  • 形成于宾夕法尼亚州西部的河流,向西成为密西西比河的一支流。
    a river that is formed in western Pennsylvania and flows westward to become a tributary of the Mississippi River.
  • 由二零零零年九月起,当局推行补偿退休计划,让个别按常额及可享退休金款受聘的首长级公务员提早退休,以助改善政府机构的组织架构。
    The Administration has introduced a Management-Initiated Retirement Scheme to provide for the retirement of directorate civil servants on permanent and pensionable terms to facilitate improvement in the government organisation since September 2000.
  • 发现自己在某种件或形势之中。
    perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place.
  • 成员可要求把“标记应系视觉可感知”作为注册件。
    Members may require, as a condition of registration, that signs be visually perceptible.
  • 他告诉我们说我们乘那旧船出去风险很大。
    He told us we would be taking that old boat out at our peril.
  • 时期商业活动减少的一段时期
    A period of decreased business activity.
  • 有定期条目的记录
    A record book with periodic entries.
  •  第三十二著作权人向报社、杂志社投稿的,自稿件发出之日起十五日内未收到报社通知决定刊登的,或者自稿件发出之日起三十日内未收到杂志社通知决定刊登的,可以将同一作品向其他报社、杂志社投稿。双方另有约定的除外。
    Article 32 Where a copyright owner has submitted the manuscript of his work to a newspaper or a periodical publisher for publication and has not received any notification of the said publisher's decision to publish the work, within fifteen days from the newspaper publisher or within thirty days from the periodical publisher from the date of submission of the manuscript, the copyright owner may submit the manuscript of the same work to another newspaper or periodical publisher for publication unless the two parties have agreed otherwise.
  • 就连件极其恶劣的珠穆朗玛峰登山大本营,都专门修建了垃圾箱,收集登山者和旅游者带来的生活垃圾,定期由专人清运和处理。
    Garbage bins have even been set up at the harsh Mt.Qomolangma mountaineering headquarters. Garbage left by climbers and tourists is collected, removed and disposed of periodically.
  •  (2)该项临时保护不应延展第四规定的期间。
    Such temporary protection shall not extend the periods provided by Article 4.
  • 第十六对装运出口易腐烂变质食品的船舱和集装箱,承运人或者装箱单位必须在装货前申请检验。未经检验合格的,不准装运。
    Article 16 For vessel holds or containers used for carrying perishable foods, the carrier or the organization using the containers shall apply for inspection before loading. No permission shall be granted for loading and shipment until the relevant conditions are passed by the inspectors.Chapter
  • 西藏的自然件极为严酷,低氧严寒,大部分为高山、荒漠、永久性冰雪地带。
    In Tibet, the natural conditions are harsh, the air is oxygen-poor and the climate is bitterly cold. Most of the land consists of mountains, wilderness, and permafrost and snow zones.
  • 年内,环保署共发出2700张许可证,另外约有370宗违例个案,均由于未领有许可证而施工,或违反许可证件而定罪。
    In 1997, some 2700 permits were issued. There were 370 convictions for work without permits or violating permit conditions.
  • 垂直地在一垂直线或竖直线上
    In a vertical or perpendicular line.
  • 正交一垂直线,尤指一相对一平面曲线的切线垂直线或一相对一空间曲线的平面切线垂直线
    A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.
  • 正交线(面)一或一个与给定直线或平面垂直的直线或平面
    A line or plane perpendicular to a given line or plane.
  • 等分的被垂直线分成几个相等的部分。用来描述田地
    Divided into several equal parts by perpendicular lines. Used of a field.
  • 边心距正多边形中心到其任意一边的垂直距离
    The perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides.
  • 导向轴决定飞机方位的三相互垂直线中的一,一沿着飞行的方向,其它两垂直于飞行的方向
    One of three mutually perpendicular lines that define the orientation of an aircraft, with one being along its direction of travel and the other two being perpendicular to the direction of travel.
  • 永久的友好条约
    A treaty of perpetual friendship.
  • 平均每14分钟就有一油轮从波斯湾开往世界各地。
    On an average, there is a tanker leaving the Persian Gulf for different parts of the world every 14 minutes.
  • 在为建立和坚持红色政权所必须的各种件尚不完备的地方,便有被敌人推倒的危险。
    In areas where all the necessary conditions for its establishment and persistence are not fulfilled, Red political power is in danger of being overthrown by the enemy.
  • 最后一原则是,人们对稀缺商品有更大的需求,所以独家信息比广为人知的数据更具说服力。
    Finally, people want more of a commodity when it's scarce; it follows, then, that exclusive information is more persuasive than widely available data.
  • 韦国清同志的报告好,好就好在研究了新的历史件下的问题,有针对性地提出了解决的办法。
    Comrade Wei Guoqing has made a good report.It is good because it analyses the problems posed by the new historical conditions and proposes pertinent solutions.
  • 不过,细读任何报纸的社会版,你就会知道,富有的女人比不富有的女人苗
    However, rich women are thin- ner than the nonrich, as perusal of any society page will show.
  • 在他接到那个字后的那段时间里,他父亲善于预见最恶劣的情况的能力,以及他的妻子神经质的悲观主义都令他思绪万千。
    All his father's power of seeing the worst, all his wife's nervous pessimism had come to the fore in him during the hour since he had been handed that message.
  • 第二十二 各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作。
    Article 22 The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention.
  • 第三十八 使用农药,应当符合国家有关农药安全使用的规定和标准。
    Article 38 The application of pesticides shall comply with the regulations and standards of the State for their safe use.
  • 他养一条狗当宠物。
    He has a pet dog.
  • 长街跨过塞纳河两次,一次名叫小桥,另一次名叫圣母院桥。
    it crossed the water twice, under the name of the Petit Pont and the Pont Notre-Dame.
  • 上诉人要求对她生活费的命令的件进行变更。
    The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order.
  • 洗得干干净净而又梳得有有理的家养宠物,会长得又笨又蠢——它们失去了跳蚤的刺激嘛。
    Well-washed and well-combed domestic pets grow dull; they miss the stimulus of fleas.