  • 作为一摄影师,他曾包租一架飞机拍摄了英格兰北部一次矿井事故的照片,由此崭露头角。
    His first big success as a photographer came when he hired a plane to obtain pictures of a mine disaster in northern England.
  • 形容词[词, 动词]短语
    an adjective [a noun, a verb] phrase
  • 他是位享有的内科医师。
    He has a good reputation as a physician.
  • 牛顿是著的物理学家,他发现了三条重要的定律。
    Newton was a famous physicist, who discovered three important laws.
  • 基尔霍夫,古斯塔夫·罗伯特1824-1887德国物理学家,以他对光谱分析,光学,和电学的研究著
    German physicist noted for his research in spectrum analysis, optics, and electricity.
  • 他不仅在日本、而且在世界范围内都是一个著的物理学家。
    He is a famous physicist not only in Japan, but in the world.
  • 一个科学家小组对1000英国成年人进行了详细的研究,从生理角度把这些人分成3类不同的体形体质--瘦型体质、肥型体质和体育型体质。
    The scientist team examined 1,000 British adults and divided them into three physiologically recognised body typesectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs.
  • 戴尔,托马斯卒于1619英裔海军司令和殖民地总督,因在弗吉尼亚(1611-1616年)的严厉法规而闻
    British physiologist. He shared a1936 Nobel Prize for work on the chemical transmission of nerve impulses.
  • 勒布,雅克1859-1924德裔美籍生理学家,以其在单性生殖方面的研究闻
    German-born American physiologist noted for his work on parthenogenesis.
  • 她跟一位著的钢琴家学音乐。
    She takes music lessons from a great pianist.
  • 肖邦写的几乎全是钢琴曲,而且他本人就是一出色的钢琴演奏家。
    Chopin wrote almost entirely for the PIANO and was an excellent pianist himself.
  • 哈佛建立于第一批欧洲移民踏上美洲大陆来到普利茅斯的十六年后,一开始它只有九学生、一硕士生。现在包括在校本科生与其他学生在内共有一万八千多人,有十所研究院与专业学院,在哈佛的分校中,还有一万三千学生在哈佛分校选修了一门或多门课程。
    Founded l6 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth,the University has grown from 9 students with a single master to an enrollment of more than l8,000 degree candidates,including undergraduates,and students in 10 graduate and professional schools. An additional l3,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses at the Harvard Extension School.
  • 在成功地主演几部电影之后,她又成为国内歌坛最受欢迎的歌手,声更大。
    After Starring several films successfully she went on to become the most popular singer in the country, piling Pelion upon Ossa.
  • 我是日本航空公司的一飞机驾驶员。
    I'm a pilot with the JAL.
  • 我是日本航空公司的一飞机驾驶员。
    I am a pilot with the jal.
  • 那男孩梦想成为一飞行员。
    The boy dreams about becoming a pilot.
  • 人们常讲该港口的一些著领港员的故事。
    Men yarn of the harbour's famous pilots.
  • 恐怕有三飞行员和他们驾驶的飞机完蛋了。
    I'm afraid that three of the pilots and their planes have gone west.
  • 在敌国境内,我方有2架飞机被击毁,1最优秀的飞行员阵亡。
    Two of our planes and one of our best pilots have gone for a burdon over enemy country.
  • 发言人还称,当时出入纽瓦克机场飞机中也没有飞行员报告任何异常的情况。
    He also said that no pilots flying in or out of Newark Airport reported seeing anything out of the ordinary.
  • 他用钱太少以致开始获得吝啬鬼的恶
    She spent so little money that he began to get the name of a penny pincher.
  • 该州还有3个非官方的称;因其大规模的菠萝加工业被称为菠萝州;因其美丽的自然风光而被称为太平洋的天堂;还应为其最后加盟美利坚而被称为最年轻的州。
    Hawaii is also known unofficially as the Pineapple State for its extensive pineapple industry, the Paradise of the Pacific for its natural beauty, and the Youngest State because it is the last state to join the Union.
  • 请备好一些有的广东水果,象香蕉呀,芒果呀,菠萝等等。
    Please prepare some famous Guangdong fruit, such as bananas, mangos, pineapples and so on.
  • 在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓和地址。
    Write your name and address on this pink slip.
  • 迈布里奇,伊德韦尔德1830-1904英国裔美国动态摄影先驱,以其通过一系列静物摄影机拍下的移动中的马的照片而著
    British-born American motion-picture pioneer noted for his photographs of horses in motion, taken by a series of still cameras.
  • 的比萨塔是斜的。
    The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle.
  • 作为欧洲久负盛的大学城之一,比萨有着悠久的学术传统。
    As one of Europe's oldest university towns, Pisa has a strong intellectual tradition.
  • 比萨位于托斯卡纳(意大利一行政区)海岸。这一带以美食、美酒和美景而闻
    Pisa is on the coast of Tuscany, a region famed for its food, wine and beautiful hill towns.
  • 经理们想让冠军与一未成的选手比赛。
    The managers want to pit the champion against an unknown.
  • 皮普去年曾是队里最好的投手,可现在另外两投手超过了他。
    Pipp used to be the best pitcher on the team last year; now two other pitchers are better than he is.
  • 那位投手已经让3击球员出局了。
    That pitcher has struck three batters out already.
  • 第一次世界大战期间,一个著的金属专家被要求调查“锈斑”的问题,锈斑在枪炮使用了一定的时间后就会产生并损坏枪管、炮筒。
    During the First World War, a well-known expert in metals was asked to investigate the problem of the "pitting" which spoiled gun barrels after they had been fired for a certain length of time.