  • 小部站在中立地位,但倾向于投降,例如宝庆等县。
    In some counties such as Paoching, a small number of the landlords' armed forces are taking a neutral stand, though with a tendency to capitulate.
  • 所谓政治进攻,就是着重于化抗日统一战线,裂国共合作,引诱国民党政府投降,而不是着重于大规模的军事进攻。
    Political offensives mean concentration not on launching large-scale military attacks but on disrupting the anti-Japanese united front, breaking up Kuomintang-Communist co-operation and inducing the Kuomintang government to capitulate.
  • 这是由于日本帝国主义的诱降政策,由于国际投降主义者的妥协企图,由于中国抗日阵线中一部人的动摇性。
    Because the Japanese imperialists adopted the policy of inducing China to capitulate, the international capitulationists tried to bring about a compromise, and certain people within our anti-Japanese front wavered.
  • 这些反动派,他们是准备投降的,所以恭恭敬敬地执行了日本人和汪精卫的命令,先把最坚决的抗日子杀死。
    Preparing to capitulate, these reactionaries obsequiously carried out the orders of the Japanese and Wang Ching-wei, and the first people they killed were the most resolute fighters against Japan.
  • 危险是在中国居然有些动摇子正在准备去上敌人的钓钩,汉奸卖国贼从而穿插其间,散布种种谣言,企图使中国投降日寇。
    The danger is that there are certain vacillating elements in China who are ready to succumb to the enemy's wiles and that the traitors and collaborators are manoeuvring among them and spreading all kinds of rumours in their efforts to make China capitulate to the Japanese aggressors.
  • 估计到某种时机,敌之劝降手段又将出现,某些亡国论者又将蠕蠕而动,而且难免勾结某些国际成(英、美、法内部都有这种人,特别是英国的上层子),狼狈为奸。
    It is to be expected that on some future occasion the enemy will once again resort to the scheme of inducing China to capitulate and that certain subjugationists will again crawl out and most probably collude with certain foreign elements (to be found in Britain, the United States and France, and especially among the upper strata in Britain) as partners in crime.
  • 在这种情形下,全国一切爱国党派,一切爱国同胞,必须睁大眼睛注视那班投降派的活动,必须认识当前形势中投降是主要危险、反共即准备投降这一个主要的特点,而用一切努力去反对投降和裂。
    In these circumstances, all patriotic parties and all patriots must keep a close watch over the capitulationists' activities and must understand the main characteristics of the present situation, namely, that capitulation is the chief danger and that anti-communism is the preparatory step to capitulation, and they must do their utmost to oppose capitulation and a split.
  • 全国人民团结起来,坚持抗战和团结,把投降阴谋和裂阴谋镇压下去啊!
    People of the whole country, unite! Persist in resistance and unity, and suppress all plots for capitulation and a split!
  • 反对投降和裂——这就是全国一切爱国党派、一切爱国同胞的当前紧急任务。
    Oppose capitulation and a split is the urgent task now confronting all the patriotic political parties and groups and all our patriotic fellow-countrymen.
  • 就是杀抗日子,压制进步,勾结日寇汉奸,准备投降。
    They are killing fighters against Japan, holding back progress and working in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators to pave the way for capitulation.
  • 只有一步一步地发展进步势力,才能阻止时局逆转,阻止投降和裂,而为抗日胜利树立坚固不拔的基矗
    Steady expansion of the progressive forces is the only way to prevent the situation from deteriorating, to forestall capitulation and splitting, and to lay a firm and indestructible foundation for victory in the War of Resistance.
  • 我们向他们说:你们这种裂阴谋的实质,不过是你们实行投降的准备步骤,而你们的投降政策和裂政策不过是出卖民族利益、图谋少数人私利的整个计划的表现;
    We say to them: In essence, your divisive schemes are nothing but preparations for capitulation, and your divisive and capitulationist policy simply reveals your general plan of selling out the interests of the nation for the selfish interests of a few individuals.
  • 答:中国人民是全体要求抗战到底的,中国统治集团中如果有一部人在行动上走入投降道路,则其余坚决部必起而反对,和人民一道继续抗战。
    Answer: The whole Chinese people demand that the war be fought to a finish. If a section of the ruling group takes the road of capitulation, the rest who remain firm will certainly oppose it and carry on resistance together with the people.
