays.
  • 语的词译成语音符号
    transliterate English words into phonetic symbols
  • 将阿拉伯词音译成语字母
    transliterate Arabic words into English letters
  •  人们可从中获取两点:首先,母语不是语的人在用语说到民族和种族时必须谨慎,因为在这一领域语充满着陷阱。
    One can draw two lessons: First, non-native speakers should use caution when speaking about ethnicity or race in English, as the English language is rife with linguistic traps in this area.
  • 行程中以小时计算里数。
    the ratio of the distance traveled (in miles) to the time spent traveling (in hours).
  • 里速度在给定时间内运行或行驶的总里数
    Total miles covered or traveled in a given time.
  • 我们向东走了几里。
    we travelled east for several miles.
  • 那辆汽车今天跑了300里。
    The car has travelled three hundred miles today.
  • 每天早上,他跑好几里的路,进行调查。
    Every morning he travelled many miles to make investigations.
  • 二百英镑旅行支票。
    Traveller's cheques of two hundred pounds.
  • 1光年是以每秒186000里的速度走过一年的距离,约为6万亿里。
    A light year is the distance which light travels at186,000 miles per second in one year, namely6 million million miles.
  • 覆盖一个宽广的地区;河流横过谷底;停车场横越3里。
    to cover a wide area; Rivers traverse the valley floor, The parking lot spans 3 acres.
  • 凯斯蒙德,罗杰·戴维1864-1916国外交家,第一次世界大战期间曾在爱尔兰的民族主义运动中寻求德国的援助,后因叛国罪被处决
    British diplomat who sought German assistance in the Irish nationalist cause during World War I and was executed for treason.
  • 凯斯蒙德,罗杰·戴维1864-1916国外交家,第一次世界大战期间曾在爱尔兰的民族主义运动中寻求德国的援助,后因叛国罪被处决
    British diplomat who sought German assistance in the Irish nationalist cause during World War I and was executed for treason.
  • [英]财政委员会
    Treasury Board (=Lords (Commissioners) of the Treasury)
  • 英国诗歌集锦
    A treasury of English verse.
  • 国和美国财政部不用thefinanceministry而用thetreasury。主管部长在国叫财政大臣,在美国财政部长用thetreasurysecretary
    Both in the UK and the USA, the department is called the Treasury, and the minister in charge is the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK, and the Treasury Secretary in the USA
  • 当风速增加每小时80里时,一棵接一棵的树被刮倒了。
    As the wind rose to eighty miles an hour, tree after tree crashed down.
  • 这可以理解,然而这毕竟是个大遗憾。因为不论过去或现在,许多品格崇高,才华横溢而又坎坷一生的艺术家往往并不长寿,甚至年早逝。
    Though we can understand why such a condition was imposed, this is really unfortunate as a number of writers, whose great talents enable them to produce brilliant literary works, tend to encounter tribulations in their lives and die at the height of their profession.
  • 贡税存在于古国和中世纪国的贡金或租金,
    Tribute or rent in ancient and medieval England.
  • 在7尺深的池底上把三轮车排好队。
    Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water.
  • 在7尺深的池底上把三轮车排好,孩子们争相抵达池子的另一端。
    Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.
  • 国)葡萄酒浸过的屈莱弗甜食,用杏仁和蜜饯水果加以装饰。
    (British) a trifle soaked in wine and decorated with almonds and candied fruit.
  • 汉普登,约翰1594-1643国政治家,反对查理一世的国会领导者。他为国会招集了一支军队,后来在国内战中被杀死
    English politician and leader of Parliament against Charles I. He raised a troop for Parliament and was killed in the English Civil War.
  • 狼通常以小跑方式行进,但其最高奔跑速度可达每小时40里。
    Wolves usually trot, but can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour
  • 在留学生遍及全球的时代背景下,国牛津大学这样的世界一流大学,忽然发现自己与哈佛大学在争抢国学生,他们面临着严峻的挑战。
    In the context of student globe trotters, as world class British universities like Oxford suddenly find themselves fighting over British students with the Harvards of the world, they face major challenges.
  • 沉默了一下以后,班纳特太太又重新向彬格莱先生道谢,说是多亏他对吉照顾周到,同时又向他道歉说,丽萃也来打扰了他。
    and after a short silence Mrs. Bennet began repeating her thanks to Mr. Bingley for his kindness to Jane with an apology for troubling him also with Lizzy.
  • 长裤的售价已从39镑降到25镑。
    Trousers are marked down from £ 39 to £ 25.
  • '使我吃惊的是,斯沃博达太太竟然睁开了眼睛,并且喃喃地答道,‘我俊的特洛伊。’
    To my surprise, Mrs Svoboda opened her eyes and murmured back, 'My beautiful Troy.'
  • 但有个男孩却使他们都相形见绌,他在逃学期间,旅行了一千六百里。
    They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1600 miles.
  • 勇新对特网上的“天使”充满信心,当他开始给他们打电话联络的时候,就放弃了正在攻读的博士学位,乘飞机返回了中国。
    Trusting completely in his Internet "angels," as he had begun calling them, Yongxin gave up his pending scholarship and flew back to China.
  • 例如,当时长江流域各省被划为国的势力范围,云南、广西、广东被划为法国的势力范围,山东被划为德国的势力范围,福建被划为日本的势力范围,东三省原划为沙俄的势力范围,一九○五年日俄战争后,东三省南部又成为日本的势力范围。
    Thus, the provinces in the lower and middle Yangtse valley were specified as the British sphere of influence; Yunnan, Kwangtung and Kwangsi as the French; Shantung as the German sphere; Fukien as the Japanese; and the three northeastern provinces (the present provinces of Liaoning, Kirin and Heilungkiang) as the tsarist Russian sphere. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 the southern part of the three northeastern provinces came under Japanese influence.