  • 赵:喔,葛列芬先生,一个国营企业经营曾脂的进口业务,你必会意料到我们对于行市总得要做些调查工作,而后才去询价。
    Oh, Mr Griffin, as a state enterprise handling the import of tallow, I'm sure you expect us to do some investigation into prices before making an enquiry.
  • 鸡(或猎禽)从后背劈开,后烤制(通常杀死后马上动手)的肉。
    flesh of a chicken (or game bird) split down the back and grilled (usually immediately after being killed).
  • 她脸上显出严厉、 木的神情.
    Her face wore a grim, set look.
  • 他讲了些有关死与鬼的令人毛骨悚的笑话。
    He made grim jokes about death and ghosts.
  • 直拍似乎要合乎自得多。
    The pen-hold grip seems much more natural.
  • 向诺列加好言相求真是荒唐得无以复加。里根对自己所做显毫无城府——有时他说他在与诺列加协商,有时又说并无其事——布什虽感痛苦也好忍耐,对他仍是忠心耿耿。
    The pleading with Noriega is beyond absurd. Reagan apparently has no clue as to what he is doing-sometimes he says he is negotiating with Noriega, other times he says it is just a rumor-and Bush grits his teeth and loyally supports him.
  • “我看见我的那头灰骡突加速前进,离它几码后面紧跟着一头灰熊。”
    "I saw comin' my gray mule, puttin' in her best licks, and a few yards behind her was a grizzly".
  • 弗尔南多象一个战败了的战士垂下了头,长长地出了一口气,突他又抬起头来望着她,咬牙切齿地说:“假如他死——”
    Fernand let fall his head like a defeated man, heaved a sigh that was like a groan, and then suddenly looking her full in the face, with clinched teeth and expanded nostrils, said,--"But if he is dead"--
  • 这一发现使得资产阶级经济学家和社会主义批评家对他们试图解决的问题的认识豁开朗;而在此之前,他们只能在黑暗中摸索。
    The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark.
  • 而,最主要的原因可能是极低效的管理、关系的普遍运用、任用亲信和裙带关系、大量过剩的劳动力、社会救济金的滥用,当还包括腐败。
    Perhaps , however , the greatest blame should be placed on factors such as grossly inefficient management ; the rampant practice of " guanxi " , cronyism and nepotism ; excessively large work forces ; abuses of social benefits ; and without a doubt corruption.
  • 本世纪二十年代,伦敦贫民区的小孩子们捡来牡蛎壳、彩色小石头或陶片,再加上树叶和鲜花等,垒一个小神龛,后跪在神龛旁,手里端着帽子乞讨小钱。
    In l920s, in the poorer parts of London small children collected oyster shells, bits of coloured stone or pottery, with leaves, flowers, etc., built a litt1e "grotto", and knelt beside it with their caps ready for pennies.
  • 当苍茫浩翰的沙漠突中裂,高低错落的几百个洞窟在陡直的岩壁上蜂窝般排开,每个洞窟中都绘满了精美绝伦、价值连城的千年古画,这种奇迹确实是惊心动魄的。
    It is really breath-taking and entrancing to see the vast expanses of desert suddenly come to a pause and crack up to reveal hundreds of jagged grottoes carved out of the precipices in a honeycomb pattern with superb and invaluable age-old murals painted on the walls of each grotto!
  • 后把电源线插入powersupplybox并把另一端插入接地的插座
    Then, plug the power cord into the Power Supply Box and the other end into a grounded outlet
  • 而,用词的不同,即令不是出于意见的分歧,也决不是不重要的;
    Differences of language, however, are by no means unimportant, even when not grounded on differences of opinion;
  • 她的声音本来是能唤起人们的恻隐之心的,现在却成了嗥叫,令人毛骨悚
    Her voice, which if unchanged would have moved the heart to pity, became a growl, more fit to inspire terror.
  • 生命必有成长和死亡
    Life implies growth and death.
  • 她对自己的宿仇仍怀恨在心。
    She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.
  • 我认为他成功是理所当的.
    I don't grudge him his success, ie I admit he deserves it.
  • 我总觉得她对我怀恨在心,虽我不知道什么地方对不起他。
    I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don't know what wrong I've done her.
  • 那个可怕的故事足以使人毛骨悚
    That gruesome story was enough to turn one's blood cold.
  • 他态度粗鲁,其实他心地很好。
    Although he has a gruff manner, he is really very kind.
  • 我们常常有点抱怨;但是彼此之间仍相爱。
    We grumble a little now and then. But there's no love lost between us.
  • 托尼:……当,我们有时不免也争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱的。
    Tony:...we grumble a little now and then, to be sure. But there's no love lost between us.
  • 对手摆出防御姿势,但仍被他击中。
    He got in under his opponent's guard.
  • 在这种状况下何以积聚起多得多的财富。只要地球上广大的天牧场还没有被完全占用,牧草的生长快于消耗,生活资料的储备就会很多而且会不断增加,所付出的劳动仅仅是守卫好畜群以防野兽的袭击和强人的明抢暗夺。
    So long as the vast natural pastures of the earth are not yet so fully occupied as to be consumed more rapidly than they are spontaneously reproduced, a large and constantly increasing stock of subsistence may be collected and preserved,with little other labour than that of guarding the cattle from the attacks of wild beasts, and from the force or wiles of predatory men.
  • 游击队员们突发起猛攻。
    The guerillas waded in suddenly.
  • 要不,就说这是违反了马列主义、毛泽东思想,违反了中央精神。
    According to them, to do otherwise is to go against Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and against the guidelines of the Central Committee.
  • 后握着我的右手腕,用毛笔写了几个方块字。
    Holding and guiding my right hand, he wrote a number of Chinese words with me.
  • 在罢工期间,代表采访、广告及文书员工的报业工会虽曾设法查核会员人数,可是确切人数要数周后才能知道。
    Although the Newspaper Guild. which represents news, advertising and clerical workers, has tried to keep tabs on its members during the strike, the exact numbers may not be known for several weeks.
  • 在我们不曾亲眼见过断头台前,我们对死刑多少还能漠视之,不表示自己的意见,不置可否;但是,如果我们见到了一座,那种惊骇真是强烈,我们非作出决定,非表示赞同或反对不可。
    One may feel a certain indifference to the death penalty, one may refrain from pronouncing upon it, from saying yes or no, so long as one has not seen a guillotine with one's own eyes: but if one encounters one of them, the shock is violent; one is forced to decide, and to take part for or against.
  • 我问他正在做什么,他内疚地笑笑,后把那个包放到书桌上。
    When I asked him what he was doing, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk.
  • ,他们使用吉他,也使用在许多类型的音乐中常用的电吉他。
    Of course they use guitar and also electric guitar, which is very common in many forms of music.