  • 这些年来,由于“四人帮”的破坏,在学风方面了不少问题,例如压制讨论、互相封锁等。
    As a result of sabotage by the Gang of Four, a number of problems in the style of study have arisen in recent years, such as the stifling of discussion, refusal to share information, etc.
  • 这样讲,不但不可能帮助人们正确地认识和解决当前社会主义社会中现的种种问题,也不可能帮助人们正确地认识和进行在社会主义社会中为技术进步、社会进步而需要不断进行的改革。
    Thus they cannot help people to correctly understand and solve the problems that have arisen in socialist society today, or to correctly understand and carry out the continual reform that is essential for our technological and social advance.
  • 今天现这样的局面,我们应该心里有数,只不过我们忽略了,或是不承认我们在成长的过程,因政策的不平衡,或是太彻底的调整动作,造成的遗憾。
    Rather, we should have a clear idea of where the problem lies. We have neglected — or refused to face — a flaw in our otherwise perfect growth, which has arisen from imbalance of policies or readjustments carried too far.
  • 但同时也要看到,建设中暴露的严重缺点,特别是最近一两年来,脱离实际的主观主义,主要是教条主义倾向,是值得引起我们严重注意的。
    At the same time, however, we should recognize that serious shortcomings have arisen in the course of development. Tendencies towards subjectivism, which ignores reality, and, in particular, towards dogmatism occurring over the past two years call for close attention.
  • 到1599年,现了第三种意思“指那些被授权以长官的名义处理事务,特别是政府事务的人,因此现了当今对美国以总统的名义办事的内阁成员的称呼。
    By 1599, a third sense had arisen, that of someone authorized to act in the name of the principal, especially in matters of government affairs. Hence the titles of US cabinet members who act in the name of the president.
  • 尽管东欧、苏联了问题,尽管西方七国制裁我们,我们坚持一个方针:同苏联继续打交道,搞好关系;同美国继续打交道,搞好关系;同日本、欧洲国家也继续打交道,搞好关系。
    Despite the trouble that has arisen in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and despite the sanctions imposed by seven Western countries, we adhere to one principle: to maintain contacts and build good relations with the Soviet Union, with the United States, and also with Japan and the European countries.
  • 凡是分过土地的地方,则应区别真分还是假分,一大片地区分了的还是只在一些孤立据点分了的,问题多的还是问题较少的,而规定不同的处理办法。
    In areas where land has been distributed, we should make a distinction between true and false distribution, between distribution carried out in a vast area and that in isolated places, and between areas where many problems have arisen and ones with fewer problems, so as to work out solutions accordingly.
  • 事实上,只有在已经积累起大量资本以后,才有可能预先向劳动者支付超最低限度口粮的报酬,因为付给劳动者的这种报酬,实际上不是用于生产,而是用于生产性劳动者的非生产性消费,这就需要有足够充分的生产基金,将其一部分经常用于单纯的享乐。
    In truth, it is only after an abundant capital had already been accumulated, that the practice of paying in advance any remuneration of labour beyond a bare subsistence, could possibly have arisen: since whatever is so paid, is not really applied to production, but to the unproductive consumption of productive labourers, indicating a fund for production sufficiently ample to admit of habitually diverting a part of it to a mere convenience.
  • 问题一现,就应该去设法解决,不要等成了堆再去解决。
    Instead of waiting until problems pile up, we should try to solve each as it arises.
  • 处理每个出现的问题
    Meet each problem as it arises.
  • 需要时,把钱从银行里取来。
    Take money from the bank as the need arises.
  • 溪水开始流的地方。
    the source of water from which a stream arises.
  • 现没有预料到的问题时要尽量控制住你的急躁情绪。
    Try to control your impatience when any unexpected problem arises.
  • 你最好尽快把事情搞清,免得麻烦。
    You'd better get the point/matter cleared up quickly before trouble arises.
  • 眼中现的影像;视觉系统里的图象。
    a percept that arises from the eyes; an image in the visual system.
  • 这样一来就现了一个狭小而富裕的市场,现了对精美昂贵器物的需求。
    A demand thus arises for elaborate and costly manufactured articles, adapted to a narrow but a wealthy market.
  • 所提的疑问是:在这次考察中,查尔斯是否想要利用爱德华所提供的服务。如果真是这样,目的何在。
    The question arises whether Charles intended to avail himself of Edward's services during the expedition, and if so to what end.
  • (生物学)区分种的一个分类学类目;通常作为一个种内的地理学隔离的结果而现。
    (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species.
  • 可是随着商人或者说中产阶级势不可挡的崛起,贵族和工人从这个格局中被排挤去。中产阶级将自己划分成了上、中、下3个阶层。
    However,with the irresistible rise of the merchant or middle class,the aristocracy and workers were squeezed out of the frame and the middle class turned its attention to dividing itself into an upper,middle and lower class.
  • 在一极为成功的演中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。
    A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
  • 他出身贵族。
    He is by pedigree an aristocrat.
  • 席舞会的还有彬格莱的贵族朋友费茨威廉·达西,他对班纳特太太的粗俗嗤之以鼻,还怠慢了她的女儿们。
    Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters.
  • 当时这种舞蹈还不是职业演节目,场表演的都是一此贵族朝臣,王室和公爵府的节目主持人也往往参加。因此,芭蕾的舞步和舞姿有正规的形式,而不是难度很大。
    Ballets were not then professional shows; they were performed by the aristocratic courtiers often by the royal or ducal host as well and, accordingly, their steps and movements were formal rather than difficult.
  • 哥达德国中部一城市,埃尔富达的西面。第一次有该市名称是在10世纪,是工业和文学中心。哥达的建筑,一本对欧洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿版。人口57,662
    A city of central Germany west of Erfurt. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial and cultural center. The Almanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in1763. Population,57, 662.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以差不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost2,000 years.
  • 因为他是伟大的思想家亚里斯多德,所以差不多有两千年之久,没有人对他的想法提怀疑。
    And because he was Aristotle, the great thinker, no one questioned his idea for almost 2, 000 years.
  • 三一律戏剧结构三原则之一,由法国新古典主义者从亚里斯多德的诗论得,叙述为戏剧只应当有一个情节,此情节应当在一天发生,并限制在一场所
    One of the three principles of dramatic structure derived by French neoclassicists from Aristotle's Poetics, stating that a drama should have but one plot, which should take place in a single day and be confined to a single locale.
  • 柏拉图、亚里土多德、康德、达尔文和弗洛伊德等思想家,都曾试图探索笑声(柏拉图担心笑声会使国家陷于混乱,康德则推理认为。当人们以为会发生的事情没有发生时,就会产生笑,这就是人意料的妙语起作用的原因),但他们一直是从哲学的角度而不是从科学的角度来探索的。
    Thinkers from Plato and Aristotle to Kant, Darwin and Freud have tried to fathom laughter (Plato fered it would disrupt the state, and Kant theorized that it arises when what you expect to happen doesn't, which is why surprising punch lines work), but they've been long on philosophy and short on science.
  • 他用心算得了答案。
    He got the answer by mental arithmetic.
  • 这次考试暴露你的算术不行。
    This test shows up your weakness in arithmetic.
  • 从她的学习成绩单可看她算术和生物成绩差。
    Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology.
  • 储蓄器,累加器,加法器计算机或计算器中得数学或逻辑运行结果的寄存器或电路
    A register or electric circuit in a calculator or computer, in which the results of arithmetical and logical operations are formed.