  • 为他作传记的斯图亚特曾明白指出,他的研究从一开头所根据的就是这样一个原则:“为促进公共福利而订立的国家规章大部分是多余的,一个国家要从落后的未开化状态转变到尽可最高的进步状态,无需什么别的,只需合理的租税、公正的司法与和平。”
    Moreover, according to the explicit remarks of his biographer, Dugald Stewart, his investigations from the commencement are based upon the principle that 'most of the State regulations for the promotion of public prosperity are unnecessary, and a nation in order to be transformed from the lowest state of barbarism into a state of the highest possible prosperity needs nothing but bearable taxation, fair administration of justice, and peace.'
  • 因为历史告诉我们,曾有许多国家,它们的国民尽管克勤克俭,还是不免于贫困,有些国家由贫穷落后的地位进入富强,有些则由富裕与幸福的状况沦入贫困,凡是对这样的演变想试究一下原因的,当他听到了劳动造成富强、怠惰造成贫困的道理以后(其实所罗门王在亚当·斯密之前早就提出了这一点),总是不禁要再问一下,劳动的起因是什么,怠惰的起因又是什么呢?
    for history teaches that whole nations have, in spite of the exertions and of the thrift of their citizens, fallen into poverty and misery. Whoever desires to know and investigate how one nation from a state of poverty and barbarism has attained to one of wealth and prosperity, and how another has fallen from a condition of wealth and well-being into one of poverty and misery, has always, after receiving the information that labour is the cause of wealth and idleness the cause of poverty (a remark which King Solomon made long before Adam Smith), to put the further question,what are the causes of labour, and what the causes of idleness?
  • 格可东方人认为西方人用刀叉吃饭野蛮或者不文明。
    Perhaps people in the East think it's barbarous or uncivilized of the Westerners to eat with knives and forks.
  • 如果日本没有许多不可克服的矛盾,例如它一下出几百万至一千万大兵,财源比现在多过几倍,又没有民众和外国的敌对,又不实行野蛮政策招致中国人民拚死命反抗,那它便保持一种绝对的优势,它便有一种贯彻始终和普及各地的绝对的主动权。
    If Japan were not riddled with insoluble contradictions, if, for instance, she could throw in a huge force of several million or ten million men all at once, if her financial resources were several times what they are, if she had no opposition from her own people or from other countries, and if she did not pursue the barbarous policies which arouse the desperate resistance of the Chinese people, then she would be able to maintain absolute superiority and have the absolute initiative always and every where.
  • 如果国家还没有达到那样的发展阶段,还处于未开化或半开化状态,它的农业生产力甚至还没有脱离最原始情况,如果输入国外制成品输出原料时,仍然可以使它一年一年地发展起来,可以使它的精神力量和社会力量不断有所启发和增长,如果这样的贸易关系够继续下去,不致由于国外禁止输入原料品或由于战争而使贸易中断,或者如果这个农业国家是处于热带的;那么在这样情况下输人国与输出国双方的利得是均等的,也是符合于自然规律的,因为处于这样地位的国家,在以本国农产品交换外国工业品的影响下,比之完全依靠它自己的力量时,可以更迅速、更稳健地实现文化的发展与生产力的提高。
    If it has not yet attained that stage, and still remains in a barbarous or half-civilised state, if its agricultural power of production has not yet developed itself even from the most primitive condition, if by the importation of foreign fabrics and the exportation of raw products its prosperity nevertheless increases considerably from year to year, and its mental and social powers continue to be awakened and increased, if such commerce as it can thus carry on is not interrupted by foreign prohibition of importation of raw products, or by wars, or if the territory of the agricultural nation is situated in a tropical climate, the gain on both sides will then be equal and in conformity with the laws of nature,because under the influence of such an exchange of the native products for foreign fabrics, a nation so situated will attain to civilisation and development of its productive powers more quickly and safely than when it has to develop them entirely out of its resources.
  • 我们不指望著(有)好天气才去烧烤.
    We can't calculate on (having) good weather for the barbecue.
