  • 一种黑色颜料,象牙烧焦磨碎放入油中制成。
    a black pigment made from grinding burnt ivory in oil.
  • 磨坊;磨粉厂装有谷物磨成面粉或粗磨粉的机器的厂房
    A building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour or meal.
  • 我们很快处理这个问题。
    We'll come to grips with the problem very soon.
  • 食品杂货店老板正黄油包扎成半磅一包。
    The grocer was making up the butter into half-pound packages.
  • 他们这家杂货店全部货物列了一份清单。
    They checked out all the goods in the grocery store.
  • 请各位酒杯斟满,向新娘、新郎祝酒!
    Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
  • 来的谈判奠定基础
    Laid the groundwork for future negotiations.
  • 生产奔腾(pentium)微处理器的英特尔公司总裁格罗夫(grove)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。
    Grove, President of Intel, producer of the Pentium microprocessors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for industry of the future.
  • 他们为不得不干那项工作而抱怨。
    They will grumble about having to do the work.
  • 华光公司在新加坡建立一个子公司。
    Uh guano company will set up a sale subsidiary in singapore.
  • 东方机械公司为华光公司提供工程帮助及技术服务。
    East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation.
  • 如果孩子的身上带有膜状一样的东西,那就意味着,守护神会一直伴随其左右。
    If child is covered in the membrane, that means it will always be accompanied by a guardian spirit.
  • 游击队将他扣为人质
    He was taken hostage by the guerilla
  • 游击队他扣为人质。
    He is take hostage by the guerilla.
  • 有许多地区,是长期地处于游击区状态的。
    Many regions will remain guerrilla zones for a long time.
  • 我们欢迎该领域专家的指导。
    We will appreciate guidance from an expert in this field.
  • 节水、节能是奥运设施建设和活动组织中的必要原则,建设中采用各种节水、节能建筑材料和设备。
    To be water and energy efficient constitutes the main guideline in the Olympic venue construction and activities. Water and energy efficient building materials and equipment will be selected for the venues.
  • 中国人民解放军驻澳门部队始终贯彻"一国两制"的方针,有效履行防务职责,完成驻军法赋予的各项任务,为国家安全和澳门稳定与发展作出贡献。
    The PLA Macao Garrison will persevere in the guideline of "one country, two systems," fulfill its defense responsibilities efficiently and perform every item of its duties under the Garrison Law, so as to contribute to the country's security and Macao's stability and development.
  • 2002年举办五次分区域讲习班,2003年期间也在选定国家举办关于如何使用该指导准则的国家讨论会。
    Five subregional workshops are to be held in 2002, and national seminars will be held in selected countries during 2003 for detailed application of the guidelines.
  • 如果你帮助我,我帮助你。
    If you help me, I will help you.
  • 中国政府即颁布实施新的《指导外商投资方向的规定》、《外商投资产业指导目录》,制定《鼓励外商投资高新技术产品目录》,制定促进农业、中小企业吸收外资的指导性意见。
    The Chinese government will soon promulgate and implement the new Regulations Guiding Foreign Investment and the Catalogue of Industries Guiding Foreign Investment, formulate the Catalogue of Encouraged Hi-tech Products for Foreign Investment, and work out guiding proposals to promote foreign investment in agriculture and SMEs.
  • 城市妇女协会的一个会议在星期一召开。
    A meeting of the townswomen's guild will be held on Monday.
  • 如果玛丽演奏吉它的话,约翰也演奏吉它。
    John will play the guitar if Mary will.
  • 凭他的才干,他大有作为。
    With his gumption he will make a success of himself.
  • 将枪水平瞄向靶子
    Leveled the gun at the target.
  • 其中一个枪手房门上方的灯全都击灭以显示其高超的枪法。
    One of the gunmen showed his skill by shooting out all the lights above the door.
  • 炮手琼斯受到了军的表扬。
    Gunner Jones was praised by the general.
  • 一阵盛怒之下,他画撕成碎片。
    In a gust of uncontrollable anger he break the picture in pieces.
  • 同我一起来健身房锻炼吗?
    Are you coming with me for a work-out at the gym?
  • (两人边说边走进综合馆,电影即开始)
    (They enter the gymnasium, and the film is going to start.)
  • 我们的排球队明天去外地比赛,星期六则要在体育馆比赛。
    Our volleyball team will play away tomorrow and play games in the gymnasium on Saturday.
  • 异侧摆越是指运动员一只手松环,然后使腿环绕过去。
    It is when the gymnast release on hand from the pommel and brings his legs around.