  •  第四十三条广播电台、电视台营业性播放已经出版的录音制品,可以不经著作权人、表演者、录音制作者许可,不向其支付报酬。
    Article 43 A radio station or television station may broadcast, for noncommercial purposes, a published sound recording without seeking permission from, or paying remuneration to, the copyright owner, performer and producer of the sound recording.
  • 西方国家欧洲和南北美洲的共产主义国家
    The noncommunist countries of Europe and the Americas.
  • 绝缘体绝缘材料,特别是声、热、电的导体
    A material that insulates, especially a nonconductor of sound, heat, or electricity.
  • 一个过着传统生活不墨守陈规的作家或者艺术家。
    a nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life.
  • 非晶态固体结构特征
    structural characteristics of noncrystalline solids
  • 建筑材料的破损检验方法
    nondestructive testing method of building material
  • 今年要在已有工作基础上,以增强国际竞争力为核心,重点抓好以下几个方面:一是按照法制统一、歧视、公开透明的原则,抓紧完善既符合世贸组织规则,又符合我国国情的涉外经济法律法规体系,确保执法公正与效率。
    This year we need to concentrate on increasing our international competitiveness and fulfilling the following tasks on the basis of what has been achieved. First, following the principles of the uniformity of law, nondiscrimination, and openness and transparency, we need to quickly improve the system of foreign-related economic laws and statutes so that they are suitable to domestic conditions and the WTO rules and able to guarantee fair and efficient law enforcement.
  • 是汤姆!我们以为你还在洲!
    It's none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa!
  • 我是否可以获得以各种文字出版该表的专有版权?
    May I please have nonexclusive world rights in all languages?
  •  (二)许可使用的权利是专有使用权或者专有使用权;
    the exclusive or nonexclusive nature of the right to exploit the work covered by the license;
  • 今年的盈利常少,事实上,几乎不存在。
    This year's profits were very small, in fact, almost nonexistent.
  • 我已经读过了她的小说而不是小说作品
    I've read her novels but not her nonfiction.
  • 1995年9月,中国成功地承办了联合国第四次世界妇女大会和’95政府组织妇女论坛,为世界妇女事业的进步和妇女人权的实现作出了贡献。
    China successfully held the UN Fourth World Conference on Women and the '95 Nongovernmental Organizations Forum in Beijing in September 1995, thus contributing to the progress of the world's women and to the realization of women's human rights.
  • 全国妇联作为中国妇女最大的政府组织,充分发挥自己的组织、宣传、协调优势,积极配合政府开展适合妇女特点的活动,推动妇女参与农业发展。
    As the biggest nongovernmental organization in China the All-China Women's Federation has given full play to its advantages in organizing, propaganda and coordination, actively cooperated with the government to carry out activities that suit women's characters and promoted women's involvement in the development of agriculture.
  • 中国政府认真履行东道国的义务,积极与联合国机构、各国政府和有关政府组织密切合作,投入大量的人力、物力、财力,动员全国人民和各界妇女,为大会的筹备和召开作出了巨大努力,确保了大会的圆满成功,受到国际社会的普遍赞誉。
    The Chinese government performed its duties as the host country in great earnest, actively cooperated with the UN organizations, all governments and the nongovernmental organizations concerned, put in huge human, material and financial resources, and mobilized people all over the country and women from all walks of life to make tremendous efforts for the preparation and convening of the conference, to guarantee the great success of the conference. Hence China won popular praise from the international community.
  • 和声的与和声音程上的和音或和声有关的
    Relating to chords or harmonies based on nonharmonic tones.
  • 例如黑猩猩等人类灵长动物。
    nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees.
  • 用于人类的动物;性欲高涨的一个时期。
    applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity.
  • 两个秩评定协议的参数测定。
    a nonparametric measure of the agreement between two rankings.
  • 固氮菌发现于土壤和水中的一种固氮菌属的条状的、致病的固氮细菌
    Any of various rod-shaped, nonpathogenic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, found in soil and water.
  • 二氯松一种持久性有机磷杀虫剂,c4h7o4cl2p,对人的毒性低
    A nonpersistent organophosphorous pesticide, C4H7O4Cl2P, of low toxicity to human beings.
  • 杀草快一种强力持久性、黄色、晶状除草剂c12h12br2n2,用于控制水生杂草
    A strong, nonpersistent, yellow, crystalline herbicide, C12H12Br2N2, used to control water weeds.
  • 在现实中,有关成本和体积的问题限制了使用燃料电池的魁力,但是工程师们正努力地适应和缩短生产污染性汽车和卡车的技术。
    On the ground, problems with cost and size have limited the appeal of fuel cells, but engineers are now hard at work adapting and shrinldng the technology to create nonpolluting cars and trucks.
  • 医生处方的关于、属于或作为一种医生处方但常受商标保护的药品或其他药剂
    Of, relating to, or being a nonprescription drug or other medical preparation that is often protected by a trademark.
  • 已采取措施以不使生产性开支增加。
    Measures were taken to made the nonproductive expenses remain down.
  • 生产部门与生产部门
    productive departments and nonproductive departments
  • 他的男同事的没有工作的妻子;科班出身的演员。
    the nonprofessional wives of his male colleagues; nonprofessional actors.
  • 领土军事部队中的专业士兵。
    nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit.
  • 英国为其防御而组织的专业的部队单位。
    British unit of nonprofessional soldiers organized for defense of GB.
  • 作为公共事业的赢利的图书馆。
    a nonprofit library maintained for public use.
  • 赢利组织是免税的。
    Nonprofit - made organization is exempt from tax.
  • 赢利组织是免税的。
    Nonprofit- make organization is exempt from tax.