| - 房间里有三位总编辑。
Inside the room there are three editors in chief. - 房间里有三位总编辑。
There are three editors-in-chief in the room. - 房间里有三位总编辑。
There are three editors - in - chief in the room. - 要在全体人民中间经常进行宣传教育
We should ofen propagandize and educate the people. - 这种情形跟过去英校生、华校生之间,井水不犯河水的现象有很大的区别。
This is not the same situation as in the past when a gulf separated the English-educated from the Chinese-educated. - 中国共产党以自己艰苦奋斗的经历,以几十万英勇党员和几万英勇干部的流血牺牲,在全民族几万万人中间起了伟大的教育作用。
By its arduous struggles and by the martyrdom of hundreds of thousands of its heroic members and tens of thousands of its heroic cadres, the Communist Party of China has played a great educative role among hundreds of millions of people throughout the country. - 一名教育工作者将直接影响年轻人的头脑,一名优秀教师的微妙教学效果已超出课堂的空间并且超越了时间。
While an educator directly impacts young minds, the more subtle effects of a good teacher stretch beyond the boundaries of a classroom and past the hands of time. - 第九,这里有虹霓鱼、剑鱼、白鳗、鲸鱼、鲦鱼、蛤、鲍鱼、龙虾、小虾、蠖龟以及各色各样的奇特的鱼类,其种类之多是我们想象不到的:宇宙间真没有一样东西比此更好。
In the ninth place, there are rainbow fish, sword fish, electric eels, whales, minnows, clams, abalones, lobsters, shrimps, turtles and more variety and ingenuity than we ever thought of, and there is nothing better than that. - 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。
Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories. - 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
The room shows off her paintings to good effect. - 实际工作时间只有四小时
Effective work time is only four hours. - 使用效力所必需的最少时间或者资源。
using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness. - 空间环境对飞行体的影响
effects of space environment on spacecraft - 分离和死亡会产生同样的结果,假如爱德蒙和美塞苔丝之间隔着一道监狱的墙,那么他们不得不分手,其结果与让他躺的坟墓里一样的。”
Absence severs as well as death, and if the walls of a prison were between Edmond and Mercédès they would be as effectually separated as if he lay under a tombstone." - 大不列颠三王国与爱尔兰的联合,使全世界看到了一个显著的、无可反驳的例证,在联合国家之间的自由贸易是具有无限效能的。
In the union of the three kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland the world witnesses a great and irrefragable example of the immeasurable efficacy of free trade between united nations. - 在战争期间,一些城市有时焚烧总统的模拟像。
During the war, the president was sometimes burned in effigy in some cities. - 他突然放慢了他那长时间毫不费力的地稳步前进的步伐,迈上了陡峭的路段。
Suddenly he slowed his long, effortless jog trot up to the steep. - 装配车间(如工厂中者)
An assembly plant, eg in a factory - 盥洗室,洗手间,公共厕所(如剧院、商店内的)
Public lavatory in eg a theatre, store - 我们需要在自我膨胀和自我泄气之间求得一个平衡。
We need to find a balance between ego inflation and ego deflation. - 她的孩子们的年龄在3岁到18岁之间。
Her children 's ages range from three to eighteen. - 在18世纪的大部分时间里,罗马未得安宁。
During most of the eighteenth century there was an uneasy peace. - 你的房间在八楼。
Your room is on the eighth floor. - 好的,帆女士,不,我是说邓女士……您是要预订7月1日到8日的一个带浴室的双人房间。
That's bath from the first of July to the eighth? - 时间量是全音符的八分之一的一个音乐符号。
a musical note having the time value of an eighth of a whole note. - 那消像放在牛顿和爱因斯坦的像片之间太合适不过了。
The portrait goes nicely between the pictures of Newton and Einstein. - 在完成一个(通常是机械的)操作时,为了时间补齐或空间补齐而引入的一种字符,例如回车、换页等字符。
A character introduced to use up time or space while a function(usually me chanical) is being accomplished, for example, carriage return, form eject. - 在场致发光(el)显示器中,当电子击中夹在两层绝缘层中间的荧光粉层时就产生光。
Electroluminescent (EL) displays produce light when electrons hit a phosphor layer sandwiched between two insulating layers. - 我们可以看到,毛泽东同志在这一个时间,这一个条件,对某一个问题所讲的话是正确的,在另外一个时间,另外一个条件,对同样的问题讲的话也是正确的;但是在不同的时间、条件对同样的问题讲的话,有时分寸不同,着重点不同,甚至一些提法也不同。
We can then see that what Comrade Mao Zedong said with regard to a specific question at a given time and under particular circumstances was correct, and that what he said with regard to the same question at a different time and under different circumstances was also correct, despite occasional differences in the extent of elaboration, in emphasis and even in the formulation of his ideas. - 一种y形的小木棍,上边两丫之间有一条橡皮筋;常用来射出小石块(以攻击别人)。
Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones. - 他正在考虑为了节省时间,就跟那个站在金属探测器旁边的保安员谈一下。突然,他眼睛一亮,喜出望外——吃惊地看到了那个黑发女人靠坐在大厅的前窗。在她身后渐浓的暮色中,出租车和私车在慢慢腾腾地移动。她好像在全神贯注地看书。
He is trying to decide if he should save time for talking to a guard near the X-ray machines when he is appalled-and elated-to see the black-haired girl. She is seated against a front window of the terminal, taxis and private cars moving sluggishly beyond her in the gathering darkness: she seems engrossed in a book. - 空间足够
Elbow room(having adequate space to work or move around)