  • 从出入贸易的数量来看,我们第一个大宗出是粮食。
    Judged by volume, grain ranks first among the principal outgoing commodities in our trade with the outside areas.
  • lib包含了一个表,用来给包加进标签,或者修改/去除已有的标签,同时确定数据将被送往的外出接
    The LIB contains a table that is used to add a label to a packet, or change/remove the existing label, while determining the outgoing interface to which the data will be sent.
  • 他们的理由从下述号就可以很好地概括出来:“当枪支成为非法时,只有那些违法者才会拥有枪支”。
    Their reasoning is pretty well summed up by slogans like 'When guns are outlawed, only out-laws will have guns'.
  • 疏导,流入渠道为…提供一个出;导引
    To provide an outlet for; channel.
  • 子或者通路或者出路。
    have an opening or passage or outlet.
  • 危害饮用水源的排污,应当搬迁。
    Any outlet that endangers drinking water sources shall be relocated.
  • 溢流,溢流管能使过剩的液体流出去的出或漏洞
    An outlet or a vent through which excess liquid may escape.
  • 测量通过特殊出的水流量的仪表。
    for measuring the quantity of water passing through a particular outlet.
  • 河或沟或其他水源的出
    the outlet of a river or drain or other source of water.
  • 英格兰西北部的一个大城市;它的港是英国工业产品出的主要港
    a large city in northwestern England; its port is the country's major outlet for industrial exports.
  • 肾盂肾脏出处一个尿液经其排出而进入输尿管的中空漏斗形内脏结构
    The hollow funnel in the outlet of the kidney, into which urine is discharged before entering the ureter.
  • 我们对市场十分熟悉,能够为贵方的出商品找到销路。
    We is quite familiar with the market where we can find an outlet for the goods you export.
  • 在保护区附近新建排污,必须保证保护区水体不受污染。
    If a sewage outlet is to be built in the vicinity of such protection zones, the water bodies within those zones must be protected against pollution.
  • 重新部署人和工业,从市区迁至边远地区。
    having population and industries relocated from urban to outlying areas.
  • 临时区域市政局负责为新界及离岛地区三百多万居民,即全港约一半人提供市政服务,处理一切有关环境卫生、食物卫生、签发酒牌、公众卫生及洁净服务等事宜,并提供康乐、体育、文娱设施和服务。
    The Provisional Regional Council was responsible for environmental hygiene, food safety, liquor licensing, public health, sanitation and the provision of recreational, sports and cultural facilities and services in the New Territories and the outlying islands. The council served a community of over three million or almost half the local population.
  • 我们产量的25%是供出
    25% of our output be export.
  • 我们25%的产品是出的。
    25% of our output is export.
  • 他们实在太不高明,跟占全国人百分之九十的工农大众不联合,并且根本反对工农。
    In fact, these people are not at all bright in their refusal to unite with the masses who make up 90 per cent of the population and in going so far as to oppose them outright.
  • 然后在围墙上凿些洞孔,把枪插进去,枪朝外。
    Now he made holes in the wall and placed his guns in them, pointing outwards.
  • 他在洞穴周围又筑起了一道篱笆。然后在围墙上凿些洞孔,把枪插进去,枪朝外。
    He built another fence round his cave. Now he made holes in the wall and placed his guns in them, pointing outwards.
  • 以口才智胜
    To outwit by talking.
  • 狭窄入要塞的外围工事的狭窄入
    A narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification.
  • 伤口全部愈合了。
    The wound healed over.
  • []装糊涂;装睡;装死
    Come possum over sb.
  • 中国人过多的不利影响已经渗透到社会经济生活的各个方面,中国在经济和社会发展中遇到的许多困难,都与它有直接的关系。
    The negative impact of China's overabundance of population has permeated all aspects of social and economic life; in fact, many difficulties China has encountered in its economic and social development are directly related to the problem of population.
  • 如果我开,埃拉会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷着脸,真叫人无所适从。
    If I speak Ella say I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.
  • 如果我开说话,她会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷着脸,真叫人无所适从。
    If I speak she says I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.
  • 外溢人们从过于拥挤的城市向人相对稀疏的地区的迁移运动
    Movement of people from overcrowded cities to less populated areas.
  • 印度最大的城市,世界上最大的城市之一;位于印度东部;遭受贫穷和人过多之苦。
    the largest city in India and one of the largest cities in the world; located in eastern India; suffers from poverty and overcrowding.
  • 啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯,而又不会溢出杯外。
    As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head (of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.
  • 使用此命令排列多个已打开的窗使之处于重叠状态
    Use this command to arrange multiple open window in an overlap fashion
  • 使用此命令排列多个已打开的窗使之处于非重叠状态
    Use this command to arrange multiple open window in a non- overlap fashion