  • 印度常緑的蔓生植物,由於其豐富的香的白花而被載植。
    East Indian evergreen vine cultivated for its profuse fragrant white flowers.
  • 印度的一種喬木,花多且密集,絲絨質地,呈朱紅色,可産一種黃色染料。
    East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye.
  • 我們應當吸收外國文化中進步的西。
    We should draw on what is progressive in foreign culture.
  • 年輕人比較容易吸收進步的西。
    It is easy for young people to drink deep of what is progressive.
  • 到遠旅遊的費用高的令人不敢問津。
    The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive.
  • 彈丸在形狀,作用或效果上和射彈相似的西
    An object resembling a projectile in shape, action, or effect.
  • 從槍中發出來的西。
    projectiles to be fired from a gun.
  • 柄一個柄或凸出物,作為把手或抓的西
    A handle or projection used as a hold or support.
  • 突出突出的西;凸出物
    Something that protrudes; a projection.
  • 真正人民大衆的西,現在一定是無産階級領導的。
    Today, anything that is truly of the masses must necessarily be led by the proletariat.
  • 我要求得到你答應給的西。
    I claim your promise .
  • 菲爾角開普菲爾河的入海口,是離開北卡羅來納州南海岸的史密斯島上的一個岬
    A promontory on Smith Island off the coast of southeast North Carolina at the mouth of the Cape Fear River.
  • 易變的西變化或易於變化的西
    Something that varies or is prone to variation.
  • 把帶子兩端連接起來的西;通常含有寬鬆的插真。
    fastens together two ends of a belt or strap; often has loose prong.
  • 人稱指關係到謂語動詞變化的三類人稱形式,用以區別說話人(第一人稱)、與之交談的人(第二人稱)和提及的人或西(第三人稱)
    Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker(first person), the individual addressed(second person), and the individual or thing spoken of(third person).
  • 沒有他偷這個西的證據。
    There's no proof that he stole it.
  • 用什麽西支着大門讓它開着吧。
    Prop the gate open with something.
  • 那屋頂在修理時要用西支住。
    The roof will have to is prop up while repair is carry out.
  • 找個西將門撐住透透氣。
    Try to get something to prop the door open, we need some fresh air.
  • 故意設計的一碰就破的舞臺道具的,一碰就倒的西的設計一碰即易碎、易彎麯或易跌開的,尤指為造成一種假象(如舞臺道具)或為安全起見(如高速路路標或障礙物)
    Designed to break, bend, or fall apart easily upon impact, especially to create an illusion, as with a theater prop, or for safety, as with a highway sign or barrier.
  • 他說,世界需要一個共同的方法來描述用戶要求管理的任何西的性質,以使他們能夠對不同節點和應用程序的不同性質進行關聯和比較。
    The world needs a common way to describe the property of anything users want to manage so that they can associate and compare different properties of different nodes and applications, he says.
  • 那屋頂在修理時要用西支住。
    The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are carried out.
  • 那屋頂在修理時要用西支住。
    The roof will have to be propped up while repair is carrying out.
  • 那屋頂在修理時要用西支住.
    The roof will have to is propped up while repairs are carried out.
  • 公司是獨立的法律實體,因此股的債務是有限的,這就是它相對於單一業主和合營這兩種形式的優越之處。
    The corporation is a separate and legal entity. The stockholders, therefore, have limited financial habihity. This is its advantage over the sole proprietorship and the partnership.
  • 此外,我們所發現的另一個重要的西是一些未被說明的被禁止的武器,舉例來說,伊拉剋提供的一份文件表明,他們目前擁有1000噸化學武器原料沒有說明,當然,我們不能據此下結論說伊拉剋擁有化學武器,但是也不能排除這種可能性。
    Another matter - and one of great significance - is that many proscribed weapons and items are not accounted for. To take an example, a document, which Iraq provided, suggested to us that some 1,000 tonnes of chemical agent were "unaccounted for". One must not jump to the conclusion that they exist. However, that possibility is also not excluded.
  • 事件發生在周二晚十一點十五分。當時兩名便衣武警發現金恩在好萊塢召一名身着女裝的男妓。
    The incident began at 11:15 p.m. Tuesday, when two undercover vice officers spotted King in East Hollywood picking up a male prostitute in drag.
  • 賣淫罪犯那麽猖獗,為什麽不嚴懲幾個最惡劣的?
    In Guangdong Province prostitution is rampant, why don't we crack down on the worst proprietors of brothels?
  • 布幹達一個地區,過去是非的一個王國,位於今天烏幹達境內的維多利亞湖北岸,從1900年開始屬英國的保護地,直到1962年加入獨立的烏幹達
    A region and former kingdom of eastern Africa on the northern shore of Lake Victoria in present-day Uganda. It was a British protectorate from1900 until1962, when it joined independent Uganda.
  • 湯加太平洋西南部一國傢,位於斐濟以,由約一百五十座島嶼組成,其中大約三十六座有人居住。1900年成為英國保護區,1970年獲得獨立。努庫阿洛法為該國首都和最大城市。人口96,592
    A country in the southwest Pacific Ocean east of Fiji comprising about150 islands, some36 of which are inhabited. It became a British protectorate in1900 and gained independence in1970. Nukualofa is the capital and the largest city. Population,96, 592.
  • 但其在中國的特點,是其特殊的長期性和廣大性,這將是突破歷史紀錄的西。
    But what distinguishes this war in China is its especially protracted and extensive character, which will set a record in history.
  • 那人口袋裏鼓出的西引起了警察的註意。
    The policeman's attention was caught by something protruding from the man's pocket.