  • 但同时,日本帝国主义正在准备向南洋侵略,加紧向中国进攻,势将勾引中国一部动摇子对其投降,投降危险是空前地加重了。
    But at the same time the danger of capitulation is more serious than ever before because Japanese imperialism is intensifying its attacks on China in preparation for its aggression against Southeast Asia, and this will certainly induce some of the vacillating elements to surrender.
  • 副淀粉,类淀粉,裸藻淀粉一种类似淀粉的碳氢化合物,由葡萄糖构成并保留了某些藻类植物的营养成
    A carbohydrate resembling starch that is composed of glucose and forms the reserve foodstuff of certain algae.
  • 单糖一种不能被水解的碳水化合物,尤指有普通子式c6h12o6的己糖之一
    A carbohydrate that cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis, especially one of the hexoses, having the general formula C6H12O6.
  • 纤维素一种复杂的碳水化合物,(c6h10o5)n,由葡萄糖子组成,是大部植物细胞壁的主要成,在许多产品生产如纸张、织物、药物和炸药中起着重要作用
    A complex carbohydrate,(C6H10O5)n, that is composed of glucose units, forms the main constituent of the cell wall in most plants, and is important in the manufacture of numerous products, such as paper, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and explosives.
  • 焦炭的主要成是碳。
    Coke consists mainly of carbon.
  • 我们可以用解法去除二氧化碳。
    We can split off carbon dioxide.
  • 其碳的含量为百之五。
    Its carbon content is 5 per cent.
  • 一个碳子和四个卤子构成的化合物。
    compounds composed of 1 carbon and 4 halogen molecules.
  • 蛋壳的成中刚好有95%就是碳酸钙。
    Eggshells, it happens, are 95 percent cacium carbonate.
  • 一种常见的矿物,由晶体形式的碳酸钙构成,是石灰石的主要成
    a common mineral consisting of crystallized calcium carbonate; a major constituent of limestone.
  • 方解石以自然形式存在的碳酸钙的一种常见晶体形式caco3,是石灰石、大理石和白垩的基本组成成
    A common crystalline form of natural calcium carbonate, CaCO3, that is the basic constituent of limestone, marble, and chalk.
  • 牙垢,牙结石一种牙齿上的坚硬的浅黄色沉淀物,包含有机泌物和各种以盐(如,碳酸钙)的形式沉淀下来的食物微粒
    A hard, yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate.
  • 珊瑚从根本上讲是一种水母,一种不再在海洋中漂流的水母。它们能够将周围水中的碳酸钙解出来,形成一个石灰石杯状物,这样就形成了这里巨大的珊瑚礁系。
    Coral is basically a jellyfish, which has stopped wandering the oceans, has the ability to pull calcium carbonate out of the surrounding water, lays down a limestone1 cup, hence forming the large reef systems here.
  • 磷灰石一种自然的,多色的钙氟化物磷酸盐,ca5f(po4)3,其氟化物成有时被氯,羟基或碳酸盐所取代。它是植物的一种磷肥并用来制造化肥
    A natural, variously colored calcium fluoride phosphate, Ca5F(PO4)3, with chlorine, hydroxyl, or carbonate sometimes replacing the fluoride. It is a source of phosphorus for plants and is used in the manufacture of fertilizers.
  • 在旧的类中是坚头目的一个亚目;有脊椎的石炭纪和二垩纪两栖动物,其中有些种类是独立的。
    formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia; large Carboniferous and Permian amphibians having vertebrae in which some elements remain separate.
  • 产生于石炭纪的有球果的裸子植物;大部为坚硬乔木;包含松柏纲(松柏亚部)。
    cone-bearing gymnosperms dating from the Carboniferous period; most are substantial trees; includes the classes Pinopsida (subdivision Pinophytina) and Ginkgopsida (subdivision Ginkgophytina) and Taxopsida (subdivision Taxophytina) which in turn include the surviving orders Coniferales and Taxales (yews) and sometimes Ginkgoales as well as extinct orders such as Cordaitales (of the Carboniferous and Permian) and Volztiales (of the Permian-Jurassic).
  • 泥炭,泥煤部碳化的植物物质,通常指苔藓,见于潮湿地区,用作肥料和燃料
    Partially carbonized vegetable matter, usually mosses, found in bogs and used as fertilizer and fuel.
  • 三羧基的子内含有三个羧基的
    Having three carboxyl groups.
  • 二羧基的每个子中含有两个羧基的
    Containing two carboxyl groups per molecule.