  • 驾驶一辆新型卡迪拉克——帝威牌汽车和在伊拉克沙漠中操纵一辆“沙漠风暴”坦克可是截然不同的,但两种车却有着十相似的高技术特征:都配备了夜视装置。
    Driving a new Cadillac DeVille is a far cry from commanding a Desert Storm tank in the Iraqi desert, but the two vehicles have a very similar high-tech feature: night vision.
  • 现在该让哪位年富力强的骨干来承担这项工作了;我想我已尽了自己的本
    Some young and energetic cadre can take on the job now; I think I’ve done my whack.
  • 沃利斯,约翰1616-1703英国数学家,对数学极限的概念作了符号表达,奠定了二项式定理和微积的理论基础
    American motion-picture producer whose works include Little Caesar(1930), The Maltese Falcon(1941), and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral(1957).
  • 首先,在东边,新城的这一部今天仍然沿用加缪洛热纳①诱使恺撒陷入泥潭的那片沼泽为名。
    First, to the eastward,in that part of the town which still takes its name from the marsh where Camulog鑞es entangled Caesar, was a pile of palaces.
  • 茶除了含咖啡因以外,还含有少量的另外两种甲基黄酮嘌呤,即可可碱和茶碱,它们别是3,7-二甲基黄嘌呤和1,3-二甲基黄嘌呤。
    Tea contains, in addition to caffeine, small amounts of two other methyl xanthines, theobromine and theophylline, 3,7 -dimethy1 and 1,3-dimethy1 xanthine, respectively.
  • 这时要想从茶叶中萃取出咖啡因不成问题,因为用85℃(185℉)水仅2钟就可从中泡出绝大部的咖啡因。
    Extracting caffeine from the tea leaves is not a problem because a high percentage of it is removed in 2 minutes by water at 85℃ (185℉).
  • 我们大部工作人员都驻在开罗。
    Most of our staff are based in Cairo.
  • 本公司开罗公司要求,请您提供在非洲国家销售的1000辆脚踏车之报价。
    Our branch in Cairo has asked us for quotation for 1, 000 units of bicycles to be sold in African countries.
  • 德国的裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须将窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after World War II, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.
  • 德国的裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须将窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after the Second World War, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.
  • 1994年开罗国际人口与发展大会通过的《国际人口与发展大会行动纲领》指出,“制定和实施与人口有关的政策是每个国家的责任,应考虑到一国的经济、社会、环境、条件的多样性,充地尊重该国人民各种不同的宗教和道德观念、文化背景和哲学信仰,以及全世界人民对一个共同未来所担负的共同而又有区别的责任。”
    The "Programme of Action" adopted by the International Conference on Population and Development by that conference in Cairo, 1994, pointed out: "The formulation and implementation of population-related policies is the responsibility of each country and should take into account the economic, social and environmental diversity of conditions in each country, with full respect for the various religious and ethical values, cultural backgrounds and philosophical convictions of its people, as well as the shared but differentiated responsibilities of all the world's people for a common future."
  • 他递给我五之一个蛋糕。
    He passed me one fifth of the cake.
  • 她把蛋糕给大家吃。
    She shared the cake out.
  • 蛋糕够分配吗?
    Will the cake go around?
  • 你们把这块糕吃了吧。
    Divide the cake up among you.
  • 这篇文章十特别。这篇文章认为中国即将遭遇大的灾难或破产,并且大祸临头。
    This article is very special. According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
  • 铹一种寿命期短的、人工合成的放射性超铀元素,从锎中生成,有质量从255到260的同位素,半衰期从几秒钟到三钟;原子序数103
    A short-lived, radioactive synthetic transuranic element produced from californium and having isotopes with mass numbers255 through260 and half-lives of a few seconds to three minutes; atomic number103.
  • 我们花几钟去看看老奶奶吧。
    Let's call in on the old granny for some minutes.
  • 水芋生于北温带的一种沼泽植物(水芋水芋属),长有小的、紧簇的、部包在伸展的白色花苞内的浅绿色花朵
    A marsh plant(Calla palustris) of the North Temperate zone, having small, densely clustered, greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white spathe.
  • 语音网关对该voicexml进行解释并通过电话线向主叫用户方播放比赛比
    The voice gateway interprets the VoiceXML and plays the sports score over the phone line for the caller.
  • 将原先置的保管、陈列和研究三个部门进行改组,成立了古器物部、古书画部、宫廷部和展览宣教部。新组建了资料信息中心,专司推进故宫博物院的信息化工作。
    Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department;
  • 这样,在绘画上和书法上,尤其是在书法上,我们能够看见各种的审美质素或各种美的型式,而没有一个人能够把艺术作品之美和艺术家自己灵魂之美别出来。
    Thus in painting and calligraphy, particularly the latter, we are able to see a whole category of aesthetic qualities or different types of beauty, and no one will be able to separate the beauty of the finished product and the beauty of the artist's own soul.
  • 冷酷的,无情的不享他人的欢乐或痛苦的;无情的
    Not sharing in the pleasures or pains of others; callous.
  • 邮递员一贯7时30分来.
    The postman always calls at 7.30.
  • 邮递员一贯7时30来。
    The postman always calls at 7:30.
  • 9.警惕摄入的热量而不是脂肪量佛蒙特大学最近进行的一项体重控制研究把一群受试者成“低脂肪组”和“低热量组”。
    9.Count Calories, Not Fat Grams A recent University of Vermont weight? control study divided a group into " fat counters"versus " calorie counters.
  • 然而,研究美国宗教的学者说:在今天的美国,人们已经不再象加尔文教派通常所强调的那样对个人的罪恶表示十忧虑了。
    Yet students of religion in America contend that in America there is not the degree of concern today with individual sin that is usually with Calvinism.
  • 用于新教教会的,尤其是从路德教会离出来的加尔文教徒的;也用于犹太教革新派。
    used of some Protestant churches especially Calvinist as distinct from Lutheran; also used of Reform Judaism.
  • 管状部合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部
    The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx.
  • 结合同类各部的先天联合,例如五个萼片联合成的花萼
    The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals.
  • 凸轮启动另一部的凸轮;挺杆
    A cam that activates another part; a wiper.
  • 配装置内部的旋转以正确连接火花塞端点的凸轮。
    the cam inside the distributor that rotates to contact spark plug terminals in the correct order.