  • 这个地方不宜烧烤,一根火柴就可使整个森林着火烧起来。
    This is a bad place to barbecue. A match could set the whole forest on fire.
  • 由于可同另一偶然发生的事冲突,组织者决定把野餐外宴会从6月12日提前到6月5日。
    Because of the possibility of a clash with another event, the organizers have decided to bring the barbecue forward from the 12th to the 5th June.
  • 别碰那道铁丝网,钩伤你的。
    You could do yourself a mischief on that barbed-wire fence!
  • 分泌毒液的大型鳐,其鞭形的尾部生有有毒的背棘,造成严重的伤害。
    large venomous ray with large barbed spines near the base of a thin whiplike tail capable of inflicting severe wounds.
  • 对于西班牙杯,只有罗纳尔多才使巴赛罗纳俱乐部队打入决赛。
    For the Spanish cup, Ronaldo could only help Barcelona to enter the final match.
  • 钱红21岁了,她的教练冯小东说对于一个游泳运动员来说,21岁是个不算小的年龄,由于身体又不好,两者凑在一块,所以钱红夺得巴塞罗奥运会金牌实属不易。
    Qian Hong is 21. her coach Feng Xiaodong said 21 is an age not young for a swimmer. Coupled with poor health, she has paid a high price to win in Barcelona.
  • 15岁那年,帕勃洛在和成年画家争取考人巴塞罗那美术学院的竞争中,用一天工夫就画出了其他画家要花一个月才完成的作品。
    While the 15-year--old Pablo was competing with adult painters in the entrance examination for the Art Academy of Barcelona, he did in one day what it took other artists a month to finish.
  • 为了使人工智程序具有一种符合常识的推理力,计算机科学家们正在辛勤工作着。在这一过程中,他们对于人类思维会有更多地了解。
    Computer scitentists are working bard to give Al programs a type of common sense reasoning ability. In the process, they are learning more about how humans think.
  • 就连你所想到的最壮的人也不光用手就将木头撕裂。
    The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
  • 空言不能成交易。
    Bare words, no bargain.
  • 社会保障也只提供少量的维持生计之物。
    social security provided only a bare subsistence.
  • 他几乎不够读和写。
    He can barely read or write.
  • 好像在边上;几乎不
    as if by an edge; barely.
  • 我简直不相信她的话。
    I can barely credit what she said.
  • 在雾中几乎不看清路
    Could barely see the road in the fog.
  • 他勉强够透过有雾的窗户看见。
    he could barely see through the fogged window.
  • 我们的钱勉勉强强维持到周末。
    We have barely enough money to last the weekend.
  • 你讲讲价,他们可会把价钱降低。
    If you bargain with them they might reduce the price.
  • 我们可在这儿买到廉价品。
    We might get a good bargain.
  • 我指望你驾车把我们送到机场。
    I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport.
  • 吃了钡之后把异物显示出来。
    The foreign body can be shown up on a barium swallow.
  • 1895年,威廉·伦琴偶然发现阴极射线管使涂有一层氰亚铂酸盐钡的薄相纸发光,甚至当阴极射线管和相纸分别放在不同的房间时也发光。
    In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.
  • 集市上那个喊叫着招揽生意的人真说,让我们买了很多我们其实并不想要东西。
    That barker at the fair was o persuasive that we were roped into buying a lot of things we didn't really want.
  • 但是在无亲缘物种,如稻子和大麦的基因组中也存在这种基因。因此它有可存在于大多数的显花植物中。
    But the gene is also present in the genome of unrelated species such as rice and barley, so it probably exists in most flowering plants.
  • 为什么酒吧招待拿到小费,而救人生命的医生却得不到呢?
    Why does a barman get a tip,but not a doctor who saves lives?
  • 杰夫:说起冬季奥运会,还要提到顾拜旦,他很早就想单独举办冬季奥运会,但未如愿。
    Jeff: When we talk about the Winter Olympic Games, we must mention Mr. Baron de Coubertin. Long ago he thought of holding the Winter Olympics separately. Unfortunately, he failed to realize his wishes.