  • 马洛,尤莉娅1866-1950英裔美国女演员,以她与丈夫爱德华·休·萨森出演的许多莎士比亚剧作品中的对手戏而闻
    English playwright and poet whose development of blank verse influenced Shakespeare. His plays include Tamburlaine the Great(c.1587) and Edward II(c.1592).
  • 作为一精神高尚的女人,玛丽·安妮认为这是上帝之手将她引到了勇新的求愿上面。
    A spiritual woman, Mary Anne was convinced that God's hand was at work in leading her to Yongxin's plea.
  • 法律文件开端部分诉状(或答辩状)或其它文件的开端部分,标明当事人姓、法院称、法庭的开庭期以及案号
    The heading of a pleading or other document that identifies the parties, court, term, and number of the action.
  • 这些胜特别招人喜爱。
    These scenic spots are especially pleasing.
  • 这位曾受到哈佛教育后成为一遁世者的前数学教授。于1998年承认13项联邦政府对他的指控,从而换得起诉人对他免于死刑的判决。
    Kaczynski,a Harvard-educated former math professor who became a recluse,pled guilty to 13 federal charges in 1998 in exchange for agreement that prosecutors would not seek the death penalty during sentencing.
  •  一水管维修工称在伦敦一年可能赚到20万英镑,那里的紧急维修服务每小时高达100英镑。
    One plumber claimed it was possible to earn £200,000a year in London where emergency callouts are £100an hour.
  • 一个管子工的儿子要成为一大学教授,很容易;同样,一大学教授的儿子成为一个管子工也很容易,尤其是在这个儿子发现了两种职业之间的工资差别趋向之后。
    A plumber could easily have a son who's a college professor, and just as easily, a college professor could have a son who's a plumber, especially when the son discovers the direction of the salary differential between the two professions.
  • 这位作者剽窃著作家的作品。
    This writer plundered from famous authors.
  • 英语的复数词多以“s”结尾。
    Most plural nouns in English end in "s".
  • 英语的复数词多以s结尾.
    Most plural nouns in English end in s'.
  • 大多数词的复数形式是以s结尾的。
    Most plural nouns terminate in " s ".
  • 英语的复数词多以s结尾.
    Most plural nouns in English end in `s'.
  • 这些词的复数形式可能会造成困难。
    The plural forms of these nouns can cause difficulty.
  • 或物主代词之後与一复数词连用
    Used after the or a possessive with a plural
  • 兼任,兼任的圣职由一兼任者担任的职务或圣职
    The offices or benefices held by a pluralist.
  • 为避免寻找片时在衣兜或钱包里乱摸一气,你应总把它们放在固定的位置,西服或夹克上衣的内兜就是好地方。
    To avoid fumbling in pockets or purses,always keep the cards in the same place.A good location is the inside pocket of your suit or jacket.
  • 日本国马可波罗所用诗中的日本国
    A poetic name for Japan, used by Marco Polo.
  • 他那美其曰夏季别墅的花园棚
    His garden shed which, with a certain amount of poetic licence, he calls his summer-house
  • 他把另外几跑垒者推上场而自己却绊倒了,因此这对他来说是一种理想的赏罚。
    He pushed several other runners to get to the front so it was poetic justice when he tripped and fell.
  • 每场比赛的第一得1分,第二得2分,第三得3分,依此类推。
    The winner of each race scores one point, second place get two points, third place three points, etc.
  • 其中的一位老人解释说:“他的字叫财富,”他指了指一个他的朋友,然后,又指着另一个说:“他叫成功,而我叫爱。”
    One of the old men explained:" His name is Wealth," he said, pointing to one of his friends, and then pointed to another one," He is Success, and I am Love.
  • 我们学校赢得了撑杆跳第一
    Our school won first place for the pole vault.
  • 五名[许多]警察
    five [many] police (=five [many] policemen)
  • 大约有200警察值勤。
    There were over 200 police on duty.
  • 是警察的另一个称。
    Old it's another name for the policeman.
  • 由五十警察组成的警察队突袭了那楝房子。
    A force of50 policemen raided the house.
  • 警察在大楼外值班。
    Several policemen were on duty outside the building.
  • 警察们当时正在追捕一逃犯。
    The policemen were cutting after an escaped prisoner.
  • 名誉扫地的政治家
    A politician of ill fame.
  • 政客在耍诡计花招。
    The politician was playing a deep game.
  • 作为一政客,他已完全消声匿迹了。
    As a politician, he has completely effaced himself.
  • 超过133万登记选民在投票日投票,投票率为43.6%。
    Over 1.33 million registered electors cast their votes on the polling day, representing a turnout rate of 43.6 per cent.