  • 培正中學所處的五十年代的香港還是在國殖民統治之下。
    Hong Kong in the Fifties was still under British colonial rule, and a Chinese school like Pui Cheng Middle School could thrive.
  • 國巴斯大學的心理學講師傑弗裏·加文說,許多網友通過在網上的接觸彼此已經十分瞭解了,因此當他們在現實生活中見面時,他們在網絡空間的"虛擬"關係往往會得到很順利的發展。
    Many "virtual" relationships thrive once potential partners meet face-to-face because they already know each other so well through their online encounters, said Jeffrey Gavin, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bath.
  • 他們以為口操標準語就等同瞭解了西方文化,甚至在情感上也衹以新加坡為基地,和華族文化、歷史、傳統劃清界綫,認定語能夠完全應付個人的生活和生存需要。
    They believe that a perfect command of the English language equals a good understanding of the Western culture. They are even convinced that the English language is all that is needed to survive and thrive. To them, Singapore is only a base and they will have nothing to do whatsoever with Chinese culture, history and tradition.
  • 他關小油門把車速減慢到每小時20裏。
    He throttled the car down to 20 miles an hour.
  • 無如這一切,都被法政府的帝國主義政策,縱容戰爭、挑撥戰爭、擴大戰爭的政策所障礙,世界和平事業就遭受了最後的挫折,帝國主義的世界大戰終於爆發了。
    But all these efforts were blocked by the imperialist policy of the British and French governments, a policy of conniving at, instigating and spreading war, so that eventually the cause of world peace was thwarted and the imperialist world war broke out.
  • 為了把西藏納入國的勢力範圍,1888年、1903年,國侵略者發動了兩次侵略中國西藏的戰爭。
    In order to bring Tibet into its sphere of influence, British aggressors invaded China's Tibet twice in 1888 and 1903.
  • 香港和國一直保持特別密切的聯繫,我期望步入新紀元後,香港和國之間的關係會更為密切。
    Hong Kong and the UK have had a special tie. We, in Hong Kong look forward to even closer ties with the UK as we enter into a new era.
  • 美國人喜愛修修補補加以改進,喜歡把那些可能會被剩下的人也包括進來,而且不喜歡拒絶,這意味着他們把說語看作另一項同化工程。
    The Americans' love of tinkering, of making things better, of including those who might be left out, and of avoiding negatives means that they view speaking English as just one more assimilation project.
  • 出售汽車輪胎的最近的超級商場坐落在離市區20裏遠的工業區。
    The nearest supermarket that sells car tires is at the industrial park twenty miles from downtown.
  • (許多美國人都要在車流量極大的時候開上三十裏去上班,持續使用離合器是很煩人的。)美國男人可能會買一輛手動汽車,這樣他妻子就開不瞭瞭。
    (Con-tinually pressing on the clutch can get tiresome if one drives 30 miles each way to work in heavy traffic, as many Americans do. ) An American man might buy a non-automatic so his wife won't be able to drive it.
  • 工作人員:這部車子會把你送到航總辦事處,你也就到了市中心……
    TIt will take you to BOAC genral office, and you'll find yourself in the center of the city ...
  • 1912年4月10日泰坦尼剋號從格蘭駛嚮美國。
    The Titanic sailed for America from England on April 10th, 1912.
  • 國公衆通常在電影上與美國人具有相同的口味,他們和世界上其他地方的人一樣蜂擁着去看《泰坦尼剋》。在這裏(倫敦),這部電影在放映的頭6個星期就掙了0.6億美元。
    The British Public, which generally shares Americantastes in films, has flocked to "Titanic" along withthe rest of the world -- the film earned more than $ 60 million here in its first six weeks.
  • 國)被授予名譽上或有名無實的大學校長。
    (British) the honorary or titular head of a university.
  • 1英鎊有100便士。
    There are 100 pence to every pound.
  • 我們今天已走了100.
    We've made 100 miles today.
  • 衹有剋服了它,纔使得本質很好而且作了長期勇鬥爭的紅軍第四方面軍的廣大的幹部和黨員,從張國燾的機會主義統製之下獲得解放,轉到中央的正確路綫方面來。
    It was only with the overcoming of this brand of opportunism that large number of cadres and Party members in the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, men of intrinsically fine quality and with a long record of heroic struggle, were able to free themselves from its toils and return to the correct line of the Central Committee.
  • nikko位於東京北部約75裏。
    Nikko is situated about seventy five miles north of Tokyo.
  • 雖然彬格萊和吉見面的次數相當多,卻從來沒有在一起接連待上幾個鐘頭,何況他們見起面來,總是跟一些雜七雜八的人在一起,不可能讓他們倆暢談。
    But though Bingley and Jane meet tolerably often, it is never for many hours together; and as they always see each other in large mixed parties, it is impossible that every moment should be employed in conversing together.
  • 警方稱,正是由於這位教師的勇行為纔避免了更多的人傷亡。
    Police said the teacher's bravery had prevented an even higher death toll.
  • 詩意經常是不能翻譯的;托爾斯泰的小說成功地翻譯成
    poetry often does not translate; Tolstoy's novels translate well into English.
  • 一群學生在那位民族雄墓前獻上花圈。
    A group of student placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero.
  • 湯姆擅長數學和文。
    Tome is good at mathematics and English.
  • 托馬斯·湯姆平(1639~1713年)製造的鐘在國首屈一指,現在這樣的鐘已為數不多了,而且價格很高。
    Thomas Tompion (1639-1713) made the best clocks in England. We have only a few of them now, and they cost a lot of money.
  • 裏速度開車的一個男孩兒
    One of the ton-up boys
  • 裏時速開車而被抓住
    Got caught doing a ton on the motorway
  • 今早我驅車時速高達100裏,被警察逮住了。
    This morning the police caught me doing a ton.
  • 我以為國人用舌頭說話——正因為這樣,所以他們對“國語言”感到非常驕傲;對不對?
    Li I thought the English spoke with their tongues-that's why they are so proud of "the English tongue"; isn't that so?
  • 我的母語是英語。
    My native tongue is English.
  • 他們在一些語單詞的發音方面有很大的睏難。
    They have great difficulty in getting their tongues round some English words.
  • 學習語的中國學生在某些語單詞的發音方面有很大睏難。
    Chinese students of English have great difficulty in getting their tongues round some English words.
  • 許多學習語的中國學生在一起語單詞的發音方面有很大睏難。
    Some Chinese students of English have difficulty in getting their tongues round some English words.