  • 我们决不承诺放弃使用武力,不是针对台湾同胞的,而是针对外国势力干涉中国统和台湾分裂势力搞"台湾独立"图谋的。
    Our position of never undertaking to renounce the use of force is not directed at our Taiwan compatriots. It is aimed at the foreign forces' attempts to interfere in China's reunification and the Taiwan separatist forces' schemes for "Taiwan independence".
  • 我们有最大的诚意努力实现和平统,但不能承诺放弃使用武力,我们完全有能力制止任何“台独”分裂图谋。
    While we do have the greatest sincerity to work for a peaceful reunification, we cannot and will not undertake to renounce the use of force. We are fully capable of checking any attempt to split China by seeking Taiwan's "independence".
  • 要使个世界共和国(按照亨利四世和圣皮埃尔神甫所理解的)、也就是世界各国彼此承认有同等权利、放弃单独采取纠正行动的广泛同盟成为现实,只有多数国家在工业与文化、政治修养与权力达到尽可能近于同等的程度时,才能办到。
    A universal republic (in the sense of Henry IV and of the Abb?St.Pierre), i.e. a union of the nations of the earth whereby they recognize the same conditions of right among themselves and renounce self-redress, can only be realised if a large number of nationalities attain to as nearly the same degree as possible of industry and civilisation, political cultivation, and power.
  • 但是确有相当批立场没有改变而在党内隐藏了下来。
    But a certain number have simply lain low in the Party without ever renouncing their former stand.
  • 111年前奉行摩门教的犹他州宣布放弃夫多妻制,但夫多妻并未消失,它只是隐蔽起来了。
    Mormon Utah renounced polygamy 111 years ago; It's simply hidden.
  • 利用一切教育机会
    Take advantage of all educational opportunities.
  • 我听他说要戒酒,天可有百次了,不过那是百杯酒之间的事。
    I have heard him renouncing wine a hundred times a day, but then it has been between as many glasses.
  • 苦行者个放弃物质享受,过着严格自律生活的人,尤指作为虔诚的宗教行为
    A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.
  • 没有个国家把它在中国的特权废除过,只有苏联是废除了。
    No other country has renounced its privileges in China; the Soviet Union alone has done so.
  • 他是个世界性的大作家。
    He is a great writer of world renown.
  • 他作为名记者的名望在全国都传开了。
    His renown as a reporter spread throughout the country.
  • 荣誉,荣耀经致同意给予极大的荣誉,表扬或荣耀;声誉
    Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent; renown.
  • 美国麻省理工学院教授及著名的经济学家克鲁格曼(paulkrugman),曾于1994年在《外交事务》发表篇名为《亚洲奇迹的神话》的文章。
    MIT Professor and renown economist Paul Krugman wrote an article "The Myth of Asia's Miracle" published in" Foreign Affairs" in 1994.
  • 他老是先得到一分。
    He always takes the advantage.
  • 地区因产茶和蚕丝而闻名。
    This region is renowned for tea and silk.
  • 两者中较另个更为人所熟悉或有名的。
    more familiar or renowned than the other of two.
  • 个蜚声国际,举足轻重的金融、贸易、运输、资讯中心;
    - a renowned international financial, trading, transportation and communication centre;
  • 欧洲轻骑兵编队中的员;以端装的衣服著称。
    a member of a European light cavalry unit; renowned for elegant dress.
  • 把全部或部分的租赁物再租给另个人。
    lease or rent all or part of (a leased or rented property) to another person.
  • 根据法例规定,现有屋的租金均每三年检讨次,而所有屋在调整租金后的整体租金与入息比例中位数均不得超过成。
    It is a statutory requirement that rents for existing estates are reviewed every three years, and that the overall Median Rent-to-Income Ratio for all estates following rent adjustment should not exceed 10 per cent.
  • 作为名著名的色彩顾问,苏珊娜·凯吉尔生前曾为许多知名人士设计房间和个人服装。
    As a renowned color consultant,the late Suzanne Caygill designed the homes and wardrobes of celebrities.
  • 此时的列奥纳多作为位神秘人物甚至魔术师而远近闻名。
    By this time Leonardo was renowned as a figure of great mystery, almost a magician.
  • 经过个小时的比赛,他已肯定取得优势。
    At the end of an hour's play the advantage lay definitely with him.
  • 法例规定,现有公共屋的租金最多每三年检讨次,而所有屋区的整体租金与入息比例中位数在调整租金后不得超过10%。
    There is a statutory requirement that rents for existing public housing estates cannot be adjusted more frequently than every three years, and that the overall Median Rent-to-Income Ratio for all estates following rent adjustment should not exceed 10 per cent.
  • 香港入境事务处是支有效率、高质素以及在国际间享有盛誉的纪律部队。
    The Hong Kong Immigration Service is a disciplinary force internationally renowned for its efficiency and high calibre.
  • 玛丽英语说得好,因为她有个有利条件,她妈妈是英国人。
    Mary speaks good English, but she has an advantage because her mother is English.
  • 甚至在你向他报出做这工作可能的最低价后,他仍以吝啬出名。
    He's renowned for his cheese paring even after you have quoted him your lowest possible price for the job.
  • 各位女士、先生,现在我为你们介绍位舞台和银幕上著名的明星,约翰·韦恩。
    Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen, John Wayne.
  • 哥伦布大道上的其他商户责备房东把房租订得离谱。根据房地产零租般规矩来说,房租不应超过营业额的百分之十。
    Other merchants on Columbus Avenue blame landlord for charging what the merchants call impossible rents. A rule-of-thumb in retail real estate is that rent should not exceed 10 percent of sales.
  • 它使异国他乡的来客,下子就嗅到这个以大象著称的文明之国的气息。
    It made the people from other countries instantly smell the atmosphere of the civilization in this nation renowned for elephants.
  • 你可以花几百万元买把世界流的小提琴,但你不会因此就自动成为世界流的小提琴家。
    Likewise, you can pay a few million dollars for a much-sought-after violin but this will not turn you into a renowned violinist.
  • 无独有偶,笔者认识在欧洲所有600年历史的名牌大学里最负众望的教授,他也不用电脑。
    It so happens that I know an eminent professor in a renowned 600-year-old university in Europe who does not use the computer also.