  • 未来六年,北京市体育事业进入快速发展时期,要大力发展群众体育运动,充分开放利用现有体育场馆和新建成的场馆,满足群众体育健身的需求。
    Beijing’s physical education shall enter into a period of rapid growth in the next six years. Sports activities at the grassroots shall be vigorously developed, and the existing and newly completed stadiums and sports facilities shall be made fully open and used to meet the public’s rising need for sports and fitness programs.
  • 非常感谢您的帮助。
    I'd be most grateful for your help.
  • 淘金盘一种敞口金属盘,用来通过淘洗金子或其它金属和碎石或废物分开
    An open, metal dish used to separate gold or other metal from gravel or waste by washing.
  • 就木;重病,重伤
    Near to death; gravely ill or injured.
  • 谁都为她的死而难过,但我认真考虑过她的性情--她在坟场里会过更愉快的日子。
    Everybody is sorry she died; but I reckon with her disposition- she has a better time in the graveyard.
  • 学生们都被吸引到实用型的课程上去,因为这些课程来能帮助他们找到工作。
    Students are gravitation towards practical subjects which help then to get a job.
  • (物理)牛顿引力定律中力同质量和距离联系起来的通用的常数。
    (physics) the universal constant relating force to mass and distance in Newton's law of gravitation.
  • 斧子移过树木,树由于自然重力而倒下;
    He moves an axe through a tree, and it falls by the natural force of gravitation;
  • 飞船会以足够快的速度来脱离太阳的引力。这个用法很有可能被确定下来,来也许会被看作是标准用法
    The craft will acquire sufficient velocity to escape the sun's gravitational attraction.This usage is well established and should be regarded as standard.
  • 天鹅座x则必须有7个太阳大小的质量,否则它不会有足够的引力来引起hde226868谱线的来回波动。
    Cygnus X-1 must have a mass of about 7 solar masses or else it would not exert enough gravitational pull to cause the wobble in the spectral lines of HDE 226868.
  • 势能一个单位的电荷、磁极或磁团从无限远的位置分别移入静电场、磁场或重力场中某一指定点所需做的功
    The work required to bring a unit electric charge, magnetic pole, or mass from an infinitely distant position to a designated point in a static electric, magnetic, or gravitational field, respectively.
  • 天文学家们制作了几张图表,他们相信如果你有办法活着穿过黑洞的中心,就会有足够的重力让你在太空中弯曲翱翔,并可能你带到宇宙的另一个尽头,甚至另一个宇宙。
    Several diagrams were made showing how astronomers believe that if somehow you were to survive through the center of the black hole that there would be enough gravitational force to possible warp you to another end in the universe or possibly to another universe.
  • 如果恒星的内核非常巨大(大约相当于六一八个太阳质量),则很可能在恒星的气体即燃尽时,气体由于受到引力作用而向内坍塌,强行进人内核。
    If the core of the star is so massive (approximately 6-8 solar masses; one solar mass being equal to the sun's mass) then it is most likely that when the star's gases are almost consumed those gases will collapse inward, forced into the core by the gravitational force laid upon them.
  • 如果没有地心吸力,我们被抛入太空中。
    Without gravity we would be hurtled into space.
  • 炖肉家禽或肉切成片在肉汁中炖
    Poultry or meat cut into pieces and stewed in gravy.
  • 把…做成炖肉肉切块并放入肉汁中炖来准备
    To prepare(poultry or meat) by cutting into pieces and stewing in gravy.
  • 我们把一块地做牧地。
    We will graze a field.
  • 在不久的来人造卫星会跟踪牧场上羊群的活动习性,以便能够更加合理地规划牧场,而这就是让动物们更加"快乐"的计划中的一项内容。
    Satellites will shortly swing into action to track sheep grazing habits as part of a project to design farms that make animals happier.
  • 薄煎饼一种薄饼,奶油面糊摊在热的放好油的表面,烹制到两面全呈现褐色为止
    A thin cake made of batter that is poured onto a hot, greased surface and cooked on both sides until brown.
  • 如果你不经常洗头发,油脂导致的结垢影响头发的生长。
    If you are not washing your hair enough, greasiness can cuase a scalling problem which affects growth.
  • 显赫要人置于险地;小人物倒容易远离祸害。
    The greatness of the chief men place them in danger, but the small folk escape notice in easy safety.
  • 奎勒先生轻而易举这个贪婪的人诱入了他设下的巧妙圈套。
    Mr Quiller has little difficulty in ensnaring the greedy in his clever plots.
  • 股票市场的专家们说,如果坐以观变的情形继续下去,纽约股票交易所会员商号9万名注册代表,在今后数年离开此一行业另谋高就的多至3万名。
    If the sitting and watching continues, as many as 30,000 of the 90,000 registered representatives of New York Stock Exchange member firms will leave the business for greener pastures in the next few years, market experts say.
  • 该地方现在都是一些田地、老房子和住宅,但来要被建成具有未来主义色彩的体育城,包含体育馆、各种设施、湖泊和绿地。
    At the moment the site is a mixture of fields, old buildings and a few homes, but the vision is to turn the land into a futuristic sports complex of stadiums, facilities lakes and greenery.
  • 即使温室效应导致气温上升1至2摄氏度,也会对北美西部的水资源产生巨大影响。
    Even just a degree or two of greenhouse warming will have a dramatic impact on water resources across western North America.
  • 他们的预测是:格陵兰岛上温度上升摄氏3度不可逆转地引起其冰层的融化。
    Their prediction is that a 3℃ rise in temperature .In Greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet.
  • 我将要怎样招呼你?
    How should I greet thee?-
  • 月份由日历确定、尤指由公历确定的一年分为十二份之一
    One of the12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.
  • 人事经理答应他调查公司职员的疾苦。
    The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff.
  • 不对他说什么,以免使他说伤心[难受]。
    I will say nothing to him so as not to grieve him.
  • 只要这一严酷的现实继续存在,法律制度是不完善的,即使法律上进行再细腻的修修补补也无济于事。
    So long as this grim reality persists, the system will remain broken, and no amount of judicial tinkering will fix it.
  • 磨坊,碾谷,碾磨碾磨的行为或过程,尤指谷物磨成细粉或粗粉
    The act or process of grinding, especially grinding grain into flour or meal.