  • 玛丽无法想像嫁约翰这种事。
    Mary could not imagine marrying John.
  • 当年dsiay的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的中国传统家庭价值观传授子女。
    Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 当年她的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的传统家庭价值观传授子女。
    Let me elaborate. Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 融洽我们带来巨大好处,但这种融洽又源自我们之间的成熟的差异。
    Immature people imitate without harmonizing." The great benefits come from harmony, yet with mature respect for our differences.
  • 只有这样,才能保护大自然我们的无穷财富并把它们交我们的子孙。
    Only in this way can the immeasurable riches provided to us by nature be preserved and passed on to our descendants.
  • 这位伟人的逝世不但使欧洲和美洲战斗的无产阶级蒙受了巨大损失,也历史科学带来无可估量的损失。
    An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man.
  • 从1840年到1949年的110年间,英、法、日、美、俄等帝国主义列强先后对中国发动过大小数百次侵略战争,中国人民的生命财产造成了不可估量的损失。
    During the 110 years from 1840 to 1949, the British, French, Japanese, US and Russian imperialist powers waged hundreds of wars on varying scales against China, causing immeasurable losses to the lives and property of the Chinese people.
  • 战争留他的是无尽的恐惧,不知道人类能够为自己做些什么。
    the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man.
  • 马上给我答复
    Gave me an immediate response.
  • 这个决定将被通知所有直接有关的人。
    All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.
  • 我立刻我的医生打电话。
    I called the doctor immediately.
  • 我立刻他写了回信。
    I wrote him an answer immediately.
  • 这过程足以这种有特大翅膀的大鸟提供足够的支撑力和前进力了。
    Its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress.
  • 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约她带来的是什么。
    With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her.
  • 他小心地那些树苗培土,使它们能抗住即将来临的风暴。
    He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm.
  • 在死亡逼近的时候,双胞胎出人意料地获救了:一只母狼婴儿喂奶,一只啄木鸟他们找来食物。
    Death seemed imminent, but help came from an unexpected quarter: a she-wolf suckled the young infants, and a woodpecker fetched food for them.
  • 后世留下了不朽的典范。
    He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.
  • 当他主动警察提供信息时,他被免于起诉
    When he offered to give information to the police, he was granted immunity from prosecution
  • 当他主动警察提供信息时,他被免于起诉。
    When he offer to give information to the police, he is grant immunity from prosecution.
  • 免于起诉权利也可在诉讼中作陈述的治安法官、律师和证人。
    Immunity from prosecution is also granted to magistrate, counsel and witness as regard their statement in judicial proceeding.
  • *联合国及其各机构改善了千百万人的健康,世界儿童免疫接种,防治疟疾和寄生虫病,提供安全饮用水,保护消费者的健康。
    * The UN and its agencies have improved the health of millions – immunizing the world's children, fighting malaria and parasitic disease, providing safe drinking water and protecting consumers' health.
  • 而这些歪风,这些非无产阶级的思想意识,恰恰在我们干部中和各级党的组织中还是相当严重地存在着,曾了我们工作以不小的损害。
    Unfortunately, these bad styles and non-proletarian ideologies still remain serious among them and have severely impaired our work.
  • 瘫痪症,麻痹症通常由于移动身体某一部位的神经供受破坏而使其能力丧失或受阻
    Loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part, usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply.
  • 近几年来,我们不少同志对党的优良传统坚持不够,特别是对于实事求是的传统、群众路线的传统、民主集中制的传统这三个方面的忽视和损伤,我们的工作带来了很大的危害。
    In recent years not all of our comrades have been doing enough to uphold the Party's fine traditions. Particularly, their negligence or impairment of the traditions of seeking truth from facts, pursuing the mass line and practising democratic centralism has done enormous harm to our work.
  • 传授某人技能或知识。
    impart skills or knowledge to.
  • 予精力力量或生命力。
    impart vigor, strength, or vitality to.
  • 把一种能力或权力予…
    To impart an ability or capacity to.
  • 使产生极性;予…极性
    To induce polarization in; impart polarity to.
  • 我的想嫁万种梦幻美妙婆娑。
    And fancy all her loveliest dreams impart.
  • 倾向于予新生或精力的。
    tending to impart new life and vigor to.
  • 上色给…上色或变色
    To impart color to or change the color of.
  • 我没有什么重要的事情可传达你的。
    I have nothing of importance to impart to you.