  • 树木或木本植物形成层和心材之间的新生木质,通常色泽浅,水传导性强。
    newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant; usually light colored; active in water conduction.
  • 布于柬埔寨的高棉语。
    the Mon-Khmer language spoken in Cambodia.
  • 这里是一个最完整的中国历代颜料标本馆。古人使用的颜料除藤黄和胭脂外,几乎全是无机矿物颜料,首先必须对它们的品种、数量、成进行准确地摸底和普查。
    Here is a typical Chinese pigment specimen hall, Apart from cambogia and cochineal, the pigments used by ancient Chinese were almost all inorganic minerals. First of all, their variety, quantity, and composition should be accurately clarified and checked.
  • "商务剑桥英语考试一部是笔试,一部是口试。"
    "The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral."
  • 剑桥队先下水,以每钟划38次的均匀速度前进。
    Cambridge took eater first, and went evenly along at a stroke of 38 to the minute.
  • 她要让她的两个女儿和她们的丈夫享她遗留下来的一点点财物--一小笔保险单实收款项,一个多彩浮雕宝石古董,几只手镯,一些人造珠宝饰物和她的结婚戒。
    She wanted her daughters and their husbands to share what little monetary wealth she left--the proceeds of her small insurance policy,an antique cameo,a few bracelets,some costume jewelry and her wedding band.
  • (这是邓小平同志会见喀麦隆总统比亚时谈话的一部。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroon.)
  • 对于德国总理施罗德来说,足球也成了世界杯期间他生活中不可或缺的一部。但是因为要会见到访的文莱苏丹,他错过了德国对喀麦隆的上半场比赛。
    Football is the order of the day too with German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder who missed the first half of Germany's match against Cameroon to meet with the visiting Sultan of Brunei.
  • 在苏格兰的梅尔罗斯,博德斯基础保健护理联合中心的精神健康习得性无助护理站中,他们给病人用的不是镇静剂,而是用薰衣草油或甘菊油做一次按摩。
    Instead of being given a sedative to calm them, patients at the Mental Health Learning Disabilities Network of the Borders Primary Care Trust at Melrose in Scotland are given a massage using lavender or camomile oil.
  • 工程兵担负工程保障任务,由工兵、舟桥、建筑、伪装、野战给水工程、工程维护等专业部()队组成。
    The engineering corps, responsible for engineering support, is composed of engineering and other specialized units of pontoons, construction, camouflage, field water supply, and engineering maintenance.
  • 敌人营垒四分五裂。
    The enemy camp is disintegrating.
  • 不安的学生们在校园里又躁动起来。
    The restless students were on the boil again on the campus.
  • 把糖给你弟弟一点。
    Share the candy with your brother.
  • 角豆粉作成的棒糖。
    a bar of candy made with carob powder.
  • 从飞机上投下的打开时能够释放一串裂炸弹的炸弹。
    a canister that is dropped from a plane and that opens to release a cluster of fragmentation bombs over a wide area.
  • 大麻醇,大麻酚大麻的一种化学成,c21h28(oh)2
    A chemical constituent of cannabis, C21H28(OH)2.
  • 乔木或灌木科具有乳汁;在某些类中包括大麻属。
    trees or shrubs having a milky juice; in some classifications includes genus Cannabis.
  • 直立或缠绕风授粉草本植物2属;纤维属和葎草属;并不是应用到所有类中的术语;有时纤维属被归入桑科和荨麻科中的葎草属中。
    2 genera of erect or twining wind-pollinated herbs: genera Cannabis and Humulus; term not used in all classifications; in some the genus Cannabis is placed in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae.
  • 她说:"当然新的颜色会从现有颜色的消费群中一小杯羹。
    "There's probably some cannibalization of existing products.
  • 这台打印机一钟能打印40页。
    This printer can print 40 pages in a minute.
  • 火绳针一种用于夹火柴的叉长杆,原用于点燃火炮
    A long forked stick for holding a match, formerly used to fire cannon.
  • 你越仔细越好。;你无论怎样仔细,总不嫌过的。
    You cannot be over careful.
  • 这一点无论怎样强调也不嫌过
    This point cannot be overemphasized.
  • 你越仔细越好。;你无论怎样仔细,总不嫌过的。
    You cannot be too careful.
  • 无论我怎样竭力推荐这本书,也不嫌过
    I cannot recommend the book too strongly.
  • 皮艇和划艇该怎么区呢?
    How can I tell a canoe from a kayak?
  • 政治人物也是被讽刺的对象,不过既然约三之二的国会议员都是法学院的毕业生,这些笑话也就是“律师全集”中的“册”而已了。
    Politicians are also fair game, but since approximately two-thirds of the nation's congressional representatives are law school graduates, such jokes are really just a subset of the 'lawyer' canon.
  • 次经,伪经七十人翻译的拉丁语圣经中的十四卷,由于不是希伯来圣经的一部而没被新教接受为经典。罗马天主教经典接受了其中的十一卷并将其收入杜埃版圣经
    The 14 books of the Septuagint included in the Vulgate but considered uncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Roman Catholic canon accepts11 of these books and includes them in the Douay Bible.
  • 巨正则配分函数
    grand canonical partition function
  • 夜祷英国圣公会在晨祷时三个教规的划之中任何一个
    Any of the three canonical divisions of the office of matins.
  • 晨经晨祷之后的祈祷仪式,同晨祷一齐组成七个规定的祈祷时刻的第一部
    The service of prayers following the matins and constituting with them the first of the seven canonical hours.
  • 她们把垃圾类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等放在塑胶袋里。
    They separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on.