  • 前臂处于手腕与胳膊肘之的手臂部分
    The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow.
  • 老师应给学生充裕的学习时
    A teacher should give his students elbowroom.
  • 我知道,在「长者健康服务」计划下,七「长者健康中心」和七支「长者健康外展队」已於本年七月二日投入服务。
    I know that under the Elderly Health Service Scheme, 7 elderly health centres were set up and 7 elderly health visiting teams started reaching out for the elderly on 2 July this year.
  • 王太子从1349到1830期法国国王的长子
    The eldest son of the king of France from1349 to1830.
  • 更具体地说,有二十个是直选议席,四十个是选议席。
    Twenty, in fact, will be elected directly; 40 elected indirectly.
  • 更具体地说,在这六十个议席中,二十个为直选议席,三十个通过功能组别接选出,馀下十个则通过一个选举委员会接选出。
    More specifically, 20 will be directly elected, 30 indirectly elected through functional constituencies and the remaining 10 indirectly elected through an election committee.
  • 陪审员可以从登记的选民中挑选,年龄在1865岁之,在英国已居住5年。
    Juror can is selected from registered elector who is between eighteen and sixty five year old and who have is resident in the uk for five year.
  • 四、划分选区与提名日之应至少相隔三个月:
    Lastly, I think there should be a three-month period between the announcement of the new electoral boundaries by the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee and Nomination Day.
  • 磁流体动力学对磁场和导电的液体或气体,诸如熔化的金属或者等离子区之的相互作用的研究
    The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids or gases, such as molten metal or plasma.
  • 时值用电刺激肌肉或神经纤维的最小时隔,用两倍的最小电流来产生临界响应
    The minimum interval of time necessary to electrically stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber, using twice the minimum current needed to elicit a threshold response.
  • 开炮的时和声音到达远处站点的时都是电动记录的。
    The time of the firing of the gun, and the time of the arrival of its sound at the distant station are both recorded electrically.
  • 一大块积雨云载电时,电荷在云层和地面之掠过,就会产生我们称之为闪电的闪光。
    When a big rain-cloud becomes electrically charged, and the electric charge lumps between the cloud and the ground, there is a flash which we call lightning.
  • 我们俩同在电力车干活,我最终成了电工的头儿。
    Both of us worked in the electric shop, and I eventually became the chief electrician.
  • 在教化学时,可以在,比如说电气和胶体化学上多花些时
    In teaching chemistry more time may be given to, say, electro and colloidal chemistry.
  • 氢键是氢原子核及其相邻的负电荷原子的电子云之的一种微弱的静电吸引力。
    This bond is a weak electrostatic force of attraction between the pro ton of a hydrogen atom and the electron cloud of a neighboring electro-negative atom.
  • 极,二次发射电极一种用于一定电子管作第二次发射电极
    An electrode used in certain electron tubes to provide secondary emission.
  • 原子移动,电离子移动在电解的过程中离子在电极之的移动
    The movement of ions between electrodes during electrolysis.
  • 血管或组织之的物质被动地注进(液体或药或电解液)。
    the passive introduction of a substance (a fluid or drug or electrolyte) into a vein or between tissues (as by gravitational force).
  • 一种电磁体或永磁体的南北磁极之的区别。
    A distinction between positive(north) and negative(south) magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet.
  • 在电磁石的磁极之旋转使得产生的电流通过电枢的机器。
    a coil (the armature) rotates between the poles of an electromagnet (the field magnet) causing a current to flow in the armature.
  • 测量两线圈的感应的量;一个线圈中感应电动势和邻近线圈中电流的相应变化的比;通常以亨利来测量。
    a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighboring circuit; usually measured in henries.
  • "数字手表是用电子显示数字来表示时的,例如1021。"
    "A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers, e.g.1021."
  • 年底时,共有四万多公司向贸易通电子贸易有限公司登记,采用电子方式办理与贸易有关的多种政府文件。
    At the end of the year, over 40 000 companies were registered with Tradelink to process certain government trade-related documents electronically.
  • 因特网的一个重要应用是计算机用户利用电子函件相互通信。电子函件使用户可以用电子手段传递和接收消息、文本和数据。电子函件的功能非常类似于邮箱:无论接收者是否在网络上,用户都可以向他发送消息,该消息被保存起来,同时向接收者发送一个信号表明有一个消息在等待处理。
    One important application for Internet is communication between computer users by the electronic mail,or E-mail. E-mail allows users to electronically transmit and receive messages,text, or data. E-mail functions futher like a mailbox: the user can send messages whether or not the intended receiver is currently on the network and the message is stored, along with a signal for the receiver that indicates that there is a message waiting.
  • 在激励源移去后仍在一段时内发光的性质,例如在静电存储管和阴极射线管(crt)中(发生的现象)。
    A property of emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away, e.g., in electrostatic storage tubes and cathode-ray tubes.
  • 这个房朴实无华的高雅。
    the restrained elegance of the room.
  • 这个房的家具给这房一种优雅的气氛。
    The furnishings of the room imparted an air of elegance.
  • 红色的窗帘使房平添几分雅致。
    The red curtain impart a certain elegance to the room.
  • 处于幽雅情调中的小房
    A room with an elegant tone.
  • 用来接待来宾的一高雅的屋子。
    elegant room where guests are received.
  • 向量元素向量空的元素
    An element of a vector space.
  • (物理学)基本粒子之、基本粒子与场之或场与场之的能量交换;以规范玻色子作为媒介。
    (physics) the transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields; mediated by gauge bosons.