  • 型芯铸造模型中为铸件提供出和形状的干沙块
    A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting.
  • ibm印刷子系统3800中的开,对连续格式纸堆积箱中的纸张宽度杆进行机械锁定。每一纸张宽都和一个特定的开相联。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, the openings that mechanically lock the paper width lever in the continuous forms stacker. A specific opening is associated with each of the paper widths.
  • 张家口保卫战
    Operation for Safeguarding Zhangjiakou
  • 行动事务委员会,负责提供港运作需要方面的意见;
    the Port Operations Committee, which is concerned with the operational needs of the ports;
  • 灾害发生后,联合国业务机构迅速介入,帮助受灾人
    When disaster strikes, the UN operational agencies swiftly move in to help the affected population.
  • 获得令牌的过程也是与具体操作入站点相关的。
    Obtaining this token is Operator Site specific.
  • 这位演讲人齿伶俐。
    The orator has a copia verborum.
  • 来了个演讲大家,确是若悬河,但仅有点滴道理。
    Here comes the orator, with his flood of words and his drop of reasons.
  • orb是一个引擎,它能利用完善定义的公共接和行协议,与其他本地的或远程的对象进行通信。
    An ORB is an engine that can communicate with other local or remote objects using a well-defined common interface and line protocol.
  • "通过餐馆的窗可以订购汉堡包,然后通过这个窗把汉堡包递给在外面等候的顾客。"
    Hamburgers are ordered through a window in the restaurant and then are handed out through the window to the waiting customer.
  • 26、促进人有序迁移和流动。
    Promoting orderly migration of people.
  • 新加坡人平常已经连开说话谈论国家大事或民生问题都提不起劲,更不用说以行动来反应,因此我国可以“自豪”地说:
    Singaporeans ordinarily would not even want to talk about national issues or issues that concern their livelihood, let alone taking concrete actions. Therefore, Singaporeans can "proudly" say:
  • 新加坡人平常已经连开说话谈论国家大事或民生问题都提不起劲,更不用说以行动来反应,因此我国可以“自豪”地说:这里是世界上少有的国家,没有罢工、暴动、抗议、示威或者在国会上大演铁公鸡。
    Singaporeans ordinarily would not even want to talk about national issues or issues that concern their livelihood, let alone taking concrete actions. Therefore, Singaporeans can "proudly" say: Ours is an unusual country indeed, no strikes, no riots, no protests, no demonstrations and no free-for-alls in our Parliament.
  • 联合国人口机构
    population organization of United Nations
  • 东方科学仪器进出公司
    The Oriental Scientific Instrument Import & Export Corporation
  • 我们特区的经济从内向转到外向,现在还是刚起步,所以能出的好的产品还不多。
    We have only just begun to shift the economy of our special economic zones from a domestic orientation to an external orientation, and so we still don't have many good, exportable products.
  • 41、建立和完善人与计划生育的利益导向机制。
    Establishing and improving the interest-oriented mechanism related to population and family planning.
  • 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞跑出。
    A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
  • 小孔小或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的
    A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.
  • 扩张器扩张身体部分的一种仪器,例如腔、管或是
    An instrument that dilates a body part, such as a cavity, canal, or orifice.
  • 孔如骨头或食物的覆盖膜上的小或通气
    An opening or orifice, as in a bone or in the covering of the ovule of a plant.
  • 露顶分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部
    To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.
  • 不管热情和本能原本是好是坏,空讨论这些事情是没有什么好处的,对么?
    Passions and instincts are originally good or originally bad, but there is not much use talking about them, is there?
  • 蒂图斯维尔美国佛罗里达东部一城市,位于奥兰多以东。设立于1886年,它是一个商业中心和居住中心。人39,394
    A city of eastern Florida east of Orlando. Incorporated in1886, it is a commercial and residential center. Population,39, 394.
  • 花瓶一种开瓶的容器,如玻璃瓶或瓷器,用来装花或做为装饰
    An open container, as of glass or porcelain, used for holding flowers or for ornamentation.
  • 那种建筑风格太华丽了,不对我的味。
    That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste.
  • 克里斯蒂安桑挪威最南端一城市,位于斯卡格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西南。建立于1641年,现为一商业和客运港。人61,834
    A city of extreme southern Norway on the Skagerrak southwest of Oslo. Founded in1641, it is a commercial and passenger port. Population,61, 834.
  • 挪威首都奥斯陆人不足五十万,对城市恰到好处的管理营造出一种文化凝聚力,人们有一种与自然和谐相处的强烈责任感。这源自他们古老的斯堪的纳维亚历史,并且得到了发扬和光大。
    The capital of Norway, Oslo, has a population of barely half a million. The city ensures the necessary administrative and cultural cohesion of a people who have a very strong sense of harmony with the nature, born in their distant Viking past and proudly cultivated throughout the years.
  • *联合国在支持1997年《渥太华公约》方面发挥了重要作用--该公约规定全面禁止生产、出和使用地雷--并继续推动全面遵守该公约。
    * The UN played a crucial role in encouraging countries to support the 1997 Ottawa Convention – which provides for the total ban on the production, export and use of landmines – and continues to promote universal adherence to this treaty.
  • 苏格兰一家动物避难所最近收容了两只来自加拿大的水獭,由于它们满外地"音"因而遭到了当地水獭的围攻,所以只得被全天候保护起来了。
    Two Canadian otters at a sanctuary in Scotland have been placed under 24-hour protection from aggressive local otterswho are confused by their "foreign accents".
  • 当保存请求中包含有对”checked”命名空间的引用时,如果校验服务不可用(因为服务中断或者其他原因)或者在验证时服务报错,那么操作入站点必须拒绝这样的请求。
    Operator Sites must reject any save request that contains (in either the identifierBag or categoryBag) a reference to a “checked” namespace where the validation service is either unavailable (due to outage or other conditions) or returns an error indication during the validation step.
  • 估计一九三七年逃港难民约有10万人,一九三八年有50万人,一九三九年则有15万人,估计香港人在第二次世界大战前夕增至160万人。
    It was estimated that some 100000 refugees entered in 1937, 500000 in 1938 and 150000 in 1939 -bringing Hong Kong's population at the outbreak of World War II to an estimated 1.6 million.