  • 他们还喜爱他那至今在全球依属于独领风骚之列的演奏吉他的技巧。
    And, they loved his guitar playing which today remains among the most distinctive in all the world.
  • 一个深坑在我们脚前豁展开。
    A gulf yawned at our feet.
  • 地面震动,突我们面前出现了一道深沟。
    The ground trembled, and suddenly a great gulf opened before us.
  • 溪谷排水的天凹陷地;浅沟
    A small natural depression that water drains into; a shallow gully.
  • 但是一切外国的东西,如同我们对于食物一样,必须经过自己的口腔咀嚼和胃肠运动,送进唾液胃液肠液,把它分解为精华和糟粕两部分,后排泄其糟粕,吸收其精华,才能对我们的身体有益,决不能生吞活剥地毫无批判地吸收。
    However, we should not gulp any of this foreign material down uncritically, but must treat it as we do our food--first chewing it, then submitting it to the working of the stomach and intestines with their juices and secretions, and separating it into nutriment to be absorbed and waste matter to be discarded--before it can nourish us.
  • 一种橙色粘性的铀氧化物和硅酸盐的混和物,由沥青油矿在水合作用和氧化作用下天形成。
    a gummy orange mixture of uranium oxides and silicates occurring naturally in the hydration and oxidation of pitchblende.
  • 他突然抽出枪来。
    He whipped out his gun.
  • 杀死,摧毁被突而来的炮火、火焰、电流摧毁或杀死
    To destroy or kill with a burst of gunfire, flame, or electric current.
  • 为了避免一些危险而突倒下;士兵们听到枪声突卧倒了。
    fall or drop suddenly, usually to evade some danger; The soldiers hit the dirt when they heard gunfire.
  • 但因为现在是用于战争,用于向什么也不产生的军官和士兵支付薪饷,用于购买弹药,政府便处于丙的位置,即那个挥霍成性的地主的位置。作为国家的资本来说,甲的那一万镑已不复存在了,实际上就财富或生产来说,等于是扔到大海里了,虽根据其他理由这样使用可能是正当的。
    but since it is employed in war, that is, in the pay of officers and soldiers who produce nothing, and in destroying a quantity of gunpowder and bullets without return, the government is in the situation of C, the spendthrift landlord, and A's ten thousand pounds are so much national capital which once existed, but exists no longer: virtually thrown into the sea, as far as wealth or production is concerned; though for other reasons the employment of it may have been justifiable.
  • 体育和政治向来是密不可分的,此次世界杯球赛就向我们证实了这一点:各国的国家元首们或是为自己国家球队的胜利兴奋不已,或是为他们的失利而黯神伤。
    Sport and politics do mix if the World Cup is anything to go by as presidents and prime ministers alike gush over their teams' successes and shed tears with them after their losses.
  • 一阵突刮来的风把她桌上的文件吹落到地上。
    A sudden gust of wind wafted the papers off her desk.
  • 一阵风一阵短促而突的风
    A short, sudden gust of wind.
  • 突然的一股风;飑
    A sudden gust of wind; a squall.
  • 强风一阵突的强风或气流
    A very strong gust of wind or air.
  • 一阵大风把门吹得关上了。
    A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut.
  • 从窗口突吹进来一阵风,把蜡烛吹灭了。
    A sudden gust of wind from the open window puffed the candle out.
  • 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;突狂风大作的暴风雨。
    blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia; a cold blustery day; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind.
  • 外来人才敢于赤手空拳来新加坡闯天下,固需要极大的勇气;
    It takes guts for foreigners to come here to carve a niche for themselves.
  • 他勇气十足,虽受了伤,仍坚持战斗。
    He has a lot of guts; he went on fighting even though he had been hurt.
  • 我不能理解他们当时是怎么会合伙的,显他们彼此恨之入骨。
    I can't understand why they ever went into partnership; it's obvious they hate each others guts.
  • 按道理被毁的霍姆斯特德空军基地应该关闭,布什仍应允重建此一[每年]注入当地农业经济四亿元的基地。布什并同意豁免救灾费用由联邦与地方按75%与25%分摊的常规,由华盛顿全部负担。
    Bush promised to rebuild the gutted Homestead Air Force Base, which pumped about $400 million into the local farmbased economy, though logic suggested it should be closed. Bush also agreed to waive the normal 75-25 federal-local split on disaster costs; Washington will pick up the full tab.
  • 暴徒刚说完话,他的对手就猛揍他,把他打倒到沟里。
    After the bully made that remark, his opponent his out straight from the shoulder and knocked him into the gutter.
  • 杜卡基斯一向能承受,甚至擅长选举硬仗。此一选战遵守经典格式:乐观进取,持之以恒,直到成为先民所熟识人物。后攻击要害。
    Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns. This one follows a classic pattern: Be positive long enough for voters to get to know you. Then go for the gut.
  • ,2000年的悉尼奥运会场馆也是众所周知的多功能体育馆了。
    It is well known that the 2000 Sydney Olympics stadium is a multi-functioned gymnasium, too.
  • 那是第四届奥运会的马拉松比赛,意大利的一个经常糖果的商人皮特里参加了这次比赛,他第一个跑完42公里冲进运动场,当时神志都有些不清了,居跑错了方向。
    That was in the marathon race of the 4th Olympic Games. An Italian candy businessman called Peter Lee participated in it. He was the first to complete the 42 kilometers and dashed into the gymnasium.
  • 有些人认为,基辛格的父亲被解职,以及他自己从中学被开除出来,随后又被迫进了清一色犹太人的学校,这些经历对他的世界观有深刻的影响,虽基辛格否认这点,但这些经历必给他留下了一些不可磨灭的烙印。
    Kissinger denies that his father's dismissal from his job and his own expulsion from the Gymnasium where he was a student,followed by forced entry into an all-Jewish school,have had the profound effect upon his outlook on the world that some people attribute to them,but inevitably they must have left some indelible marks.
  • 异侧摆越是指运动员将一只手松环,后使腿环绕过去。
    It is when the gymnast release on hand from the pommel and brings his legs around.
  • 异侧摆越是指运动员将一只手松环,后使腿绕过去。
    It is when the gymnast releases on hand from the pommel and bring his legs arund.
  • 引体向上在双杠的一端做的一种练习;两手握杠,曲臂,下额与杠平,后直臂推起
    A gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered by bending the elbows until the chin reaches the level of the bars and then is raised by straightening the arms.
  • 最佳起始年龄是8岁。虽有些儿童从6岁就开始训练,我国有一套少年儿童的体操运动发展计划,从8岁到10岁。
    The optimum starting age is eight, although some children begin training at six years old. In my country we have a junior gymnastics development program for children aged from eight to ten.
  • 那张照片竟激起了一场轩大波.
    The photo caused a real hoo ha.