Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在大西洋海战中国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。
    There is heavy loss in britain's merchant tonnage during the battle of the atlantic.
  • 在大西洋海战中国的商船遭受了巨大的损失。
    There was heavy loss in Britain's merchant tonnage during the battle of the Atlantic.
  • 托尼会说语,打网球。
    Tony speaks English and he plays tennis.
  • 她在黎明前的大雾中已经开车30里了。
    She had tooled on for 30 miles through the pre-dawn mist.
  • 辉格党党员18及19世纪国的政党成员,该政党与托利党相对立
    A member of an18th- and19th-century British political party that was opposed to the Tories.
  • 从十九世纪三十年代的保皇党发展起来的国的一个政党;提倡混合经济并鼓励财产所有权。
    a political party in Great Britain which developed from the Tories in the 1830s; advocates a mixed economy and encourages property owning.
  • 仅为国保守党喉舌的报纸
    A newspaper which is merely the mouthpiece of the Tory party
  • 我认为国保守党要经过艰苦的努力才有可能赢得下届的竞选成功。
    I think the Tory's have a fighting chance of winning the next election.
  • 费耶特维尔美国北卡罗来纳州中南部的一个城市,位于罗利西南部偏南。1739年由苏格兰殖民者建成,在美国独立战争期间为亲分子的中心。人口75,695
    A city of south-central North Carolina south-southwest of Raleigh. Founded by Scottish colonists in1739, it was a Tory center during the American Revolution. Population,75, 695.
  • 千万不要放过提高你语的机会。
    Never toss away a chance to improve your English.
  • 那帐单合计近40英镑.
    The bill tottedup to almost 40.
  • 总数为10英镑.
    The total works out at 10.
  • 你总共要花7.50英镑.
    That will cost you 7.50 in total.
  • 他一共负了2000多镑的债。
    He had run up debts totaling more than&2000.
  • 姑娘们说约翰是雄,因为他在比赛中赢得了决定性的一分,约翰听了心里乐滋滋的。
    The girls told John he was a hero because he made the winning touchdown, and he ate up their praise.
  • 速度计接近120里每小时。
    The speedometer was touching 120 mph.
  • 这是英语团吗?
    Is it an English tour?
  • 澳大利亚旅游局亚洲区总裁李泽琛先生强调去澳洲学习语的短期旅行团已经成为一个重要的新生市场。
    Mr. Richard Beere, the Asian regional director of Australian Tourist Commission, stressed that a new and important market has been created in China, the touring party to Australia for short-term English learning.
  • 英格兰队轻易获胜。
    England won a hands-down victory in the tournament.
  • 铁塔1056英尽高。
    The tower is 1, 056 feet high.
  • 我的一个同班同学身高6.7尺,比我们高出了一大截。
    One of my classmates was six feet seven in height and towered above all of us.
  • 他身高六尺,比他母亲高得多。
    At six feet, he towers over his mother.
  • 他身高六尺,比他母亲高得多。
    At six feet, he towers over his mother.
  • 开拓三十英亩土地
    Developing a30-acre tract.
  • 在同工会的谈判中,资方以每周增加工资5镑换取了每次饮茶休息时间从20分钟缩至10分钟。
    In negotiations with the trade union, the management traded off an extra five pounds a week in wages for a reduction in the length of tea breaks from twenty to ten minutes each.
  • 国的传统要求3个阶级存在。
    English tradition demands the existence of three classes.
  • 格兰,圣诞节时按传统要吃火鸡.
    In England, turkey is traditionally eaten on Christmas Day.
  • 伯比奇,理查德1567?-1619国演员和剧院经理,是同时代最负盛名的悲剧演员。他是第一个扮演莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,《李尔王》,《奥赛罗》和《理查三世》的主角
    English actor and theater manager. The foremost tragedian of his day, he was the first to play the title roles in Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Richard III.
  • 这辆银色的拖车长27尺,里面不设座位,取而代之的是安装了烟灰缸的柜台,可以容纳20个人左右。他们可以在这里尽情地吞云吐雾。
    The 27-foot-long silver trailer does not come with any seats,but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart's content.
  • 公司工资的等级从学徒工的5,000镑到总经理的50,000镑,级别不等。
    The company's salary scale range from 5,000 for a trainee to 50,000 for the managing director.
  • 公司工资的等级从学徒工的5,000镑到总经理的50,000镑,级别不等。
    The company 's salary scale ranges from 5, 000 for a trainee to 50, 000 for the managing director.
  • 他在格兰南部游荡18个周。
    He traipsed round southern England for 18 months.