  • 可能不是气象气球。
    It may not be a weather balloon.
  • 可能不是气象气球。
    It may not is a weather balloon.
  • 她在第一轮选票中获得提名的可性大
    The odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot.
  • 现在,我只大略估计一下,大约五十元上下。
    Right now I can only give you a ballpark figure, about fifty dollar.
  • ibm新的艺术级生产设备上玩的把戏是在raleigh,加利弗尼亚南部,以及其先进的自动实施功的大肆吹捧,已经减少在零件总量上花费的时间,减少了20%的劳动力需求,减少了50%的生产缺陷。
    New tricks in IBM's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Raleigh, North Carolina, with its ballyhooed advanced fulfillment initiative, have reduced the time parts spend in inventory, reduced labor requirements 20 percent, and cut manufacturing defects by 50 percent.
  • 如果他对其他人的痛苦不幸有同情之心,那他的心必定十分美好,犹如那流出汁液为人治伤痛的珍贵树木。
    If he is compassionate towards the afflictions of others, it shows that his heart is like the noble tree, that is wounded itself, when it gives the balm.
  • 受到同样礼遇的还有润唇膏和足粉,其受欢迎程度甚至超过了蛋卷和奇多脆。
    The same goes for packages of lip balm and foot powder, which are often more exciting than Tootsie Rolls and Cheetos.
  • ”如果科学家们找到大量的冰水的储存,这就可以证明火星是一个有过生命起源的温暖、潮湿的地方。
    " If scientists find substantial reserves of frozen water, it would bolster the view that Mars was once a balmy , moist world where life could have started.
  • 约翰.霍普金斯大学的一个研究小组围绕这一课题,分别用松鼠猴和狒狒为对象进行了实验。研究人员每三小时让研究对象服用一份低剂量的摇头丸,共服用三份。结果发现两种动物脑部一种治疗脑神经病的多巴胺细胞都遭到了永久性的破坏,而这种细胞的缺乏正是"帕金森氏症"的主要症状。
    A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons found that both species of primate suffered irreversible damage to key cells called dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinson's, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three-hour intervals.
  • 这帽子是竹子编的,不折叠。
    The hat is made of bamboo you can't double up it.
  • 这支乐队相对于艾米纳姆的有害影响来说是一个安全的港湾,而对于西斯科的平庸之作来说又上了一个档次,并且这种音乐耳熟详。
    The band is a safe harbor from the evils of Eminem and an entire staircase up from the banality of Sisqó . Also, the music is familiar.
  • 建议中的税务变动很可给政府带来无穷後患.
    The proposed tax changes are likely to prove a banana skin for the Government.
  • 建议中的税务变动很可给政府带来无穷后患。
    The proposing tax change is likely to prove a banana skin for the government.
  • 建议中的税务变动很可给政府带来无穷後患
    The propose of tax change is likely to prove a banana skin for the government.
  • 这香蕉还没成熟,不吃。
    These bananas are too green to eat.
  • 不过,小弹跳虽然有绷带似的保护作用,却不为女性的线条锦上添花。
    But for all its bandage? like protective advantages, the Minimal Bounce does little to flatter the female form.
  • “换个年轻些的人也许还轻而易举地摆脱这种令人绝望的经济困境,但这位老太太却对此忧心忡忡,以至于沦为匪徒,”巴克先生说。
    "A younger person may have been able to take this desperate financial situation in their stride but it worried this lady so much that she turned bandit, said Mr. Barker.
  • 商界人士最终也加入了可获胜的一方,结果那位候选人以一边倒的优势当选。
    The business people finally jumped on the bandwagon, too, and the candidate won by a landslide.
  • 有时你就是不盲从,“跳上乐队彩车”。你必须知道“彩车”是到那里去。
    Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the bandwagon. You have to know what the wagon is.
  • 我只能随大溜。
    The only thing for me to do is to get on the bandwagon.
  • 其次,只用带宽来解决问题,即使是千兆位带宽,也只起到“带宽补侗的作用(即不彻底解决问题)。
    Second, exclusively throwing bandwidth at problems, even Gigabit bandwidth, will serve only as a "bandwidth band-aid".
  • 是否可同时拥有带宽与大脑?
    Is it possible to have both bandwidth and brains?
  • 一旦此sts-1为专用,其他资源就不使用此带宽。
    Once the STS-1 is dedicated, no other sources can use that bandwidth.
  • 其结果是提高了网络性和克服了带宽瓶颈。
    The result is a boost in network performance and an unclogging of bandwidth bottlenecks.
  • 显然,至少在带宽自费的前景实现之前,各公司需要找出创新的方法,最大限度地用足现有带宽和尽可长远地发挥基础设施投资的效用。
    Clearly, at least until the promises of bandwidth freedom come to pass, companies need to find creative ways to maximize existing bandwidth and stretch their infrastructure dollars as far as they can.
  • 简单地加大带宽,就很容易地支持“任何对任何”的内部网流量模式。
    By simply adding bandwidth, the "any-to-any" intranet traffic patterns are easily supported.
  • 顶匣盒可访问高带宽的通道但目前双向交互功有限。
    The set-top devices access a high bandwidth pipe, but two-way interaction is currently limited.
  • 有了多播,每个客户机拾取单一数据流而节省带宽。
    With multicast, a single stream can be picked up by each client, saving bandwidth.
  • 每个atm交换机都要与下一个交换机进行谈判,直到确保所要求带宽的通道找到为止。
    Each ATM switch negotiates with the next switch until a path is found that guarantees the requested bandwidth.
  • 随着因特网接入的快速扩散,有人可认为电子商务的最大障碍是带宽。
    With Internet access proliferating rapidly, one might think that the biggest obstacle to electronic commerce would be bandwidth.
  • atm先进的带宽利用力使得供应商们在没有加重网络负担时高效地传输大且复杂的视频包。
    ATM's sophisticated bandwidth utilization capabilities enable providers to efficiently transport large, complex video packets without taxing a network.
  • 正在兴起的数据密集、视频图像和协同计算应用将不容忍共享介质式局域网的带宽或分时限制。
    Emerging data-intensive, video and collaborative computing applications will not tolerate the bandwidth or timing limitations of shared-media LANs.