  • (改組印度考古學部)要說明得失二者之間的關係並不難。你不能不打破雞蛋而有炒雞蛋。我敢肯定最後端來的炒雞蛋足以證明把許多雞蛋打破是有道理的。
    (reorganizing the Indian Archaeological Department) It is not difficult to count both the losses and the gains. You can't have omelettes without breaking eggs, and I have no doubt that the omelette which eventually emerged justified the breaking of a good many eggs.
  • 使(文體等)有古風給一種古體特質或特徵;使古老
    To give an archaic quality or character to; make archaic.
  • 給一首詩呈現古代的特色。
    give an archaic appearance of character to, as in poetry.
  • 她的手臂一直裸到肘部,露了被日光曬成褐色的那部分,美得象維納斯女神的手一樣。她那雙柔軟好看的腳上穿着紗襪,踝處綉着灰藍色的小花,由於內心焦燥不安,一隻腳正在輕輕地拍打着地面,好象故意要展露她那豐滿勻稱小腿似的。
    her arms, bare to the elbow, brown, and modelled after those of the Arlesian Venus, moved with a kind of restless impatience, and she tapped the earth with her arched and supple foot, so as to display the pure and full shape of her well-turned leg, in its red cotton, gray and blue clocked, stocking.
  • 從八十年代中期到九十年代初開展的全區文物普查,調查和發現文物點1700餘處,採集、徵集和發掘土各類文物數千件,初步整理文字資料600多萬字,綫圖670餘張,拍攝照片3萬多張,臨摹碑文、石刻造像和壁畫400餘幅,從而勾勒西藏從古至今的演變和發展輪廓,揭示了藏族文化與漢族以及周邊各民族源遠流長的文化交流,為當代和後代文物考古工作者加強西藏文物保護和考古工作提供了翔實可靠的依據。
    A general survey made from the mid-1980s to the beginning of the 1990s discovered 1,700-odd sites of cultural remains, and unearthed and collected several thousand cultural relics. In addition, over six million words of archeological documents were edited, along with 670-odd diagrams, more than 30,000 photos were taken, and some 400 pictures of tablet inscriptions, stone statues and murals were copied. These materials have helped outline the changes and development of Tibet from ancient to modern times, and revealed the long-standing cultural exchanges between the Tibetan, Han and other neighboring ethnic groups. Moreover, they furnish a full and reliable basis for archeological workers of the present and later times to better preserve cultural relics and strengthen archeological work in Tibet.
  • 前寒武紀的地質年代中最古老和最大的階段的、屬於這一階段的或處於這一階段的,其前為寒武紀期,寒武紀期又可細分為始生代和原生代,特徵為原始生命形式的
    Of, belonging to, or being the oldest and largest division of geologic time, preceding the Cambrian Period, often subdivided into the Archeozoic and Proterozoic eras, and characterized by the appearance of primitive forms of life.
  • 儘管該隊世界著名的女子射箭運動員金水順已經退役,但韓國隊的水平仍然比其了隊的水平高一個檔次。
    Despite the retirement of the world's best know female archer Kim Soo-Nyung, the Koreans are a class above the rest of the sport.
  • 個人賽開始時,每位射手從70米外的地方射其不意72支箭,以此决定準是種子選手。然後,以兩人組比賽形式繼續進行比賽,直到剩下8位選手為止。
    The individual competition begins with each archer shooting 72 arrows from 70 meters to determine seeding and continues on in a match-play format until just eight competitors remain.
  • 〔18〕這句話引自《孟子·盡心上》,大意是說善於教人射箭的人,引滿了弓,卻不射去,衹擺着躍躍欲動的姿勢。
    [18] This reference to archery is taken from Mencius.It describes how the expert teacher of archery draws his bow with a histrionic gesture but does not release the arrow.
  • 射箭是用弓箭射射中在預定目標,打在靶上的技藝。
    Archery is the art of shooting arrows from a bow with the object of hitting a target.
  • 觀念的,理念的以原型或固定形式現的,特指柏拉圖哲學中的觀點或概念
    Existing as an archetype or pattern, especially as a Platonic idea or perception.
  • 阿基米德定律可以這樣解釋:當一個立方體完全浸在水中時,如果排的水的重量比該立方體的重量重,該立方體就會上浮然後停在水面上,如果排的水重量比該立方體的重量輕,該主方體就會下沉到水底,如果水的重量與立方體的重量相等,該立方體將既不上升也不下沉,它們處於平衡狀態。
    Archimedes' law can be explained here like this: When a cube is completely under water, if the weight of water which is pushed aside is greater than the weight of the cube. It will go up and stay on top of the water. If it is less than the weight of the cube it will go down in the water. If it is the same as the weight of the cube, it will neither stay on top nor go down. They have come to balance each other.
  • 終於,他們加入排山倒海的改革浪潮,推翻了極權,隨即選新的政府俯順民意,再次讓中華文明在千島之國恢復生機。
    They rose to join the unstoppable reform movement to overthrow the totalitarian regime. A new government was soon elected, giving Chinese culture in the archipelago a ray of hope.
  • 建築師畫房子的剖面圖。
    The architect drew the house in section.
  • 生於德國的美國建築師(1883-1969)。
    a United States architect born in Germany (1883-1969).
  • 20年前,新加坡建築師威廉·林由於對建設高樓提批評而被指責為從事破壞活動。
    Twenty years ago Singapore architect William Lim was called a subversive for criticizing tall buildings.
  • 貝,聿(奧)·明生於1917生於中國的美國建築師,設計了美國波士頓的政府中心和蒙特利爾的瑪麗市廣場
    Chinese-born American architect who designed Government Center in Boston and Place Ville Marie in Montreal.
  • 在這些世界上最大的人工作品中,有許多都自同一位建築師之手--貝聿銘。
    Among these largest artificial articles in the world, many originated from the same architect--Ieoh Ming Pei.
  • 物突部分,如一種建築結構或一種岩層
    A projecting part, such as an architectural structure or a rock formation.
  • 下一代輸入/輸出結構
    Next Generation Input/Output Architecture
  • 駁斥示給相反的證據或論據
    To present opposing evidence or arguments.
  • 我們把爭論給他提來了。
    We presented the arguments to him.
  • 論點為自己的行為辨護。
    Bring forth arguments to justify one's conduct.
  • 她多麽想伸雙臂乞求阿爾戈斯放了她啊。可是她卻沒有可伸的雙臂,的聲音也衹是牛的吼叫。
    She would have stretched out her arms to implore freedom of Argus, but that she had no arms to stretch out and her voice was a bellow.
  • 一場技術上完美但枯燥的音樂演
    A technically perfect but arid musical performance.
  • 東半球幹旱地區象鴿子的鳥,翅膀和尾巴長而尖,幼體剛孵便覆有絨毛。
    pigeon-like bird of arid regions of the Old World having long pointed wings and tail and precocial downy young.
  • 有一天晚上我從某外國電臺(巴勒斯坦的所有電臺都被以色列總理沙竜的軍隊查禁了)聽到一則消息說,施樂公司也曝醜聞。
    I heard the other night a report on a foreign radio station (all Palestinian stations have been forced off the air by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's military forces), of yet another scandal brewing at Xerox, the famous photocopying company.
  • 煙從煙筒冒出來。
    Smoke arose from the chimney.
  • 出現了新的睏難。
    A new difficulty has arisen.
  • 那個問題沒有出現。
    That question did not arise.
  • 出現;形成
    To come into being; arise.
  • 難道就不會出現嗎?
    Couldn't such a situation arise?