| - 它也会重新掀起一场运动:把高压电线埋入地下或移开远离住家。
It could also reopen campaigns by local groups to have power lines buried underground or moved away from homes. - 上个月,比萨人举行了一场盛大的庆典活动,为象征这座城市的比萨斜塔重新开放干杯庆贺。
Last month, Pisans toasted the reopening of their beloved landmark with a celebration. - 他周围的一切都充斥着她过去的存在,不时地刺痛伤口。因此,他决定移居国外。
Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. wound. So he decided to emigrate. - 今天,华盛顿的联邦政府机构大都被疏散,一些重要工作人员将于今天晚上恢复工作,而整个政府机构也将于明天全面正常办公。
Federal agencies in Washington, which had to be evacuated today, are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow. - 我拿着锄头,战战兢兢地重新打开地窖的门,下到楼梯的底部,心里一个劲地祈祷着,但愿这一切是一场恶梦,毒蛇已经不见了。
Hoe in hand, I reopened the basement door with dread. I reached the bottom of the stairs hoping it was all a bad dream and the snake would be gone. - 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220多万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300多平方公里,打通边贸通道和口岸290多个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated. - 从1992年初到1999年8月,中国政府先后在中越边境中国一侧进行了两次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物220多万枚,销毁废弃弹药700余吨,完成扫雷面积300多平方公里,打通边贸通道和口岸290多个,恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林6万公顷,消除了边境冲突遗留地雷对当地平民的威胁。
From early 1992 to August 1999, the Chinese government launched two large-scale demining operations on Chinese territory along the Sino-Vietnamese border. Over 2.2 million landmines and explosive devices of various kinds were removed, and more than 700 tons of abandoned ammunition and explosive devices were destroyed. An area of over 300 square kilometers was cleared. Some 290 border trade paths and ports of entry and exit were reopened, and 60,000 hectares of deserted farmland, pastures and forests were restored to their original state. Thus, the threat posed to the local people by the landmines left over from the border conflict has been eliminated. - 从各方面看,冻结三个月是一个正确的步骤。但只能做为一个过渡的时期的办法,给政府时间重新调整财务措施。
By and large, the three-month freeze is the right step. But only so long as it is merely an interim measure to allow the administration time to reorder its fiscal priorities,…. - 换音造词法,回文构词法变换字母顺序以形成另一词,如satin变为stain
A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain. - 在pid级上,数据流可以重新定次序,再合并到另一个mpts中,这个过程被看作重新多路复用。
At the PID level, streams can be reordered and combined back into another MPTS.This process is referred to as remultiplexing. - 我是通用电气公司的一名推销员。
I'm a sales rep for General Electric. - 每位推销员都备有一辆公司的汽车。
Each rep is provided with a company car. - 我是通用电气公司的一名推销员。
I am a sale rep for General Electric. - 这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券多出一些风险的回报。
This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore. - 佛罗里达[选情]:共和党众议员康尼·麦克,为了赢得即将退休的民主党奇尼斯的参院席位,曾试图给民主党温和派众议员麦凯扣上一顶自派的帽子。根据意测验,两人难分轩轾。
Florida- To win retiring Democrat Lawton Chiles' Senate seat, GOP Rep. Connie Mack has tired to pin the liberal label on Rep. Buddy MacKay, a moderate Democrat. Polls show the race too close to call. - “恐龙”这一名词是由理查得·欧文在1842年首先使用的,用来描述这种“可怕的巨型爬虫类”,特指斑龙、禽龙和热带雨林龙,这是那时仅知的三种恐龙。
The term “dinosaurs” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these “fearfully great rep- tiles”, specifically Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at the time. - 基姆当时是位于新墨西哥州拉斯维加斯的新墨西哥海兰兹大学的棒球教练。他打电话向加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆市的一家运动服装公司订队服时,克瑞基特正负责销售接待。
Then the baseball coach at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas, N.Mex., Kim called an Anaheim, Calif., sportswear company to order team jackets. The sales rep happened to be Krickitt. - 况且,对于希拉里来说,这个职位只能算是她的暂时歇息。"让我们瞧着吧,"共和党员彼得·金说,"与她过去所经历的那8年相比,议员只能算是一次热身。
Still, for Hillary, that role must seem a respite of sorts, "Let's face it, "says Rep. Peter King. "After what she's gone through the last eight years, the Senate is a cakewalk." - 在我们看来,目前福特和新加坡政府债券的利差是1.2%左右。这个利差,就是投资者接受了福特债券比新加坡政府债券多出一些风险的回报。
At the moment, as we see, the spread between Ford and Singapore gov-ernment bonds is around 1.2%. This rep-resents the reward to the investor for ac-cepting the somewhat higher risk attached to Ford as opposed to the government of Singapore. - 其中柯特-万顿(cuntwddon)(rpa),自1995年起任众议院武装队委员会r&d分会的主席,对于由doe制定由hazeldleany实验室实行的“开放政策”的有害影响进行一番评价后,说:?
One of them,Rep. Curt Weldon [R PA], chairman since 1995 of the R & D Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, after commenting at length about the deleterious effect of the "Openness" policy instituted at DOE by Secretary Hazel O'Leary on the Labs, said: - 金融改革的步子要迈大一些。
Great advances should be made in the reform of the banking system. - 要求推销员每月提交一次他们的支出需要。
The reps are asked to submit their expenses claim once a month. - 要求推销员每月提交一次他们的支出需要。
The reps is asked to submit their expenses claim once a month. - 我们安排你们的一个代表上周来访,但是他没来。
We arranged for one of your reps to visit us last week, but be didn't come. - 想像一下一组业务代表开会的情形,他们可能会对共同目标做出决议,但是,如果能以一天或一个周末的时间,听取并采纳他们对计划的意见,以加强他们的坚毅信念,就能使他们免除情绪的压抑,并渴望达到目标。
Think about a group of sales reps brought together for a conference.They may arrive in general agreement about their goals,but a day or a weekend spent reinforcing their determination,listening to and incorporating their suggestions for the plan at hand,will send them away fired up and eager to achieve their goals. - 凭藉按揭证券背对背结构,银行可以有效地把按揭组合“重新包装”,变成流动性更高的组合;银行如保留按揭证券为投资组合的一部分,也可以保留大部分现金流量。
The back-to-back structure allows banks to effectively 'repackage' their mortgage portfolios into more liquid portfolios and to maintain the majority of the cash flow if they hold the MBS in their own investment portfolio. - 卷上海岸的巨大海浪之一。
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore. - 现在,我们正迈入一个新的世纪,展现在我们面前的将是更大的进步。
Now,as we enter this new century,even greater advances lie before us. - 债券发出机构将在这一天付还面值的金额。
The date on which the principal is required to be repaid is called the maturity date; - (棒球)比赛中为追球的一个出局。
(in baseball) an out that advances the base runners. - 财政储备并非永久拨供外汇基金使用,而是在政府需要履行一般收入所须承担的支出时拨回一般收入账目中。
The fiscal reserves are not permanently appropriated for the use of the Exchange Fund, but are repaid to the General Revenue Account when they are required to meet the obligations of the general revenue. - 高利贷者放债给因年成不好或苛捐杂税而破产的农民,用以维持他们的生活和耕作,到下一次收获时收回贷款并得到巨额利息。
The money dealers lend to the unfortunate cultivators, when ruined by bad seasons or fiscal exactions, the means of supporting life and continuing their cultivation, and are repaid with enormous interest at the next harvest;