  • 转印法把印在(尤指)准备好的纸张上的图画或图案转印到玻璃或金属等材料上的程序
    The process of transferring pictures or designs printed on specially prepared paper to materials such as glass or metal.
  • 水能把一片不毛之地变成一座园。
    Water can transform a desert into a garden.
  • 从前,化学师们费毕生的光阴想把铅变成金子,结果徒劳无获。
    Chemists tin former times spent whole lifetimes trying to transmuted lead into gold, without success.
  • 把花移植到花园里
    transplant the flowers to the garden
  • 没有任何确实和立即生效的规则可以在所有的约会关系中都起作用,但是专家说如果你遵循下面这些简单的指导方针,你就能够更新你的约会计划并避免一些最新的招和陷阱。
    There aren't any hard and fast rules that will work in all dating relationship situations, but experts say that if you follow these simple guidelines, you can update your game plan and avoid some of the latest tricks and traps.
  • 他们这样自我界定:不靠旅行社,一路上自己照顾自己,背着包,以最低的费游览全世界。
    Backpackers define themselves by traveling free of travel agencies, taking care of themselves all the way. With bags on back, they probe every corner of the earth at the lowest cost.
  • 他每天在路上两小时。
    He spends two hours traveling a day.
  • 他把一半的时间在旅游上。
    Spends about 50 percent of his time traveling.
  • 不要践踏花卉!
    Don't tread on the flowers!
  • 不要践踏花坛。
    Do not tread on the flower beds.
  • 那些男孩子践踏了新种的
    The boys tread on the newly planted flowers.
  • 粗糙的道路很快就把汽车轮胎的胎面纹磨掉。
    These rough roads soon wear the tread of motor tyres off.
  • 轮胎胎面纹已经磨损得到了能发生危险的地步了。
    The tread on the tyres has (been) worn down to a dangerous level.
  • 这轮胎胎面纹已被磨平-你应该换一个新的。
    There's no tread on this tyre-you shall put on a new one.
  • 他的销得向司库报账。
    He has to account to the treasurer for the money he spends.
  • 有一点值得注意,就是在我们所欣赏的众树之中,松、竹和梅是和严冬有关系的,我们称之为“岁寒三友”,因为松和竹都是常青树,而梅树又在残冬和初春开
    It is curious that among the trees selected for our poetic enjoyment, the pine tree, the plum tree and the bamboo are associated with winter, being known as the "Three Friends of Winter, " for the bamboo tree and the pine tree are evergreens, while the plum tree blossoms at the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
  • 上帝使地面长出各种树木,这些树木不但秀美悦目,而且又有果实可供食用。在园正中,他种下一株生命之树和一株能辨善恶的知识之树。
    The Lord God made trees spring from the ground, all trees pleasant to look at and good for food; and in the middle of the garden he set the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  • 美国太平洋沿岸的一种观赏性常绿乔木状灌木,大、白色,果实红色、类似浆果常归入石楠属。
    ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of United States Pacific coast having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits; often placed in genus Photinia.
  • 低级色梅中的一张扑克牌(其上有一个或多个三叶型符号)。
    a playing card in the minor suit of clubs (having one or more black trefoils on it).
  • 登山者还未开始爬山,光是艰苦地跋涉到山脚下就了1个月时间。
    It took the climber a month to trek to the foot of the mountain before they even started their climb.
  • 法老号到港的消息老人还不知道。这时他正踩在一张椅子上,用颤抖的手指在窗口绑扎牵牛和萎草,想编成一个棚。
    The news of the arrival of the Pharaon had not yet reached the old man, who, mounted on a chair, was amusing himself by training with trembling hand the nasturtiums and sprays of clematis that clambered over the trellis at his window.
  • 这个新潮摇滚乐队只是昙一现。
    The trendy rock group was only a flash - in - the - pan.
  • 诡计多端的爱耍招的;有诡计或招的特征的
    Characterized by or tending to use tricks or trickery.
  • 诡计多端的行骗术的,会耍招的
    Given to or characterized by trickery.
  • “从滴流到一定规模的洪水,这中间要上数个星期。”
    "To get from a trickle to a reasonable flood can take weeks."
  • 不要耍花招!
    Don't try any tricks!
  • 不要耍花招!
    Do not try any tricks!
  • 识破敌人的种种花招
    Look through the enemy's tricks
  • 现在我渐渐识破了她的招。
    I'm getting wist to her tricks now.
  • 有人提醒我小心他们的招。
    I've been put up to their tricks.
  • 什么言巧语也不能使他动摇,他就是一言不发。
    No tricky words would move him, He kept his mouth tightly closed.
  • 三色堇任一种耐寒苣苔属或堇菜属的植物,尤指三色堇或它的杂交种,有带各种颜色的柔软瓣的
    Any of various plants of the genera Achimenes or Viola, especially V. tricolor or its hybrids, having flowers with velvety petals of various colors.