  • 完成第二天然气进京管线的建设,到2008年天然气供应能力达到50亿立方米。
    The second natural gas transmission pipeline from the gas field to Beijing will be built to increase natural gas supply capacity to 5 billion cubic meters in 2008.
  • 为了解决西藏的燃料供应困难,国家拨款修建了一从青海省格尔木至西藏拉萨的成品油输油管道,全长1080公里,对保证西藏能源供应、支援经济建设起到重要作用。
    In order to solve Tibet's fuel supply problem, the state allocated funds to build a refined oil transmission pipeline from Golmud in Qinghai Province to Lhasa. This 1,080-km-long pipeline has played an important role in guaranteeing energy supplies for Tibet in its economic construction.
  • 验电器用于如下目的的一种仪器:检验物体是否带电,指示物体是否带电,通过金箔或木球的互相吸引或排斥测量电荷的强度
    An instrument used to detect the presence, sign, and in some configurations the magnitude of an electric charge by the mutual attraction or repulsion of metal foils or pith balls.
  • 乡村里的件同培训中心相比是太差了。首先,没有浴池。
    Conditions at the village contrasted sadly with the training centre. For a start, there were no pithead baths.
  • 撞击区仿佛是一无情的生死线。
    The impact zones formed pitiless boundaries between those who were spared and those who were doomed.
  • 由附属于枢轴的两点刷造成的接合;通过加强接合来在两端施加压力。
    a joint made by two arms attached by a pivot; used to apply pressure at the two ends by straightening the joint.
  • 我们要开一路出来,让有才能的人很快成长,不要老是把人才卡祝
    We should stop placing restrictions on talented people and provide them with opportunities for rapid growth.
  • 她做了一格子花呢的长裙。
    She made a long plaid skirt.
  • 马德拉斯布一种质地良好的棉布,通常带有格子、纹或者有格子花纹图案
    A cotton cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern.
  • 格平布一种染织的棉布织物,织成纹、方格、格子或紧密的颜色
    A yarn-dyed cotton fabric woven in stripes, checks, plaids, or solid colors.
  • 河流蜿地流过平原。
    The river wanders over the plain.
  • 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无件允许被告进行辩护。
    On the plaintiff's application for summary judgment the master give the defendant unconditional leave to defend.
  • 她的两黑黑的辫子垂在背上。
    Two black plaits hung down her back.
  • 把板的一侧刨一刨,使它放在这儿刚好合适。
    Plane one side of the panel down until it fits snugly into place.
  • 他在政党讲坛上制定了商业保护款。
    he made trade protection a plank in the party platform.
  • 他以暴力作为主要政纲目,永远不会在舞台上站住脚。
    He could never stand on platform which had violence as its main plank.
  • 海盗俘获了一船,强迫所有船员从船侧的木板上跳下去淹死。
    The pirates captured the ship and forced the crew to walk the plank.
  • 地方议会接受了压力集团提出的反对意见,他们想把那新的旁路开在镇的那一头,而不是开在根据规划者提出的那路线上。
    The local council listened to objections by a pressure group who want the new by-pass to be built on the other side of the town, not along the route proposed by the planners.
  • 播机用以在洞或犁沟中播种的机器或设备
    A machine or implement for planting seeds in holes or furrows.
  • 你那骨折的腿要上石膏。
    Your fractured leg shall be plastered cast.
  • 吃一盘圆条面
    Ate a plate of spaghetti.
  • 他们进入了那个高原上的小裂口之后,沿着陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直来到一狭窄的走廊。
    After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor.
  • 与此同时,改善西藏高原生存件的生态建设和环境保护逐步开展起来。
    At the same time, ecological improvement and environmental protection work gradually unfolded, with the aim of improving the subsistence conditions on the Tibet Plateau.
  • 因受到有力的挑战进而广泛地遭遇冷淡,这个理论萧了半个世纪,这主要是因为缺乏可信的漂移机制来证明其论点。
    Vigorously challenged yet widely ignored, the theory had languished for half a century , primarily due to its lack of a plausible mechanism to support the proposed drift.
  • 汤姆和他的伙伴们慢慢地折回来,找到那小路。
    Tom and his playmates tried back slowly, and found the lane.
  • 母亲、父亲、孩子三方面的关系;三方协议;三方约;三分法;三方决赛。
    the triangular mother-father-child relationship; a trilateral agreement; a tripartite treaty; a tripartite division; a three-way playoff.
  • 它们那种盘绕和波动的线,和树木挺直的树身形成了有趣的对比。
    Their encircling and undulating movement contrasts pleasurably with the straight trunks of erect trees.
  • 作为装饰打褶的布
    a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim.
  • 饰以荷叶边用一或多花边缝合
    To trim with a strip or strips of gathered or pleated material.
  • 荷叶边装饰一种通常把材料收拢或折叠在一边上的装饰性花边,如在一件衣服或一张窗帘上
    A strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain.
  • 十一届三中全会召开至今四年多的实践证明,这路线是正确的。
    Since the Third Plenary Session more than four years' practice has shown that this line is correct.
  • 正是因为我们在三中全会以来制定和实施了上述一系列正确的方针、政策,才为这次经济调整创造了比较好的件。
    Fairly favourable conditions have been created for the present economic readjustment, thanks to the principles and policies implemented since the Third Plenary Session.