| - 中国经济的规模在20年左右的时间里完全可能超过日本。
Its economy may well eclipse Japan's in size in 20 years or so." - 半影在完全阴影和完全照明区之间被部分遮挡的阴影,如在月蚀中
A partial shadow, as in an eclipse, between regions of complete shadow and complete illumination. - 他已研究过一本书,知道了下次月食的时间。
He had studied one of his books,and he knew the date of the next eclipse. - 掩星现象天体运行穿过观察者和另一天体连线,如日食时,月球移动到地球和太阳之间
The passage of a celestial body across a line between an observer and another celestial object, as when the moon moves between the earth and the sun in a solar eclipse. - (天文学)轨道平面和具有固定度数的黄道平面之间的夹角。
(astronomy) the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of the ecliptic stated in degrees. - 生态学是一门研究人类与其环境之间关系的科学。
Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relation between human and the environment. - 个体生态学生态学的一个分支,主要研究个体有机体之间或某一个体种族同其环境之间的生物学关系
The branch of ecology that deals with the biological relationship between an individual organism or an individual species and its environment. - 经济的使用家庭取暖油;现代的、经济的取暖系统;节约的使用她的时间。
an economic use of home heating oil; a modern economical heating system; an economical use of her time. - 请问从盖斯鲁到哈利法克斯之间最经济的机票是多少钱?
Could you tell me the price of the most economical flight between Galesluke and Halifax? - “八五”期间(1991—1995年),中国每万元国内生产总值能耗由1990年的5.3吨标准煤下降到1995年的3.94吨标准煤,累计节约和少用3.58亿吨标准煤,年节能率为5.8%。
During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period (1991-95) energy consumption for every ten thousand yuan worth of the gross domestic product (GDP) decreased from 5.3 tons of the standard coal in 1990 to 3.94 tons in 1995, saving a grand total of 358 million tons of the standard coal, or an annual averge economization rate of 5.8 percent. - 当父母突然间听到她出生以来第一次喊他们时,他们一阵狂喜,给了阿金很多很多钱。
When they suddenly heard their daughter call them for the first time since she was born, they were in such an ecstasy that they gave Ah Kin a large sum of money. - (海洋学)在圣诞节期间由厄瓜多尔向南流动的一支弱势暖流。
(oceanography) a weak warm ocean current that flows S off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time. - 另一个推行基督教会联合事工的团体是香港基督教协进会,该会于一九五四年成立,主要成员包括各大宗派和基督教服务机构,一向致力促进本港各教会之间的关系,以及本港教会与内地及海外教会的联系。
The second co-operative body is the Hong Kong Christian Council, formed in 1954. Major mainline denominations and ecumenical services constitute the membership core of the council, which is committed to building closer relationships among all churches in Hong Kong as well as with churches in the mainland of China and overseas. - 绿叶的生与死乃是旋风的急骤的旋转,它的更广大的旋转的圈子乃是在天上繁星之间徐缓的转动。
The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. - 先兆子痫怀孕期间出现的高血压状态,通常伴有水肿和蛋白尿病
A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy, typically accompanied by edema and proteinuria. - 访问期间,英国首相安东尼·艾登邀请苏联领导人到他的乡间住宅度周未。
During the visit, the Soviet leaders were invited by the British Prime Minister Another Eden to spend a weekend at his country house. - 卧室都在二楼,赫鲁晓夫和布尔加宁各住一间,紧靠东道主艾登夫妇的卧室。
All the bedroom were on the second floor. Khruschev and Bulganin each had a bedroom near their hosts Mr. and Mrs. Eden's bedroom. - 在库尔蒂伊和圣洛朗之间,您的眼睛早已注意到,在荒凉的平原上有一个土丘,顶上有座类似建筑物的东西,远远望去,好像一座倾颓的柱廊,站立在墙根裸露的屋基上面。
Between la Courtille and Saint-Laurent, your eye had already noticed, on the summit of an eminence crouching amid desert plains, a sort of edifice which resembled from a distance a ruined colonnade, mounted upon a basement with its foundation laid bare. - 然而,随着巴黎地面涨潮般的上升,那十一级把主教堂增高到如此巍峨的阶台一级接一级地被吞没了,尽管如此,时间还给了这座教堂的,也许远比取自它的要多得多,因为时间在主教堂的正面涂上了一层多少世纪风化所形成的深暗颜色,把那些古老纪念物经历的悠悠岁月变成了其光彩照人的年华。
but,while thus causing the eleven steps which added to the majestic height of the edifice, to be devoured, one by one, by the rising tide of the pavements of Paris,--time has bestowed upon the church perhaps more than it has taken away, for it is time which has spread over the facade that sombre hue of the centuries which makes the old age of monuments the period of their beauty. - 我只有时间去爱丁堡。
I only had time to visit Edinburgh. - 这列火车来往于格拉斯哥兴爱丁堡之间。
This train goes between Glasgow and Edinburgh. - 我要打听一下伦敦和爱丁堡之间的火车班车情况。
I am encoring about the train service between London and Edinburgh. - 在今年的爱丁堡艺术节期间我们看到了些精彩的演出。
We saw some excellent plays at the Edinburgh Festival this year. - 在今年的爱丁堡艺术节期间我们看到了些精彩的演出。
We see some excellent play at the Edinburgh festival this year. - 苏格兰皇家博物馆正举行一个名为"苏中贸易"的展览,以苏格兰与中国之间的贸易为主题,而演艺学院在爱丁堡的表演,是这项活动的其中一个节目。
The Edinburgh performance was part of the 'Precious Cargo' exhibition on Scottish-Chinese trade at the Royal Museum of Scotland. - 受恐怖事件的影响,梦工厂电影公司决定对《时间机器》中曼哈顿遭受月球岩石雨袭击的镜头进行重新剪辑。
In light of the tragedy, the studio has decided to re-edit a scene showing moon rocks raining on Manhattan. - 当与会者能方便地看到文档,并能对其加标记和进行编辑时,几乎就像在同一房间里围绕在一台计算机周围工作时,小组协同性就得到了增强。
Group collaboration is enhanced when conference participants can see, mark up and edit the document at hand -- almost as if gathered around a computer in the same room. - 八十年代以来,自治区及各地、市成立了民族文化遗产抢救、整理和研究机构,展开了历史上规模空前的抢救、搜集、整理、研究、编辑、出版民族民间文学艺术遗产的工作。
Since the 1980s, a group of region-, prefecture- and city-level institutions have been set up to save, collect, research, edit and publish the Tibetan folk literary and art heritage, on a scale without parallel in history. - 我花了两天时间来写作、编辑这篇文章。
I spent two days writing and editing the piece. - 这些文艺集成志书的编纂和出版,是对西藏优秀民族传统文化、民间文艺进行全面抢救和有效保护的创举。
The editing and publishing of these books reflects the regional government's achievements in the protection of the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture and folk literature and art. - 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻.
Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news. - 编辑须合用一间办公室。
The editors have to share an office.